Rigel Member
  • Member since May 10th 2015
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Posts by Rigel

    ele if Rossi was required to operate his device then it means the tests were not independent by any means. Did the test plan say

    Step 1. Get Rossi?

    Are you sure these are the same guys who give out the Nobel Prizes? If so, I now dispute Relativity. Now I will not let the fact that old Albert has been taken for granted and proven by experimental evidence for over 100 years, I will now assume that Einstein had to be along for taking those so called 'independent measurements'.

    So now I dispute Relativity and you dispute Reality same boat kinda is it not? Sure seems like it around here.

    It is like painting pictures, Howard Michael Appel, nickname woodworker ...


    ...a very experienced lawyer, describes his experiences inside the US law system and gives Rossi et.al no chance at all to win this trial. But, is this really the truth? Maybe, but the Americans have also elected Donald Trump, so we have to see what happened to Rossi. ;)

    Rends just so we are clear what do you think of Fred Flintstone?

    My impression is that they suddenly had objectins to the ERV report several months after receiving it and when they couldn't get the device to work. Basically, Rossi pulled a Fred Flinstone on them, they were unable to get their Dinosaur rockmover to work, and they worked backwards towards where they perceived the problem. Rossi delivered the demo, the device, and the independent ERV report which is what the contract called for. What IH thought they were getting was a toehold into a $trillion business for pennies on the dollar, thinking that with all those 3 things in hand they could easily get the device working -- after all, someone as pedestrian as Rossi did it. But the contract they wrote up was for an $89M demo.

    Dear Sir,

    Do not talk shaite about Fred Flintstone capisci?

    I would like some of you folks to spend 3:41 on this video from youtube. It is Orson Welles telling about the day he became a fortune teller. It is a great story and he is one of the greatest storytellers.. Wait for the "what is a shuteye part"

    Orson Welles as a fortune teller

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    Thanks for the response. I am not an innocent soul by any means. I have read Penons report. I think that Rossi's critics have even handedly taken IH to task on it's lack of due diligence. I think that they continue to muddle the water with the ICCF -21 lack of formal withdraw from sponsorship. I think it is coming but that I think they should just handle it and be done.

    But I see now that you believe the Lugano report and discredit Tom Clarkes paper. At this point it will be decided soon either (win lose draw compromise) or ongoing appeals. I wonder what we will be talking about in 1 year from now.


    You know I care for your words. I try to speak plainly and I am self aware of the snark creeping in sometimes when I post. I can not understand honestly why you but such faith in a deceiver. Why can you not separate your love of LENR from someone who is doing so much to destroy it? While a careful reading above may be true depending on view (I owe you that). It does not address that the e-cat doesn't work. This is not theory on how CF works now but instead a simple litany of deceit. He has zero competitors now he is standing on a dais and quite literally being judged next week. I feel I am not being a friend if I am not honest with you. We need to get back on the LENR ship and he as no future on it.

    Not at all. I think IH would had to hire a competent engineer right away because a fact is asking investors to give money for a risky process, and another is asking them to jump in the dark. But I understand Rossi's reaction, his lack of trust in Murray's good faith. In a first moment IH trusts him and says the reactors made by them work, then when the end of the test (and therefore the payment) gets closer, IH begins to hire new staff and become less friendly. If you want to be scrupulous and rigorous, you have to do it from day one. If you do it approaching to the end, your attitude becomes suspicious.

    I find this comment interesting, most engineers are a bit high strung and can be protective of their work at times. But one thing stands clear, they expect it to be properly tested and put to work. It may not work perfectly but it has to have it's basic functionality. Trust was not involved at all just a test plan.

    Some times things worked and some times they failed and had to be reworked. I think that IH clearly gets that they could have done a better job, even those who criticize Rossi are pretty even handed about IH in this regard. This is how engineering works, this case is not about that. It's about a scam involving a rigged demo. Even ECW is starting to address this directly. Tell me the truth? Isn't that uncomfortable? ;) It should be.


    I would like you to review your posts on this page. One is Mary classic 'you are wrong and do not know squat' The other is when you give a damn and care to contribute.

    i have been trying to get people here to engage so I wanted to point this out. Don't take this wrong as it is not an insult, you have something to say and people turn off the 'you are an ass stuff quick'. You know that old joke if asses were airplanes we would have an airport. Please re-read #2617. It is informative.

    This is the silliest argument I even heard here. Mainstream physics keeps many such a similar billion projects - failed indeed. At any case, the decay of proton cannot serve as a source of heat for LENR from multiple reasons. You're just collecting all esoteric stuff which you don't understand and promoting it as a theory of cold fusion.

    And I must say 'he should know'

    Alainco - IH, along with others, is shepherding the next ICCF21 Chairmanship into the right hands. The Elders are in agreement - all is going to be okay. At this stage, it is more appropriate for the research community to lead itself. Besides, the business guys have a temporary distraction that must be dealt with. Back to the front.

    To all members:

    Has there been an official announcement on ICCF21 anywhere that can be linked to? I am sorry but I do not know how or who is the steward(s) nor the process.

    I get that there are issues but I have not seen a formal announcement. If there is an announcement can someone link to it? if not these elders need to get their shaite together. If there is no information available then that would be fine, but I would appreciate something hard. This is too vague for me I am sorry to say. If I missed it I apologize but I try to keep up.

    Dewey -

    I do not we think will ever understand each other. It was not bait. You have been promising to take him to court and stop this maddness. Surely you know that I think that this must happen. My fear was illustrated by Alan's comment above that they might settle. Oh and BTW good luck!

    Yes, you have, but there is absolutely no experimental evidence for this. You have also stated that the e-cat works, but you have not read the Penon report, so you know nothing about it and you have no basis for this assertion either. You say all kinds of things about subjects you know nothing about. You have zero credibility.

    It is as if you said: "I have stated that pink elephants have taken over the U.S. Senate, and leprechauns are in charge of the Treasury." Yes, okay, but that is nonsense. Anyone familiar with the literature can see that your statement about particle emissions is nonsense, and anyone who has read the Penon report can see that your statements about the e-cat are nonsense. Why do you bother saying things when anyone can fact-check you and see that you are wrong? What is the point? Are you trying to make yourself look ridiculous?


    Be a bit more kind here.


    You have always been civil and helpful, and take the high road. So try to understand why people are frustrated here. If it helps what I have done for myself is separate LENR from Rossi. Since we (all here at LF) seem to go around and round on Rossi. What would it take to disbelieve him? How much evidence and what type? Jed is pointing to the lack of experimental evidence. Having faith is a good thing but lends itself to religion, experiments are a good thing and lend themselves to science. But we can not have faith based science without good honest experiments and that is what we now have. Rossi was into each and everyone of those tests quite literally up to his elbows. The replicators have not been able to prove anything in years. So back to the point, what would it take to let go of the e-cat?

    If they settle I would not want to be Dewey. He promised they were going to fix that wagon once and for all. For a revolutionary technology that has been proven beyond a doubt by independent tests that is almost 10 years old...... and still is having trouble being replicated. I hope that the case goes to trial. I don't know which one bothers me the most, his hubris or just leading so many people astray. But at some point folks are responsible for themselves.

    /edit: I meant rigged tests

    OT: Nice article about the Stellarator. I know that this may be the wrong audience but hot fusion has it's place.

    The photos in the article are amazing. It is well balanced and worth a read.