Have you verified that the hotwire anemometer is not recommended for turbulent systems.?
You need to show calculation of why not rather than a ROT.. based on turbulent intensity.
What do you recommend... a pitot tube?
""Hot-wire anemometers, while extremely delicate, have extremely high frequency-response and fine spatial resolution compared to other measurement methods, and as such are almost universally employed for the detailed study of turbulent flows, or any flow in which rapid velocity fluctuations are of interest.""
RB: that is not inconsistent with AF's point. The issue being that turbulent flow can register in all directions, and the velocity magnitude is recorded. Whereas the actual velocity, averaged, is needed. Worst case you get rectification of reverse flow and therefore overestimation of average velocity.
In addition the anenometer will not measure the velocity component in the forward direction alone, so sideways movement will be counted when this does not actually lead to greater airflow.
No idea how large this effect will be, but AF has a point. That is why exact controls are helpful: they would deal with any issue to do with poor airflow measurement.