Ed Storms has very kindly given me permission to use this space to publish a preprint of his latest paper, and hopes to see discussion of the contents here. As many of you know Ed (now in his 90's but still very much a force of nature) has been working in the LENR field for decades. Ed has used his considerable scientific experience, technical skills and observational powers to construct a working hypothesis about the nature of cold fusion, and based on his own findings is confident that he knows exactly how to create the NAE (Nuclear Active Environment) in which LENR appears. This paper is principally a materials science study, but as with all of Ed's work based on patience, persistence, truth (where did I hear that before?) and years of practical experimentation, either with others or solo. I commend it to you all.
This thread will be moderated closely- just a reminder.
The Material Science Aspects of Low Energy Fusion. Edmund Storms Kiva Labs, Santa Fe, NM
The fusion reaction called “cold fusion” is difficult to initiate. This difficulty has hampered research and slowed acceptance of the effect. Progress requires this unique fusion reaction to be produced with greater reliability. This paper describes the treatments found to improve success.
Thirty-four years ago, Profs. Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons(F-P)[1] claimed to produce the fusion of deuterium in PdD using electrolysis of D2O + LiOD. The claim was soon rejected because most efforts failed to reproduce the claim and the claimed fusion process conflicted with the common understanding of how such nuclear reactions are known to behave. The phenomenon was initially called cold fusion. Now the preferred name is Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) because nuclear reactions in addition to fusion have been found to occur......cont.