Curbina Administrator
  • Member since Mar 1st 2014

Posts by Curbina

    A word of caution. It is true that much is unknown about 2019-nCoV. In this situation alt-news guesses thrive, and research scientists can be found to advocate persuasively almost any hypothesis. In this situation news outlets will report stories that seem interesting or in line with their prejudices. So while Lyons-Weller has some expertise, we don't know this is authoritative, and his ratings of the various hypotheses seem like his view, rather than what is likely true.

    Alan Smith had already posted sine links, on the first and second page of this thread, to the Indian preprint and Lyons-Weller blog where one can find all the argumentations for this stance. Anyway, With some Googling you will find similar expert opinions that the artificial origin of the nCov2019 is suspected.

    This article in a Chinese media did a survey in 2 crematoriums of Wuhan. The numbers gathered lent strong support to the idea that the official fatality rate is being absolutely manipulated. These 2 crematoriums out of 11 in Wuhan claim they are incinerating an average of 500 bodies of deceased pneumonia victims per day.

    Posting the google translate link as the original is in Chinese.


    From vortex-l :…

    Possibly you have to multiply all official figure by a factor of at least 5 up to 50 .... For Wuhan the situation is out of control.

    The infected ones on the Yokohama cruise-ship went from 2 10 20 60 (one day steps) . This does not look like a simple disease. Staying in a cabin without an air condition equipped with HEPA filters will probably infect all on board...

    I had read elsewhere that the infected number in that cruise were being released as the tests were being performed, as it takes hours to know the results.

    In 1918, there was uncertain hygiene, a poor understanding of routes for contagion, no antivirals, no time or method to make a vaccine, and a lot of people had chronic diseases (tuberculosis, diabetes poorly treated, syphilis, etc.). Also many more people smoked cigarettes. On the other hand, today's population has a larger proportion of vulnerable people-- transplant recipients and HIV patients with degrees of immunosuppression and the elderly. So it's not clear what will happen.

    Someone mentioned the lockdowns in Chinese cities? Maybe difficult but maybe necessary to prevent wholesale disease and many deaths.

    I mentioned the lock downs, which affect 90 million people as of today, and that are being enforced at gunpoint as has been reported, and as of today, those that don't comply with mandatory quarantine (meaning those that fail to report recent travel to Wuhan before the lock down) can be subject even to death penalty. That, to the best of my recollection, never happened even with SARS.

    The findings are that the stratosphere contains micro-organisms. How does this extrapolate to extra-terrestrial origins? Can't the organisms found in the upper layers of the atmosphere simply be from Earth and have gotten there from air currents, convection and so on?

    ALbeit this is veering off topic, just to answer you, Wickramasinghe did other parallel works to try to prove these hypothesis, you can find most of that work through Google Scholar.

    Of course is controversial, but that has not stopped him or his collaborators.

    You have to bear in mind that Wickramasinghe was co author of Sir Alfred Hoyle, and together they proposed an extraterrestrial origin of viruses since the late 1970's. They have a book about that, which can also be found through Google Scholar. No matter how controversial, and how criticized their work (and the continuance of that work by Wickramasinghe and many collaborators since), the research follows and no single of his papers has been recalled, albeit he has not been published in "Nature" since the Early 1980's, but at some point he was.

    I keep sporadic contact with Dr. Wickramasinghe by e-mail as I have been an Astrobiology aficionado since I have memory of the creation of this research discipline.

    Well, all things considered, what keeps bothering me about this outbreak, and makes me feel constantly startled since a week ago or so, is what IMHO are extremely harsh and economically suicidal measures being taken and enforced by Chinese authorities. I had not realized until today that there are now 90.000.000 people living in cities that are officially locked down in China. I had kept thinking in the original 56.000.000 from a couple of weeks ago.

    I can’t reconcile the official numbers of infected and fatalities with those extreme measures. The measures being take seem completely disproportionate.

    This is sort of a very bad news / very good news letter to the editor, published no less than in the New England Journal of Medicine (link is open access)

    Is bad news because it means that is virtually impossible to avoid getting it while having a normal life. Is good news (sort of, except if you are of Asian genetic buildup) as it points out that the virus is mostly harmless for persons that aren’t of Asian ethnicity.

    This case of 2019-nCoV infection was diagnosed in Germany and transmitted outside of Asia. However, it is notable that the infection appears to have been transmitted during the incubation period of the index patient, in whom the illness was brief and nonspecific.3

    The fact that asymptomatic persons are potential sources of 2019-nCoV infection may warrant a reassessment of transmission dynamics of the current outbreak. In this context, the detection of 2019-nCoV and a high sputum viral load in a convalescent patient (Patient 1) arouse concern about prolonged shedding of 2019-nCoV after recovery. Yet, the viability of 2019-nCoV detected on qRT-PCR in this patient remains to be proved by means of viral culture.

    if confronted with the choice of wearing a mask or not, better to wear it.

    I don’t know if you are joking with the ammo stuff, that sounds like a “prepper”.

    Anyway I’m glad I live in a desert with scorching temps that makes any virus last very short in the open.

    thanks for that Alan Smith, the HIV similarities are being greatly downplayed in the mainstream, but is hard to think this is just a coincidence (it would require two coincidental coincidences).

    Zerohedge is one of the best sources of information about the corona virus.…hospital-hong-kong-closes

    Well @Director, ZeroHedge is considered a far right crackpot site in general terms so I don’t think of it as anything other than yet another site on the web in which anything that is said needs to be really checked to take it seriously. Nothing personal against you, just to be clear, I am just surprised of this recommendation from your part.

    This kind of publications, which is from a team of Indian academic researchers, has only fueled the speculation and histeria (this one in particular being used as a "evidence that the virus was artificially created as a bioweapon". So, the fact that Google and the WHO are joining efforts to quench the disinfo spread can only be taken as a positive development.

    The amount of disinfo and speculation on this topic is riveting. However, the strong reaction of the Chinese government is fertile field for all this kind of speculation. I am just watching this develop and hoping for the best.

    What makes me more happy than anything else about the SAFIRE project is that Aurtas international started its involvement as a contractor being paid to independently test what most orthodox experts and highly praised academics would call “a foolish pseudoscientific loony idea”. And so the project started and they did their job, and, to their own surprise, they came to the conclusion that the “foolish pseudoscience” was at least on the right track to explain many of the observations about the Sun. And in the way they also found many unexpected things as transmutation and “energy efficiency”.

    The fact that Monty Childs - who admittedly entered into this just doing his job and could not care less if the sun was electric or not- threw his independence through the window and became involved and commanding the development of the SAFIRE project results, speaks volumes.

    With all due respect to Mizuno, BEC seem to have far more control over their reactors than Mizuno does his. They also seem to have a better understanding of how to reliably manufacture the key components.

    Of course, but need to remember Mizuno did it with less that 1 percent of the USD 17,6 millions raised by BEC.

    This is not a contest, however, and I praise BEC for having captured at least in part the interest of Team Google.

    My comment about the COP was solely to highlight that the comment of Robert Godes was posted within the context of a Hot Fusion news item.

    Here’s the article to which Godes was responding. He is obviously in a campaign to rise awareness and funding.…eality#comment-4777146334

    We already discussed the open preprint of this article:….1007%2Fs42452-019-1391-6

    The problem is that these guys are not able to correctly calculate the amount of 63Ni they use. The given derivation of transmutations is at least 2 magnitudes below the error bar and thus totally nonsense. Most likely they measure products from sono-fusion and electrodes. The tiny amount of 63Ni they use needs special precautions. Only a measurement after totally dissolving all reaction products would be the correct method. The beta radiation of 63Ni is faint and if 63Ni gets implanted by sono-fusion it will simply disappear.

    I think they can perfectly calculate the amount used. There's the other paper in Radiochimica acta (, which is not open access but I have read, authored by Cardone as main, that addresses the radiation measurements in more depth. They also provide the total mass and volume of the sample treated and the concentration of nitric acid so one can reverse calculate the total amount of Ni63 present in the solution. They are perfectly aware of the weakness of the Beta emission, so they provide a rationale and assumptions on how they are calculating the shortening of the total decay time by the sonication treatment. Of course they are revieweing all this from the point of view of their Deformed Space Time theory, which I know is not popular at all, but they are convinced this is what drives the process.

    from the radiochimica acta article:

    The Italians claim there is no change in the radiactive decay rate, they claim the reduction comes from transmutation of Ni63 into stable, non decaying elements.

    Their words, not mine.