Shane D. Administrator
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  • from Pensacola Beach, Fl.
  • Member since Jan 26th 2015
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Posts by Shane D.

    ‘Hospital death camps’: Attorney says COVID patients are trapped and receiving harmful treatments - LifeSite
    The attorney said federally-funded hospitals are ‘economically incentivized’ to keep patients hospitalized and on potentially harmful drugs, even against their…

    "Callender said the protocols in U.S. hospitals involve giving patients a series of drugs including midazolam and remdesivir, which he said “effectively poisons” the patients."

    “They don’t help them, but that’s the protocol,” he said.

    "According to Callender, the best thing for Americans to do is to “stay out of the hospital.”

    “Stay out of the hospital, and if you need help from a doctor, get a private doctor,” he said. “Go to a clinic that isn’t federally funded because as soon as you’re in that paradigm of federal funding, the hospital says: ‘Our hands are tied and we have to follow the protocol,’ and that includes no outside doctors. That means that you’re going to stay there and oftentimes die.”

    Yeasus, that you spent so much time discussing masks when there is much nicer things going on in the BLP thread, could help with some fresh views and it's more in line with this sites than all this covid stuff. I need to get the rydberg energy level (measured) (full precition). the ground state is amazingly exact with a new version of QED formulation that mimcs what mills is doing but in with QED lingo in stead. But oh well stupid me. It's maskar for dinner.

    Behind the scenes, we always try to make THH pay his way here for his being an LENR skeptic. He sometimes dedicates a post or two to appease us, but not many. Good luck getting his attention, and more importantly for his agreeing with your theory.

    Japan and the UK have roughly the same vaccination percent, but the situation is vastly different. Many people think the biggest difference between Japan and the UK is that people in Japan have been wearing masks in public since 1900 or so. In the U.S., places like Atlanta enforced masks, while suburban and rural areas did not. Atlanta has far fewer cases, even though population density is higher. I think these and other facts show that masks make a big difference.

    Data from 1918 also shows that masks reduce the spread of influenza.

    Although I never heard about the UK being a trend setter for wearing masks (well known in Japan though), that is anecdotal... which I have no problem with.

    By that measure though, Ivermectin not only passes the anecdotal test, but has some science backing it.

    Well, you asked if anyone could put up a better defense against masks than Mark, so I wanted to establish a baseline first before I tried. Seems though as if you and I are basically on the same page about masks and their effectiveness.

    Nonetheless, I do like to laugh about the folly of the whole mask thing, even though if everyone wore one, and used them properly, it would make a difference. Like Mark though, I see with my own eyes that most people are simply not wearing the right type of masks, and if they do, not fitting them correctly, or maintaining them well. Basically, all of us, including those making the rules, enforcing the rules, and preaching to others...are cheating!

    Yet the charade goes on. Hard to take it seriously.

    I don't think they are at all clear-cut. I'd like to see those on Mark U's side of the argument put up a better defence of it than he has so far!

    Faux outrage at stupidities works for politicians, not so well when trying to create a coherent and believable argument. So - go for it - what are the principled reasons for discouraging mask wearing, as Mark U boasts he did?

    This is not simply a "masks are good, so tell me why you think they are not" discussion. Sounds like it should be, but there is a lot more depth to it than that. Before responding, first I have to know what type mask you are saying works, cost/mask and cost/week, proper fitting, how many times and how long at one wearing, can they be used, and what age groups should wear them?

    It would also help to know your opinion as to the pitfalls when the lesser quality masks are worn, worn improperly, used when dirty, etc.?

    Then there are the politics of it. Have the leaders set a good example to follow on mask wearing? .

    My impression is that people who believe in everything you list usually are GOP right wing conservatives. People who believe in one or two things on the list, but not the others, may be conservative, liberal or neutral.

    Probably so, but are they challenging these things because of politics, or because they sincerely believe what is happening is wrong? Big difference.

    And most of the protesting and marches against vaccine mandates -and earlier on in the pandemic against lockdowns, are/were in very liberal areas such as NY, LA, Chicago, etc. and all of Europe. Many were organized and orchestrated by left leaning unions. The inner city riots that broke out against restrictions were not in traditionally conservative areas either.

    Ignoring mask mandates happens every bit as much in the blue areas as red. So there definitely seems to be a large element of the left involved in this, which tells me it is not really about politics.

    IMO, this broad spectrum push-back seems to be mostly about human rights, government overreach, and little to do with political affiliation.

    Right-wing is one thing. But why is it that scientifically illiterate idiots are always called right-wing? Weird. Left-winders are juts as capable of stupidity.

    I see it as another example of the politization of the western societies health care sciences. They are taking a page right out of the political play book where one party crams those with an opinion they don't like into a little box, label them as opposition, then demonize them. Once there, they become a convenient scapegoat.

    It has worked very well in this pandemic, as those opposed to lockdowns, questioned the effectiveness of masks in general and particularly in schools, advocated for HCQ/IVM, resisted COVID vaccines for the young, questioned death statistics, etc. have been labeled as right wingers, and anti-science. Fauci the other day "they are really criticizing science because I represent science". Science has simply, IMO, become another political party, and they are using political tactics against their opponents.

    Whether they be citizens of Austria trying to purchase IVM, Aussies marching in the streets for their freedoms, or healthy young sports stars refusing the vaccine, they are now right winger/anti-science, and obstructionists so must be taken out...politically speaking. Like the modern day Kulak's.

    In Austria the fascists kill people by stopping import of Ivermectin. With Ivermectin no overdosing is possible. At least for the last 50 years no known case does exist! But invented fake news always reoccur.

    Those Austrian right-wingers are up to no good again! This time for creating the demand for the Ivermectin/de-worming pill the government authorities are now having to confiscate...for the foolish peoples own good of course.

    Alleged Covid agent: Much smuggled ivermectin confiscated in Austria |
    For many, the remedy against intestinal worms is also considered a Covid drug - the demand has therefore increased massively. But the dangers are often…

    "In Austria, customs have confiscated 24,169 smuggled tablets of the drug ivermectin since the beginning of the year.

    The remedy against the infestation of parasites such as intestinal worms is viewed by some, against the advice of the manufacturer and medical organizations, as a suitable drug for Covid disease.

    In Austria it became known that the head of the right-wing FPÖ party, Herbert Kickl, campaigned for a Covid treatment with ivermectin.

    Finance Minister Gernot Blümel (ÖVP) announced on Sunday that there was an "explosive increase" in the deworming tablets ordered to Austria."

    Were the experiments unsuccessful?


    Were they unsuccessful in the 8 attempts to collaborate together?

    Like Alan I was told TG wanted to keep at arms-length distance from the old guard for 2 reasons:

    -To attack the problem with fresh, new ideas. The OG had failed to produce a "reference experiment" in 30 years, so time to try a new approach. That made sense to me. But they did, at the least, consult with them. Was the relationship deeper than that? I do not know.

    -In case they were successful, they thought having help from the OG would give the skeptics reason to ignore the findings. I always wondered that had they been successful, and Storms or McKubre associated with the results in any way, if Nature would have published?

    Did Team Google discuss or present these three patents or their DoE grant at the ARPA-E workshop?

    Or the DoD grant awarded Team Google vis a vis Munday Labs, now at UC California Davis?

    Google coordinated and funded the projects" made me think they were the sole provider of funds, and that the DOE was not involved...but I could be wrong

    Also mentioned in Trevithick's ARPA-E presentation was that Google funded Project Charleston (what we call Team Google/TG). The way it is worded made it sound clear that only Google provided the funding.

    So this new patent could represent something totally different. As said, it does not even look like LENR.

    This is what Trevithick had to say in his ARPA-E presentation about collaborating with the old guard on Google's Project Charleston:

    "The research porfolio included 8 academic groups new to LENR, 10 experienced LENR

    researchers/groups, and 8 unsuccessful collaboration attempts"


    I read the Zephir_AWT link earlier today. Seemed rather straight forward until I read the comments section. That made me go back and re-read the abstract. It could have been better worded IMO.

    As I understand it, vaccine induced immunity does not protect as well against breakthrough infection from the variants, as does acquiring natural immunity from infection by the original Alpha.

    Is that how everyone understood it?

    Since in medicine no treatment is 99.99% effective even without looking at the RCT results you know this is a Wyttenfact. W - why do you do it?

    • If you look at the blinded RCT results those that are high quality (e.g. not sloppy methodology allowing hope to triumph over accuracy) show no obvious effect
    • If you look at the ongoing large-scale at home RCT tests - no easy to see effect, or they have have stopped the trials with positive interim results.

    We can rule out ivermectin having a large effect. Could have some effect? Of course - you can never rule that out.

    If you become one of the breakthrough infection patients, lips turn blue and need to check in to a hospital...

    Given the choice, would you admit yourself to a hospital with a 95.6% COVID treatment success rate knowing they use IVM, or other hospitals that average 79% success and ban it's use?

    A Judge Stands up to a Hospital: "Step Aside" and Give a Dying Man Ivermectin
    A Chicago-area judge saved a grandfather's life with the single question that exposes hospitals blocking doctors from using a safe, FDA-approved drug: Why?

    This story was posted here when the daughter was fighting (unsuccessfully) the hospital to allow her dying father be given IVM. Here is an update:

    "The hospital ultimately stepped aside. Dr. Alan Bain, an internist, administered a five-day course of 24 milligrams of ivermectin, from November 8 through November 12."

    "Ng, who with his wife, Ying, had come from Hong Kong to celebrate their granddaughter’s birthday, was able to breathe without a ventilator within five days—he, in fact, removed the endotracheal himself. He left the ICU Tuesday, November 16, and, although confused and weak, was breathing Sunday without supplemental oxygen on a regular hospital floor."

    “Every day after ivermectin, there was accelerated and stable improvement,” said Dr. Bain, who administered the drug in two previous court cases after hospitals refused. “Three times we’ve shown something,” he told me. “There’s a signal of benefit for ventilator patients.”"