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Sounds like Klimov is trying to cover fish sandwich with Nutella so hydrocarbonrussia can swallow it
I do not understand, but somehow this involves LENR. Klimov is a well known name in the field.
Thank you Sergei. Good read.
cover fish sandwich with Nutella so hydrocarbonrussia can swallow it
Klimov "It is likely that the first LENR-based industrial power plants will use plasma with hydrocarbons.!!!!!"
Spacibog HydrocarbonRussia .
It is a wise thing to distribute LENR knowledge widely
just in case of plutonium sandwichs.
Климов решил заработать на нефтяниках... Я это тоже начинал с 2006 в Дагомысе... Лучше уж крекинг придумал, а то же накрутил всякой ерунды...
It is mind boggling how much of Russian forest klimov can save by boosting firewood BTU 10x