(not MFMP but) BG preparing some big announcement?

  • Wikileaks will reveal the vault 7 story today - i downloaded the file already ...

    Might be exiting...


    The problem with Bob is, that he alway mixes interesting facts with lack of knowledge, which makes people suspicious.

    We - the people with independent knowledge - and no agenda, know since the first week, that 9/11 was a well organized crime and without the German Schröder fiercely opposing the “Hermagedon war” the world would look different today.

    Bob is totally right, when he believes, that dark US state did organize the war on P&F. P&F published a paper, with the highest confidentiality you can get – just by avoiding to tell in advance, what they had.., and if you didn't understand the message, then look at Mallove.

    Now, for the last 35 years, US-University/Military etc. physics departments did hold back about 70% of all their knowledge... This will only harm the US society, because the industrial progress is measured in labor income not in secrete technology.

    There was never a point in time in history, where a technological advance lead to long time dominance. What you need is a stable society, something the US is now actively destroying.

    To sum it up: Don't spoil your time with interesting stories. If you believe Egli, then make reproductions. As said: Distribution transmutations can be run in endothermic mode but the potential radiation is devastating. If you know nothing about how to control (stabilize the direction of) high density H-fields, then hands-off.

  • Well vault7 apparently contains the CIAs hacking tools (it's been published now). Amusingly none of the hacking tools were classified - because an agent cannot upload classified material to the Web! Wikileaks claims that because of this hackers and ex-CIA contractors have been trading them for a while, all with total immunity from (official/overt) punishment.

    • Official Post

    Dr.Mallove was heavily involved with Correas on their plasma tech. They observed many effects in plasma which may be relevant to LENR processes.

    p14 of http://www.aetherometry.com/Re…pden_Power_from_Space.pdf by HAROLD ASPDEN:

    "As energy is 'lost', as by thermal radiation into outer space, it is absorbed into the quantum
    activity of a two-dimensional oscillating system. There is equipartition of energy as between
    charge displacement and kinetic energy. Now, if this energy system of the field medium is
    caused to move in one region relative to another region of that same medium, this invokes that
    constraining action because the aether charge is kept in synchronized motion at a universal
    rhythm, the photon frequency at which the surplus energy can materialize as electron pairs or
    heavy electron pairs (the latter being otherwise known as `muons')."

    Maybe be Bob is right by setting the tone in his way. So we will not shake something like that off as 'too crazy'.

  • Maybe be Bob is right by setting the tone in his way. So we will not shake something like that off as 'too crazy'.

    max: There is a simple and unspectacular explantion how transmutations get startet. Interestingly enough all people accurately measured all the side-effects, but they could not reconstruct the puzzle.

    Bob is definitely on the wrong track. There is no magic needed!

    • Official Post

    There is a simple and unspectacular explantion how transmutations get startet

    Or should you say 'one of the simple explanations'? What then makes reconstructing the puzzle so difficult? Lack of education or too much of it?

    And magic is still needed. That is when two scientists agree on something.

  • max: There is a simple and unspectacular explantion how transmutations get startet. Interestingly enough all people accurately measured all the side-effects, but they could not recosntruct the puzzle.

    Bob is definitely on the wrong track. There is no magic needed!

    au contraire, Bob G is right on target. His knowledge is still shallow but time will improve his depth of understanding.

  • LENR produces radiation when the LENR reaction is NOT produced by a coherent based cause: superconductive mechanism. When the LENR reaction occurs in a non coherent mechanism, then radiation is produced as a substitute for or instead of excess heat.

  • Zeph - Bob needs to take a break. He has made a mess of the MFMP brand / reputation and apparently made an even bigger

    mess in India. After 20 years, India is a re-emerging, budding situation in need of quiet traction and a circus act is the last thing they wanted or needed.

    Not good. In fact - horrible.

    • Official Post

    India is a strange country with many contradictions.

    I remember seing rocket fuel pulled by donkey. Maybe no more that way, but this talks.

    In French (and it would deserve translation) I advise that small book:


    What is it that attracts us to India? Why are we so fragile over there? And what does this experience tell us about ourselves that deeply transforms our view of the world? A psychiatrist, Régis Airault, noted that from Bombay to Goa, from Delhi to Pondicherry, a real Indian syndrome affects Westerners - mostly adolescents and young adults - who go to this country. There more than elsewhere, and more dramatically, it seems that our identity is wavering. People who have been free of psychiatric disorders suddenly feel strangeness and lose touch with reality without taking drugs. More curious: these troubles are almost all without tomorrow. Returning home, the traveler even keeps a good memory and, some time later, he often has only one idea in mind: to return to India ...

    For Japanese people, the equivalent country is ... France and especially Paris, full of Japanese-challenging paradox.

    Note that India is developing GM crops, have hacked Monsanto GM since long.

    In a way they are more modern than France, but also much more divided and complex. This mean much.

  • Re: Charge clusters- EVOs

    Dr Srinivasan's Query ~8.00 time mark (redpill)003

    "You have a million electrons all packed together

    How can an electron cluster of a million..

    and become a ....

    I don’t understand electron cluster"

    Neither do I and neither did Richard Feynman


    "According to a recently published book (4) Shoulders described the idea of CC to Richard Feynman. The great scientist rejected the idea at first. But then he wrote (5): “when you were in my office I could not see how 1010 or 1011 electrons could be kept as a ball in a vacuum without ions. So I was skeptical and didn’t let you tell me about them. I must apologize for it has come to my attention that it is indeed possible . . . Now that I understand how it might work, I should be glad to discuss it again anytime you wish.” Jin and Fox (1) refer to several theoretical papers devoted to CCs (6,7,8)"

    Source: Kowalski 2003 http://pages.csam.montclair.edu/~kowalski/cf/48clusters.html

    It would be nice to see that letter.

    What a tangled web we weave

  • The EVO is not a cluster of electrons. The EVO is a soliton of polaritons. The polariton is a boson which is not subject to the pauli exclusion principle. Polaritons can also form Bose condensates which can be self perpetuating.

    The polariton is a quasiparticle made up of a photon and a electron. The electron becomes entangled with the photon even through the electron remains in a dipole relationship with the Hole.

    For more info, see (cut and paste this link into your browser)


    nanoplasmonics: the physics behind the applications

    Research continues into polaritons as follows:


    The Topolariton, a New Half-Matter, Half-Light Particle http://www.caltech.edu/news/topolariton-nehttps://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjyiJuerMjSAhUBZSYKHRtxAYYQFggaMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fscitation.aip.org%2Fdoi%2Ffull%2F10.1063%2F1.3554315&usg=AFQjCNEfQovx0BVoLvYfSMPRtx3ID2uEkQ&sig2=weXnzXNRgoZGk1oGFRkvmQ&bvm=bv.149093890,d.eWEw-half-matter-half-light-particle-48222

    Edited 4 times, last by axil ().

  • Axil said "EVO is not a cluster of electrons. The EVO is a soliton of polaritons"

    My browser didn't go for the link

    I need some math to answer the Srinivasan query.

    What keeps a charge cluster together

    and overcomes the Coulombic repulsion.

    Can't find much here from LENR stalwart Hal Fox 1997


    who describes how the charge clusters/ can contain protons ? and great energy density can be imparted into these clusters.

    I think one problem is wrong models eg (electrons as charged spinning point particles with mass.)

    Perhaps the electron orbitsphere model of Randell Mills with 5 kinds of calculatable energy may explain how

    ball lightning /charge clusters/EVOs, solitrons can stay together


  • Thanks axil

    Nice pics but little math.. I can't find an answer to the question which comes out of Srinivan's query

    I will bear in mind yr " soliton/polaritron" assertion

    but I am still trying to figure out

    What keeps a charge cluster together

    and overcomes the Coulombic repulsion?

    especially in ball lightning which fascinated both Tesla and Shoulders

    I think that a Fox reference has some reference about -and will check that out.


  • The means to keep the photons together is the whispering gallery wave structure as a self organizing mechanism. The soliton is one of PHOTONS and not of electrons.


    Plasmonics with a twist: taming optical tornadoes on the nanoscale



    If you like equations, see this reference that replaces the pictures with formuli.


    Edited once, last by axil ().

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