Dr Richard Verified User
  • Member since Sep 19th 2018
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Posts by Dr Richard

    Ok then we'll not include Costa Rica in the survey, what about Venezuela? They have a massive test claim but v few cases or deaths - maybe their screwed up government is massaging their stats? Is this true of the rest of the third world that they are keeping the lid on millions of expected deaths as occurred in the 1918 flu pandemic? Unlikely they are all at it, if that were the case there would be very high case numbers and deaths in e.g. Kenya compared to Uganda for instance.

    Fusion is undoubtedly involved in Mill's suncell and he probably knows it too! Like Holmlid he was just avoiding the bad press associated with cold fusion. He has just been replicating Sternglass's work more efficiently over the last 30 years, and a working device as is the case with Rossi and all other ventures remains elusive. Back to the drawing board again, perhaps inserting a plasma device into an R20 might work? Anything else that has never been tried?:)

    Wyttenbach keeping Avigan in because we need to treat a broad spectrum of antiviral to fight a broad spectrum of Corona virus variants. Besides, post Avigan distribution in Germany has improved the stats there no end. It never was just due to social distancing in China and S Korea that has brought their pandemics under control as Ferguson' s epidemiologist group would have you believe. All their citizens have access to any antiviral medication they need, or have built up their own stockpiles 'just in case'. It's just hard boiled stupidity, arrogance and fear of litigation that the same has not been adopted in the UK and US but out of necessity will undoubtedly eventually be employed.:)

    This elusive antibody free immune response is probably why there is no vaccine for the common cold which spreads asymptomatically in the same way as COVID-19 which already seems to have 30-40 mutant variations on the gene theme. Which makes the vaccination approach far less likely to be successful since we would need specific vaccines against all these variants to be effective. Nightmare scenario. This bat virus seems to be one step ahead of the molecular biologists/virologists. robert bryant maybe it's time to work up a paper on the pandemic statistics in third world countries as you suggested - some quantitative analysis to put on researchgate or medarchx now the statistics are all there and the data is incontrovertible? And patent our Anti Bat shotgun solution to this pandemic.:)

    Shane D. Ok. So give all US citizens a week's course of Anti Bat with clearly written instructions to begin the meds just after perceiving the first Cov symptoms. Then it's back to business as usual. We know it works because there is no pandemic it the third world because they are already effectively using it. End of pandemic!

    On second thoughts if DT backs it, it's doomed to failure as with HCQ alone fiasco. So any ideas? To source some of the ingredients now is next to impossible due to stockpiling. Know anyone in Japan or China who could source some cheap Avigan? Compared to the hundreds of millions going into vaccines, Anti Bat would cost only a few hundred thousand dollars to produce for a pilot study say in the UK where it could be provided to all front line workers. There is already one similar trial but with chloroquine alone so is also, as we know without our other essential Anti Bat ingredients Zn, azm or dox, iv, etc doomed to failure. Team Google any ideas? All it needs is a detailed biochemical outlined justification for including each Anti Bat component to put in the patent. The idea is novel and original because it is using different known biochemicals and herbals (Sutherlandia etc) to achieve 100% Bat viral kill rates by targeting all of its different life-cycle and replication :)stages in one go!

    If I'm correct about the use of antiparasitic and antimalarial drugs blocking the pandemic in the third world then all we have to do is follow suit and do a mass fever treatment with Anti Bat which has now new additions of atovaquone, nitanoxanide and famotidine. Replacing azithrormycin with the cardioprotective antiviral antibiotic antimalarial wonderdrug doxycycline! Anybody interested in patenting our Anti Bat? Not to make cash but to roll out free mass fever treatment ASAP:). Maybe Trump will back it? Anti Bat (can't be confused like chloro quine and chloro dioxide!). I'll send him a tweet and see what the Don thinks!

    @sot How can you be so sure? They have huge incidence of ghastly parasitic diseases like elephanttiasis, continuous ticks, mites, scabies and lice so they probably have continuous ivermectiin treatments of some kind whether it is lotions or pills. Along with nitanoxanide, and dare I mention it mefloquine, hydroxychloroquine , proguanil, atovaquone, doxycycline and a host of other anti malarial drugs. I was probably wrong that it was just malaria there's a whole host of other nasties they must have to take medicines for, medicines which are rarely if ever taken in developed countries. Fever? Reach for the chloroquine or you're dead mate! Because of this pharmaceutical protection already there I doubt whether there will ever be seriously bad Corona virus deaths there. Papua New Guinea? Eight cases to date no deaths despite a massive Chinese presence there spreading the virus. Something is making them immune as is the case in other infested third world countries. Costa Rica? Venezuela?:)

    S Africa is on the BBC news today as the worst case of COVID-19 cases and deaths in Africa! 87 deaths so far! Wait a minute? Do they even have a pandemic there? The African outbreak is absolutely nothing compared to deaths from dengue fever, malaria, HIV or Ebola to make but a few. Maybe they all take ivermectin!

    THHuxleynew ...There are LOTS of antibiotics and antivirals to test, agreed, but a thorough understanding of their biochemical actions and specific targets within the cellular-virion environment is paramount. Fortunately there is a huge literature on most medicines in current use there already, allowing intense screening biochemically which compounds are more likely to be useful or perhaps rejected. For example rifampicin is specific for binding to the beta sub unit of DNA dependent RNA polymerase so would not be effective against coronaviruses which don't have this type of polymerase. Anti-senilty drugs like rapamycin is an interesting angle since this virus definitely has a selectivity for older patients Maybe famotidine has an affinity for the coronavirus spike proteins like chloroquine so prevents viral entry. Need to go a step further than molecular modelling and do further biochemical tests, Add it to Anti Bat though it's looking good!:)

    Doxycycline has antiviral properties too:

    FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2015 Nov;362(22). pii: fnv195. doi: 10.1093/femsle/fnv195. Epub 2015 Oct 12.Antiviral activity of doxycycline against vesicular stomatitis virus in vitro.

    Wu ZC1, Wang X2, Wei JC1, Li BB1, Shao DH1, Li YM1, Liu K1, Shi YY1, Zhou B3, Qiu YF1, Ma ZY4.

    Author information


    Doxycycline (Dox) is a tetracycline derivative with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activities that is used as an effector substance in inducible gene-expression systems. We investigated the antiviral activity of Dox against vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) infection in cultured H1299 cells. Dox at concentrations of 1.0-2.0 μg ml(-1) significantly inhibited VSV replication and the VSV-induced cytopathic effect in dose-dependent manners, suggesting that Dox may have broader activity in inhibiting viral replication, in addition to its well-defined bacteriostatic activity. Dox exerted its antiviral effect at the early-mid stage of VSV infection, suggesting that it did not interfere with VSV infectivity, adsorption, or entry into target cells. These results indicate that Dox can inhibit VSV infection and may therefore have potential applications for the treatment of viral infections.

    Doxycycline has been used in a NY care home and found to be effective with HCQ. This age-old tried and tested antibiotic has cardioprotective properties and so could ameliorate the cardiac toxicity of HCQ as I suggested in a previous post. So we can replace azithromycin with this safer antibiotic which strangely enough has also been used to treat malaria. The doctors opinions reported in the NY post seem very positive, is this a right wing paper and so is supporting Trump's view, can any of these anectdotal reports be believed?

    How can they be made to compensate for the potential damage they've caused with this spurious VA study? I suppose THHuxleynew will claim there is no harm done since there was no evidence for HCQ being effective anyway. So it's wait and see if more data is forthcoming in the next two or three weeks.

    The VA paper should never have made it into the mass media where it is doing a lot of damage, I wouldn't be surprised if planned clinical trials of hydroxychloroquine or their funding is abandoned as a result. The message that it is ineffective has probably spread internationally so clinicians who were intending to treat COVD19 patients with it have now given up on the idea. Based on zero evidence. Except for the few clinicians like Zelenko and Raoult who from believing the evidence of their own studies and the firmly established incontrovertible biochemical in vitro evidence will persist in saving lives. Hopefully the paper will be rejected by peer review (a general rule about statistical methods is the worse the data the more statistical analysis is required- in this study massaging the data in this way can achieve any result you want). But by then it will be too late and pharma will have triumphed yet again in eradicating a cheap remedy which could have been deployed to defeat this pandemic leaving their path open to cash in on the next round of expensive pharmaceuticals like remdesivir they can patent over the next few years.