JedRothwell Verified User
  • Member since Oct 11th 2014
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Posts by JedRothwell

    Vaccine warriors.... anything that reduces vaccine importance by any amount must be censored as "against science" and "fake news". No questioning nor investigating possible negative issues of the vaccine is allowed.

    More nonsense. Every reported side effect of the vaccine has been investigated in more detail, with better diagnostics and more data than any vaccine in history. In fact, with more data and in more detail than all previous vaccines combined, in all of medical history. There have never been such careful investigations of possible negative consequences. They would not have been possible in any earlier era because we did not have big data, AI, modern communications and the internet.

    TSN: May 2021 (Steve Kirsh)

    FULL CLAIM: 'Biodistribution of lipid nanoparticles which carry the mRNA show that the ovaries get the highest concentration. This turns the ovaries into a very large manufacturing plant to turn out toxic spike protein"; the benefit of the vaccine is "minuscule", with "less than a .5% reduction in absolute risk"

    This is extreme nonsense for many reasons:

    The spike proteins are not toxic. If they were, the common cold would kill patients.

    The mRNA only reaches a small portion of the arm where it is injected, not the ovaries. The virus, on the other hand, reaches all organs.

    Actual blood samples from patients show that virus produces about a million times more spike proteins than the vaccine.

    The amount of spike proteins that the vaccine can produce is self-limiting, because the mRNA is not reproduced in the body, the way it is with a virus. A tiny amount of mRNA is injected. (About a million times less than the virus produces.) This infects a few cells for a while, producing spike proteins. Within a few days the RNA is dissolved by natural processes that dissolve all RNA from any source. No new RNA is introduced, so the process stops. The ovaries could only be a "factory" if the supply of RNA was renewed by cells reproducing the entire virus, which would in turn trigger new cells to make more RNA and proteins.

    If Kirsh knows anything about biology he must know this is a lie. Either that or he is a blithering idiot repeating disinformation. As noted, this lie is intended to frighten women so they do not get the vaccination. As I said, the goal is to sicken and kill as many people as possible, to disrupt society, ruin the economy, and re-elect the GOP. In other words, this is treason.

    What do you think? Overall, as you said it is interesting. There have been other studies indicating the vaccine triggers a more robust, protective response, and a few others that say the opposite

    I have read that the vaccine response is less robust, creating a lower level of antibodies. BUT in some patients it is more effective in warding off the disease despite that, and it seems to ward off a wider range of variants, including the Delta variant. That may seem contradictory to the layman but virologists are not surprised. I think that was in a New York Times article by a virologist.

    That seems to be the story of this pandemic: everything could be this or maybe it could be that, with studies backing each positiion; i.e. masks/no masks/only the right type of mask, lockdowns save lives/lockdowns kill more people, vaccine better/natural better, Ivermectin good/Iver bad, leaked from the lab/did not.

    These other claims about masks and lockdowns are bullshit, without a shred of scientific or statistical evidence. On the contrary, data from different U.S. states and other countries show that all of these claims are nonsense. This is right-wing disinformation spread by the GOP, Fox New and the Kremlin (who are close allies these days) intended to disrupt the Biden administration, kill people, and make GOP voters angry.

    No wonder this thing has become so political.

    It is only political in the U.S., not in Japan, Europe or anywhere else. It is only political because the GOP and the Russians want to weaken the U.S. by killing people and destroying the economy for political advantage.

    Unfortunately X-ray films and emulsions are relatively impractical to work with. Moreover Rout and Srinivasan used "naked" films that require special care in handling and developing. Today many tapes of x-rays films are enclosed in plastic envelopes that may block the radiation before reaching the film. One interesting alternative may be to use a thin photoresist layer on a surface (it is a kind of plastic lacquer that is sprayed on printed circuit bords to sensitize them before impressing the circuit with UV, and that acts as a mask during etching).

    My dentist tells me the modern electronic x-ray detectors (radiographic sensors) are more sensitive and easier to use than x-ray film. He stopped using x-ray film years ago. Unfortunately, the electronic gadgets are expensive. I think they cost ~$20,000. If you can get access to one, I recommend it.

    Products - XDR Radiology
    Dental imaging solutions clinically engineered by dental experts for max quality, comfort & value. Experience the clarity & ease-of-use only XDR provides

    1918 influenza today would be far, far less deadly

    You are the World's Leading Expert in Everything, so perhaps that is true, but experts say the 1918 flu virus would be extremely dangerous. They say it would kill millions. For that reason, they decided to keep the genome a closely guarded secret. But what do they know? Nothing compared to you.

    Japan just switched to delta. The mortality is going down dramatically.

    Mortality in Japan is going down because many older people have now been vaccinated. The vaccination campaign was slow getting started, but they have now vaccinated 31% of the population, including all medical personnel and most elderly people. Doctors, nurses and pharmacists I personally know were vaccinated months ago.

    India has also managed to vaccinate 23%, which is a significant portion of the population.

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations - Statistics and Research
    Our vaccination dataset uses the most recent official numbers from governments and health ministries worldwide. The population estimates we use to calculate…

    H1N1 still exits and still circulates

    I read somewhere that experts are not sure whether this is a descendant of the 1918 variant, or whether it came from an earlier, less virulent strain. They said the extremely deadly forms tend to go extinct.

    We live with the corona virus since more than 100 years now. Some parts of China for more than 1000 years. So your wish is just an intellectual brain fart.

    That is nonsense. Many variations of the coronaviruses and influenza have been driving into extinction in humans. Most recently SARS and MERS. The 1918 influenza no longer exists. It may have mutated, or it may have gone extinct. We know it does not exist because it was deliberately re-assembled from fragments, and the complete genome is now known.

    If a farm cannot make money selling animal products... meat... milk... leather....etc, they will not raise them.

    This will cause their extinction.

    Many domesticated animals have gone extinct. Others, such as Percheron horses, are rare. This is inevitable, as food fashions, economics and technology change. A small number of the most common domesticated animals will surely be preserved. A sustainable level of breeding stock will be needed for research and to get the starting cells for in vitro meat production. Also, I expect a significant number of people will still want to eat meat from animals. Many domesticated animals will survive as pets, the way fancy chickens do.

    Anyway, nothing can prevent the numbers from decreasing if we use plant based, in vitro, or something like e. coli based production of milk whey for ice cream. You cannot have both animals and the replacement products. If they go extinct that will be a pity, but the benefits outweigh the cost. The benefits include better health for people, lower costs for food, less environmental destruction, reduced inhuman treatment and slaughtering and so on. In technology there is never progress without some disadvantages. There is always a cost. There are winners, and there are always losers: farmers and livestock producers in this case. It is a shame they will lose their livelihood, but that cannot be avoided. The same goes for cold fusion. It has many advantages, but it will put millions of people in the energy industry out of work. Nothing can prevent that. A cold fusion based energy system needs only a few people. Thousands of times fewer people than any conventional source of energy.

    Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve University’s New Research Says COVID-19 Variants May be Less Severe than Original Virus Strains

    I think the usual pattern is that some variants are less severe while others are more severe. Gradually, over time, the less severe forms tend to become more prevalent, I suppose because the severe ones kill off more patients. Some experts think that is what happened with the 1918 influenza. Others say it went extinct.

    Of course the more contagious variant will spread fastest, whether it is more severe or less severe. That's why the delta variant is spreading so quickly. I think, though, that when two more or less equally contagious forms circulate, the benign one tends to dominate after a long time. That's what I read somewhere . . .

    The population also "gets used" to the virus as variants circulate. Natural acquired immunity to one variant may reduce the symptoms of another. Or reduce mortality. Groups not exposed to any variant suffer the most. That is why isolated groups such as the Inuits suffered terribly from the 1918 influenza. More than the lower-48 U.S. population.

    Because irresponsible people are running around spreading their virus to me, I have "armed" myself with a vaccine, and a mask.

    So did I, and I hope it works, but the vaccine is less effective against the delta variant. And, more to the point, if hundreds of thousands of people keep getting infected, a much worse variant is likely to arise. It might take months to develop a new vaccine. Hundreds of thousands more people might die, and we will all be back in lock-downs and masking, which I think we all agree is a miserable, destructive, last ditch approach, only to be used when there are no alternatives.

    We need to push COVID 19 into extinction. NOW. Worldwide. While we still can do it, with the vaccines we now have. You do not need to vaccinate everyone to achieve that. Somewhere between 70% and 80% should be enough, according to various expert estimates. The cost of doing that will be trivial compared to the cost of living with the disease indefinitely. It is much worse than seasonal influenza.

    Who posted that?

    I did. I wrote the paper. I had to buy two new computers, and I had to dig through my notes trying to remember how to set up a Windows 10 LAN. So as a public service I decided to publish the notes. I put in a section of outside the library (

    It was strange. Two of my computers failed completely within a day, with no apparent common cause. I am well protected against surges and so on. One of the solid state disks failed completely. I have never seen that happen.

    Are you suffering from Microsoft-induced Windows 10 Local Area Network setup syndrome? Have you been floundering around for days trying to make your Local Area Network work? Well, you are not alone. Mr. Google will show you that people everywhere have been floundering around since 2016 -- and probably before that! Microsoft not only hasn't fixed the problems, but their on-line gurus do not have a clue how to work around the problems, or that the problems exist.

    As a public service, I am here to tell you How To Make Windows 10 Local Area Networks work! Probably work. Maybe. With luck, if the cybernetic spirits and Gods are with you. Despair no more, and see:

    This is completely irrelevant to any subject here, or at

    I did some searching about the legal, and ethical pros and cons of mandatory vaccinations, and as expected opinions are all over the place regarding COVID.

    Yeah? Vaccinations have been mandatory for both adults and children since the 19th century. Millions of people would have been killed or disabled if they had not been. Until recently, no sane person questioned the laws that force parents to vaccinate their children. Just about everyone saw the wisdom of saving millions of lives, because just about everyone remembered polio epidemics and other horrors.

    Saying these things are controversial, or that there is some complex moral issue, is exactly like saying that roadway speed limits are morally suspect, or that we should not chlorinate water, or treat sewage. We should just spew untreated sewage into the streets. Let millions of people die of typhoid, encephalitis, e. coli, hepatitis . . . and so on.

    There are no ethical cons to this. There is only insane death-worshiping right wing lunacy, in opposition to science, rationality, health and life itself. It is the most open and shut public health issue in the last 100 years. Do we kill hundreds of thousands of people for no reason, while we destroy the economy and ruin millions of lives? Or do we take public health measures that every generation of people going back to the Middle Ages took, such as quarantine and later vaccination?

    Yes, I agree we should let adults kill themselves by not getting vaccinated. But we should not let them endanger other people. If the delta variant gets out of hand, and we have another surge, such people should not be allowed into airplanes, buses, shopping malls or even stores. Let them order in. Let them stay at home and starve. Do not let them give me the damn disease! There is no moral equivalence here between people who have a death wish and want to kill others, and people who take minimal responsibility for themselves and to protect others. We shouldn't even be paying their medical expenses via insurance, but I suppose it would be barbaric to leave them to die in the street, the way they do in India.

    Not a good argument, each and every vaccine required to travel have years of data behind them to support their use, not so much with these vaccines yet.

    There is more data behind the COVID vaccines than all data collected on all other vaccines in history. For two reasons: 1. Billions of people have been vaccinated, far more than most of the vaccines you need for international travel. 2. Big data computing resources have been used to collect and collate this data, and AI techniques used to analyze it. The mass of data, depth and reliability of this data is unprecedented. It would not have been possible to collect or analyze this much data even in the year 2000. Based on this information, we know this is the safest vaccine ever deployed.

    If by "years of data" you mean patient-years of data that has actually been collected and analyzed in depth then we have far more years data than any other vaccine. If you mean calendar years, we have 20 years, counting tests with other, earlier mRNA vaccines.

    The argument that the vaccine might cause problems in the future does not hold water. The vaccine does only one thing. It causes cells to produce spike proteins. This process stops automatically in a few days when all of the RNA and spike proteins from the vaccine are dissolved and removed from the body. In all, it produces about a million times fewer spike proteins than COVID itself does, or than the common cold and other coronaviruses do. The cold virus also takes over cells and causes them to make alien protein (and RNA). Yet the cold does no long term harm to the body. So there is no mechanism by which a million times fewer spike proteins could harm the body.

    Will those opting not to get vaccinated be able to live a normal life?

    I couldn't care less about them and their problems. They are endangering the lives of others by inviting the Delta variant and a new wave of infections. They will kill hundreds of thousands more people and once again destroy the economy. Letting them live a normal life is like saying we should let people drive drunk, or shit on the vegetables at the grocery store.

    There are many ways to force, or coerce vaccinations without officially mandating them. To a large degree that is already happening; i.e. want a job, want to travel, attend class, join the military...well, better get vaccinated.

    Darn right. That's been the policy since the 19th century. You can't join the military without getting vaccinated, and they require a lot of extra vaccinations if you are deployed. We also insist that children be vaccinated before they can go to school, and we insist that people must wear a shirt and shoes before they can go into stores. And -- as I said -- they are not allowed to shit in public. We should enforce minimum standards of decency and public health. You should not be allowed to spread deadly diseases when there is a 100% effective perfectly safe vaccine to prevent them. That was decided by the courts in 1905, Jacobson v. Massachusetts.

    "make life difficult for those being stubborn, and they will eventually come around", or something to that effect.

    I don't care if they come around or not, as long they are prevented from harming me and others. Let them kill themselves. Let them destroy their own lives. People should be allowed to drink themselves to death, as long as they don't drive cars while they are doing it. People should be allowed to die of a broken leg or an infected finger if they don't want to go to the doctor for treatment. But they should not be allowed to break my leg.

    I am strongly libertarian when it comes to things like this. People should be free to commit suicide. But not murder!