Interesting point...Kev quoted Jed Rothwell's disappeared Wikipedia article on the cold fusion controversy, i.e.
E. Storms rebutted Shanahan [38] by pointing out that the data does not fit his model.
If you look at the paragraph Jed wrote, he cites my first 3 papers in the refs. (4th not having been published at the time) But in the text he never cites ref. 36, which is interesting because in ref 36 I rebut Storms' arguments of ref 38. This just follows Ed's lead in that he did the same thing in his book (fail to cite my rebuttal of his paper [38]).
BTW, ref 38 does not show that the data does not fit my model. Ref 38 suggests what I propose (ATER) cannot occur and thus my reanalysis conclusions must be wrong. Of course I rebut Storms' points, so Storms' conclusion is invalid. If anyone wants details o this let me know.