axil Verified User
  • Member since Oct 10th 2014
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Posts by axil

    I suspect that there were at least two completely different LENR reactors under development/evaluation at IH during Rossi's tenure there at IH. You'll are mixing thing up. There was the Lugano style tube reactor and the wafer fueled reactor. The Tube type reactor produced Rossi's Russian comment, not the wafer reactor that underwent the dural testing.

    The Tube reactor was an IH reactor. IH patented that reactor. Rossi was just engineering it for IH.

    Very funny. Again, however, if you had the slightest interest in finding this, you could use the search feature here. Or there may be one at Abd's site. But you won't do that, and even if we gave you a link, you wouldn't look, so stop pretending and trying to evade with silly jokes.

    I found the reference and the Russians had nothing to do with the IH testing. The Russian reference was something that Rossi just said.

    If Rossi did not permit dummy testing, how did the dummy come to be built? It sounds like IH was trying to discredit Rossi. Who first loaded the fuel in the 10 test reactors? Rossi must have done that loading. IH had no desire or know how in regard with such fuel loading.

    By the way, the fuel carries the LENR active agent that is directly released into the structure of the reactor, assuming the reactor is a tube reactor. After the agent is released, the fuel could well be removed and the reactor could still become active. MFMP saw signs of the agent all over the LION tube after it escaped from the diamond carriers. In addition, me356 submitted to this site a dozen SEMs of the active LENR agent leaving fuel particles. There is also ECCO fuel micro-graphs showing the agent leaving fuel particles. Rossi's solid commercial reactor came with a sealed 12 by 12 inch steel fuel wafer. Rossi was developing the Lugano type tube reactor that IH latter deminstated. This must have been the Rossi was selling to IH, not the Lugano type tube reactor. That reactor was IH's baby.

    Oh give us a break. It has been referenced and described in detail here many times. Do your own search. You are just making excuses. You wouldn't look even if we gave you a reference to the docket. You haven't looked at anything else there, or at the Penon report, so don't pretend you would look if we gave you the reference.

    The exception here is that Russian theft of fuel is something out of a spy story. I am interested by the international espionage nature that this situation could portend.

    "What happened" is that when the anti-Rossi crowd complied with your: "golden rule of posting", the few remaining Rossi supporters found the best way to save face, was to ignore the provided references.

    I consider myself an objective observer. Facts as best as I can evaluate them form the basis of my opinions. Any statement that is not supported by a reference is therefore ignored until a reference is forthcoming. Any unsupported statement without a reference is just an opinion.

    And we all love and respect you also.

    Pleasantries aside, had you declared those against Rossi trolls before Doral, maybe you would have had a point. But now, after the documents were made public, I do not think so. Maybe someone will spare you, and lead you to the water. That is their decision. IMO, I think you need to go find the water yourself. Then you will appreciate it more.

    What ever happened to the go;den rule of posting. Any statement of fact should be accompanied with a reference.


    The old adage; "you can lead a horse to water, but you can not make it drink" is apropos here. Best IMO, you go look for it yourself, and not ask others to provide. Trust me, it is there.

    I am willing to drink. show me the water. There is an old adage: "Trust but verify".

    With all due respect...

    You have permitted the trolls free reign to ravage this site. You got to take the bad with the good. In any event, the age of the Rossi Troll is almost over. When Rossi makes good on his product release in November, then the Trolls will lose all credibility and the volume of 'trollades;' will go way down.

    That is not emotionalism. It is a fact that these reactors never worked at all. When an empty one was tested by accident, it produced the same level of bogus heat as the others. Rossi said "the Russians stole the fuel!" as if that would make any difference.

    You probably refuse to believe that happened, because emotionalism and wishful thinking cloud your judgement, but that is what happened.

    Would you or some other kind person be so kind as to reference the "the Russians stole the fuel!" statement in its full contest?

    Ah, so it's RossiSays. Thanks for the clarification.

    As I mentioned, Rossi is a notorious liar. You cannot believe anything he says. If you believe him, you are a gullible fool.

    I have found that Rossi will sometimes tell the truth when that truth comes in a spasm of joy at a recent accomplishment, or when Rossi thinks that this truth will not help the competition.

    For example, Rossi now knows that his solid fueled reactors are junk, so he tells honestly that this type of reactor is junk. Anyone who is trying to commercialize solid fueled reactors is gong to fail because Rossi has given up on that type of reactor. If you don't beleive Rossi then waste your time and money and fail like Rossi did.

    Axil, these were reactors tested from new. And they had delivered the SAME output from day 1, so no degradation. You don't think IH, carefully testing these reactors, would know if the issue was one of lifetime rather than not working?

    Engineering is about fitting facts together to find the possible solutions. You have just just given a non-fit solution. Try again?

    Those reactor burned out after a time. Let me explain through an analogy to make it simple, A incandescent light bulb will work great until it burns out. The filament deteriorates over time, This issue involves the deterioration of materials. Like this type of light bulb, this solid fueled based reactor will burn out after a time. Can you get your head around this concept?

    I was hoping you would explain your view of what he is up to: e.g. why he gave those 100% non-working reactors to IH in a test setup that made them appear to work?

    Those reactors worked for awhile, but as time passed they failed. This test was designed to see if the reactors were long lived and suitable as a energy product. These types of reactors are not long lived and they failed in time.

    He wanted to lose millions of dollars in return for nothing?

    Again, how do you know this? Did he tell you, or can you read minds?

    One obvious problem that the Troll community has with understanding Rossi is their hatred of Rossi. If you'll look at Rossi and his work objectively and without animus, it is clear what Rossi is up to.


    You write about the previous LENR reactors being doomed to destruction. Would it be possible to add a replaceable liner to absorb the damage? Even so, if their lifetime was only a year they still might be cheaper than conventional sources.

    Also you mentioned the radiation form a plasma LENR would be dangerous(?) The QX was under test for a year and no one seems to have been hurt.

    One motivation that inspired Rossi to design the QX as a cheap replaceable plug and play unit was to solve the material deterioration issue. But to Rossi's joy and luck, Rossi found that during testing the LENR active agent is kept confined within the plasma. The agent rarely touches the walls of the confinement. The plasmoid based EMF fields produced by the plasma keeps the plasma together and confined,

    In the QX, Rossi produces a Bose condensate that thermalizes this radiation.

    I understand, when a lamb sees a tiger in action, there is much fear and baaing.

    Now I have to believe you are just trolling, quoting tRump.

    Unlike Trump, Rossi is not all bad. For one thing, Rossi won't take money from the little guy. He targets the big fish, venture capitalists because it is their bisiness to protect themselves from guys like Rossi. When Rossi skins them alive, Rossi feels no guilt.

    How do you know this was not his motivation? Did he tell you, or can you read minds?

    The plasma machines did not work. They did not produce any energy. So there would be no point to getting I.H. relinquish claims. I am pretty sure that Rossi only did this for the money. He's a money-oriented guy.

    Rossi drove the way that the court case went, not IH. Rossi was in control all the way. IH was just a hapless victim in Rossi's clutches. The court case went the way Rossi's wanted it to.

    The wonderful wizard of Roz (Il dottore truffatore) has been posing as an inventor of world saving technology for three decades. IH was taken in by this,

    LENR is a degenerative process where matter falls apart. What LENR developers like IH have had not come to understand is that LENR will eventually fail in any of its non plasma implementations. They gave Rossi millions because he passed a day long test. This assumed that LENR would work for a year. Rossi found out that LENR cannot work for a year because the reactor falls apart due to the erosion of matter.

    Rossi has solved this issue in the plasma implementation of the LENR reaction. If IH is still working on LENR, they will fail because any non plasma implementation will absolutely fail in the long term.

    In the Dural court case Rossi's goal was to get IH to relinquish all claims to his plasma based systems. Getting money from IH was not his primary motivation.