Silver Science - Hydrogen from Waste

    • Official Post

    What I am concerned about is the fact that Proton Technology are running (or proposing to run) unbounded reactors underground, with I suspect only the haziest idea about what is actually happening inside them. They will contain many temperature zones that might not produce hydrogen but in my opinion some of those zones are likely to produce both toxic and/or mutagenic compounds that will inevitably migrate into the water table.

    "It's not the reactions you want that are the proble, but the side reactions you don't."

    i guess that is why they call it 'syngas'. The core IP should be about separating hydrogen from the rest. It can also create cavities underground etc. The biggest hurdle could be obtaining env. Assesment but compared to tarsands ravage they can be considered as green solution

  • Admirable use of free materials,

    Recycling has a different ethic in China..

    anyone for Chnese takeout?

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    The cost of labour in China is about the same as the cost of gutter oil

    Here in Sydney I get 10c for each intact can .(ie with a readable barcode). melted or crushed aluminium is worthless,,

    • Official Post

    Nice article in the UK Guardian newspaper.

    Hydrogen has been the next big thing for longer than its advocates would care to remember. Before Elon Musk, Tesla and electric battery technology, it was commonly assumed that we might all, one day, be driving hydrogen cars. The traditional drawback for investors has been the expensive complexity of actually producing the stuff. But in an era of net zero carbon emissions targets, the green utility of the most common chemical element in the universe is turning it into one of the most fashionable products on earth.

    “Blue” hydrogen – the kind Equinor hopes to produce in Hull – can be made almost carbon-free from natural gas, by using the capture and storage technology. For groups such as Friends of the Earth, “almost” is not good enough, and the enormous cost of capture and storage has also generated scepticism.

    Green hydrogen, on the other hand, which is made from renewable sources, bypasses fossil fuels altogether.…reen-recovery-for-britain

    ETA- I think some smart people have been telling the government that our grid infrastructure cannot handle 20 million electric vehicles, so they see hydrogen as a way out of rewiring the entire nation.

    • Official Post…-green-hydrogen-j7v6wnn6q

    Fossil fuel companies ‘misleading’ Boris Johnson on green hydrogen

    Oliver Wright, Policy Editor

    Thursday September 24 2020, 12.01am, The Times Creating truly green hydrogen fuel from water is energy intensive and expensive, experts say Creating truly green hydrogen fuel from water is energy intensive and expensive, experts say Boris Johnson is being misled by Britain’s multibillion-pound fossil fuel lobby into backing climate change policies that risk unnecessarily pushing up energy bills and undermining carbon targets, leading scientists warn today.

    • Official Post

    My work on hydrogen generation continues, but now the emphasis is shifting to post-treatment of aluminium hydroxide and other by-products. It's a messy business. Also I have been getting through a lot of distilled water - since my local water supply is very high in calcium which confuses the analysis. Fed up with paying through the nose for it, I found this very inexpensive fan-cooled electric still. This has reduced the cost of my DW from around $1/litre to 20c.

    As I said -this can be a messy business. Oops!

    It also involves a lot of microscope and particle size/morphology measurement

    Dark-field microscopy - these clusters are clumps of smaller crystals approx 5 microns in size.

    • Official Post

    Distilled water is the heart of many labs, the local university has a dedicated room for a still, churns out about 1000 liters per day, producing about 1800 grams of solids per day (that’s how “good” is our tap water).

    So I get that you are now optimizing the process for increasing the value of the AlOH, it’s post processing or the idea is to implement direct changes into the hydrogen production to get better AlOH right away?

    AlOH has a curious veterinary use: Phosphate quenching from the food for slowing down kidney deterioration in cats. Quite expensive!

    • Official Post

    I am looking at the effect of different reactor pressures and temperatures on the morphology of the hydroxide, and also at various pre-and post treatments on purity. of both the hydrogen and the hydroxide. I stumbled- quite by chance on a very effective -and very green -purification method for the hydroxide -when this batch of samples go for spectroscopic analysis I will see if it is good as it looks.

    Right now though the discovery phase is done and it's a question of ticking all the boxes. Meanwhile my engineering partners are working on plant schematics. A busy life- but the lab is like my own train-set, and I get to play with it whenever I like.

    On the topic of stills, many decades ago I helped to build an all-glass (quickfit) fully automatic triple still, the water was used to prepare culture media for human tissue culture. That was a fun task for somebody not long out of school. :)

    • Official Post

    Price depends on purity. If I can get 3 9's (99.9%) purity the hydroxide has a good market value- better than $500/ton since it also has a 'green premium' being made from waste. Five 9's (99.999%) purity is around $1-2000 per ton.

    Top impurities (not in order) are Iron, vanadium, magnesium, silicon, copper, sodium.

  • Good to heart your business takes a good way :)

    I should try to share again the Italian event, because you should know it will be back "open restaurant" at this date, we hope 8)

  • Price depends on purity. If I can get 3 9's (99.9%) purity the hydroxide has a good market value- better than $500/ton since it also has a 'green premium' being made from waste. Fie 9's (99.999%) purity is around $1-2000 per ton.

    Top impurities (not in order) are Iron, vanadium, magnesium, silicon, copper, sodium.

    The impurities have potential utilization too!

  • Transition and alkali metal salts/oxides are an important upcoming resource, not just for the colouring of ceramics but for fertilizers, practical single-atom catalysis and efficient energy-related doping.

    • Official Post

    Above is a picture of one of the purified hydroxide samples.

    Here for comparison, at the same magnification, is a 100 mesh wire screen.

    The strange thing is that the particles pack so tightly that attempting to vacuum filter even a 'low solids' slurry through the screen results in the formation of a packed 'cake' on top of the mesh, after only a small amount of fluid has passed through it.

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