DnG Member
  • Member since Jun 29th 2018
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Posts by DnG

    Reminds me of the guy that merged a butter knife into a stone with no heat, it was the most interesting phenomena i have ever seen.

    just imagine dissimilar metals merged on the surface area of a ball as it is submerged in a reactive substance,

    that would be even more interesting,

    I understand Gennadiy

    my intentions here may be better thinking it another way, I don't ask for money, nor stimulus or go fund me checks,I've earned a living all my life and saved for that rainy day.

    then I lost everything but a few of my favorite projects to the establishment. I refuse to sell my last few toys.

    ridiculous rules and regulations form the corrupt keep everyone in fear and limit free will to nothing but circuital program and this never ending dept trap.

    Hanging out with people with similar interest and point to things is all I have.

    my intentions are to stay with the ship.

    I hope you understand.

    let's save that for another time Gennadiy ,

    a million years of rain and they are not all the same. the ball is nothing more then a base to build on.

    The chances are you would still not understand without investing a lot more time in the decay process

    Core rotation increased from events

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    power out increased

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    You forget the geological reports of cold fusion. We need a new modern technology for ball lightning, which can serve as new ball nodules, the plasma of which will give voltage to the stator !!! This is where you need to look for new energy that can spin any plasma instance!

    It may be better to start with fuel layers from a hot plate centrifuge to determine depth using magnetic attraction before building a ball and risk a high kva

    when the stator is part of the fuel and the magma keeping the nodules center.

    plenty of data is available from the USGS to suggest a formula to rotating the nodules core under the magma after removing the additional gravity of the suns tug at the core.

    Sounds like it would be helpful if the lower material would come up and make it more easily available..

    Its going to take time but it should be helpful to see how all this works.

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    At this point the news reports it as lightning up from the ground starting all the fires but....

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    Like the core of the earth,it would be funny if after all this time it turned out the core is cold but the surface is some miles out being agitated... releasing energy and heat, but that would make us atop a humongous volcano.

    just for curiousity, this articel is dated 15. Aug. 2020, but today is 12. Aug. (MEZ)

    Bit like the BBC announcement that building 7 had collapsed 20 minutes before it did

    I also fond the price of particular items I usually pick up for projects suddenly skyrocketed "like Plexiglass" before any of this started..

    He did write that, in the message above that I quoted: "its going to spread all over the place with no way to stop it."

    Perhaps he was quoting someone. Anyway, various people have said that. The W.H.O. has not said anything like that. They said the opposite in February. Countries that listened to them and employed the methods they recommended were able to contain the virus, so obviously they were rigyou'r

    I would like to think your right jed but your using incomplete math, this virus event is on going.

    how long will this last on our opinion ?

    your wisdom teeth are showing THH ...

    you guys can move all this if you like,

    its the last of my documentation.

    keep an eye on everything

    Stay safe.