Clearance Items

  • A poll for the most exciting LENR-story, and Bob Greenyers version of the “Story of O” (aka “O-Day”) is not in the list?

    And how about the LION sequel?

    (“LION part1” ... “LION part4”)

    And Bob’s Ego ECCO trip to India - or is the Suhas story already too old?

    (Same as the me356 story, which also could need a remake)

    And why is no JohnyFive in the list, but the story of the “lovely gamma girls” is?

    (Ok - I understand: “Sex sells”)

    I am sure I missed some more LENR teaser (“the end of the carbon age is nigh” - announcements) from this year... other ones might want to add them on the poll-list.

  • L-F owners prefer to support and to keep well in evidence the Rossi's saga.

  • The goal must have been reached here as "ECW Lite".

    Mission Accomplished - their place at the table is set.

    It was amazing to see the Forbes article author label the R'ster in such a way with very sad collateral damage to the

    reputations of Kullander and Essen.

    • Official Post


    Those were interesting to follow no doubt. Maybe next year we can put them in there. This poll is not really the serious one though, so no big loss not getting everything in there. The next poll coming out is the one we are taking more care with. It has more serious implications regarding the science, and researchers, so we do not want to miss anything.

  • Uncovering the absolute hard truth about the physical processes that allow for LENR will require an analysis of the topics of exotic vacuum objects, the shrunken hydrogen theories, ultra dense hydrogen/deuterium reactions, and others. The eventual physical reality that emerges will likely be different than what we expect. My hope is that individuals and parties who have high powered working devices will not get too bogged down on theory and push to have their systems replicated far and wide. That way, not only is the reality of LENR or cold fusion admitted to, but many tens of thousands of brilliant minds can try to figure out the physics rather than perhaps a few hundred today, at most. Of course, even before we prove beyond any doubt whatsoever what is happening at the atomic level - a process that could take decades - we need to push for the commercialization of the technology.

  • Hebrew language? Interpretations? The whole story about Adam and the concesquenses? The Bible? All parts? Science in it?!

    I'm satisfied with Homo Sapiens and the theory covering it. One Race! On one planet! A tiny pale dot in the universe.

    That's a minefield for the MODs.

    I'll stop posting on this. Don't wanna getting banned for this.

  • Let's name it: greediness, envy, jealousy.

    givens since Adam.. 4eva

    well-documented even in the short history of LENR.

    perhaps only wise men homo sapiens can rise above them

    sorry to offend your ''scientific " sensibilities bang"minefield""99:)

    BTW what is your scientific approach to solving the sociocultural barriers to LENR?

  • [...]

    BTW what is your scientific approach to solving the sociocultural barriers to LENR?

    Ich habe aus Deinen Beträgen gelernt, dass Du jemand bist, der mit Wörtern und Sprache gut umgehen kann und sie für Deine Zwecke anwenden kannst. Da meine Kenntnisse der englischen Sprache eingeschränkt sind (it's a non native language for me):

    I say this:

    Show me a LENR device with Eout over Ein that has been proven by "respected entyties". In the real world. Not in the JR archieves. Not on JoNP. Not on ECW wishfull thinking. Not in contact with conspirary theories.
    I wish there would be some working device. And I think I'm quite aware of the (sociocultural barriers) consequenceses, when it arrives.

    It's like an alien nation making contact with us. Talking to us in scientific manners, like Maths and Physics, you know?

    A world changer... a new point to be.

    There is only 5% we know from the world in general. You have heard about the rumors about Dark Matter and Dark Energy, I supose.

    Real LENR makes this civilasation from going 0.1 to 0.15, in energy matters and 0.1 to 0.11 in "sociocultural barriers" what ever that means in your cultural things ...

    e.g. "sociocultural barriers to LENR."

    It's not about how is "right" and who is "wrong".

    It's about to bring this Homo Sapiens to a better level of equity.

    To stop exploitation of earth and it's inhabitants, and scources. To stop unbound growth.

    To stop interest and more interest

    I hope you see my point of view.

  • Shane,

    It goes against my very narrow “engineering view” of the world, with formulae, maths, science and all my equations working out in the end to get an answer. “See, I’m right”!

    However, I believe you are correct, the philosophical bend is necessary to balance

    rather inflexible people like me.

    My brother has his Masters in theology and our dinner table discussions can get rather animated.

    But after reflecting, I can see his point of view and it must be added to the

    Equation as a variable that must be considered.

    Not religiously, (perish the thought), but philosophically, I must relent.

  • Russ seems to need recognition.


    “For over a thousand years Roman conquerors returning from the wars enjoyed the honor of triumph, a tumultuous parade. In the procession came trumpeteers, musicians and strange animals from conquered territories, together with carts laden with treasure and captured armaments. The conquerors rode in a triumphal chariot, the dazed prisoners walking in chains before him. Sometimes his children robed in white stood with him in the chariot or rode the trace horses. A slave stood behind the conqueror holding a golden crown and whispering in his ear a warning: that all glory is fleeting.”

  • Quote

    The government also looked at the work of Mark LeClair and blocked his efforts.

    In your dreams maybe.

    Far as I've seen, the only explosions in LENR experiments were due to electrical or chemical heating of confined materials. And if you can find consistent and persistent radiation in an LENR experiment, you will be up for the 2019 Nobel in physics.

    BTW, LeClair was challenged in an older forum post (Forbes, maybe?) to prove he had been exposed to radiation, with hospital records, reports filed with agencies (would be mandatory) at the time, reliable news accounts, etc. All he did was get angry and essentially incoherent in his replies. I'd find it again but who cares?

  • Uncovering the absolute hard truth about the physical processes that allow for LENR will require an analysis of the topics of exotic vacuum objects, the shrunken hydrogen theories, ultra dense hydrogen/deuterium reactions, and others. The eventual physical reality that emerges will likely be different than what we expect. My hope is that individuals and parties who have high powered working devices will not get too bogged down on theory and push to have their systems replicated far and wide. That way, not only is the reality of LENR or cold fusion admitted to, but many tens of thousands of brilliant minds can try to figure out the physics rather than perhaps a few hundred today, at most. Of course, even before we prove beyond any doubt whatsoever what is happening at the atomic level - a process that could take decades - we need to push for the commercialization of the technology.

    Or maybe,

    We just need a working LENR reactor that shows Energy Out > Snergy In,


    We can let the scientists go nuts and figure out why it works.

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