LENR is occurring in SAFIRE

  • Some background from Donald Scott about Safire.. 2011

    they have come a long way since then

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  • Black holes are plasmoids

    Heresy from the

    electric universe model

    Interviews with Wal Thornhill April 2019

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  • I hardly ever post on here...more of a lurker. But what kind of an idiotic trolling post is this?

    Axils "different thinking" already was banned on ECWORLD ( and, for sure, Ackland has a very high tolerance when it comes to crackpottery )...

    He was also banned ( or blocked ) in here for some time.

    If he cannot try to use this as a kind of learning approach to reasonable self critizism ( which I think, he will not ) , he remains a troll. Indeed.

  • his OT posts

    perhaps clarifier is OT?

    The role of magnetic fields in interstellar space poohpoohed by NASA as recently 1999 is now a hot topic.

    What a difference observation with a few radio-telescopes makes. https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.00798

    The role of magnetic field in molecular cloud formation and evolutionAuthors:Patrick Hennebelle, Shu-ichiro Inutsuka (Submitted on 2 Feb 2019)

    Abstract: We review the role that magnetic field may have on the formation and evolution of molecular clouds. After a brief presentation and main assumptions leading to ideal MHD equations, their most important correction, namely the ion-neutral drift is described. The nature of the multi-phase interstellar medium (ISM) and the thermal processes that allows this gas to become denser are presented. Then we discuss our current knowledge of compressible magnetized turbulence, thought to play a fundamental role in the ISM. We also describe what is known regarding the correlation between the magnetic and the density fields. Then the influence that magnetic field may have on the interstellar filaments and the molecular clouds is discussed, notably the role it may have on the prestellar dense cores as well as regarding the formation of stellar clusters. Finally we briefly review its possible effects on the formation of molecular clouds themselves. We argue that given the magnetic intensities that have been measured, it is likely that magnetic field is i) responsible of reducing the star formation rate in dense molecular cloud gas by a factor of a few, ii) strongly shaping the interstellar gas by generating a lot of filaments and reducing the numbers of clumps, cores and stars, although its exact influence remains to be better understood. % by a factor on the order of at least 2. Moreover at small scales, magnetic braking is likely a dominant process that strongly modifies the outcome of the star formation process. Finally, we stress that by inducing the formation of more massive stars, magnetic field could possibly enhance the impact of stellar feedback.
  • Electrical universe challenged offical view of of the origin of the Moon's craters. Now I want an explanation why most of them are round from the mainstream before they get to objects in other galaxies.

    The reason that craters on the moon are round is due to the extreme velocities of the impactors. The impact energy is dissipated in an explosion due to the very high heat generated by the sudden stopping of the impactor releasing the stored kinetic energy.

    So even a very shallow angle impact which would otherwise leave an elongated impact mark leaves a round hole centered where the impactor explodes, which then obscures the original elongated impact mark made only fractions of a second earlier.

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    Us military labs modeled it with high speed projectiles. May be you can find it on youtube.


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    Not quite understood the mumbling past 10:30 but it is otherwise explains phenomenon.

  • You mentioned them but no video.

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    they get a bit touchy at the end.

    interesting theories.

    • Official Post

    The Safire Team show off their high tech equipment:

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