Shane D. Administrator
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  • from Pensacola Beach, Fl.
  • Member since Jan 26th 2015
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Posts by Shane D.

    That has to be stupidest comment about ivermectin yet. Chocolate ice cream is eaten millions of times a day. It has a well-known safety record. However, it does not cure COVID. There is little or no evidence that ivermectin cures COVID.

    You have no problem with people eating ice cream, so why the apoplexy over the people wanting to ingest an equally benign IVM?

    There is little or no evidence that ivermectin cures COVID. If it does, the effect is so marginal it is almost impossible to detect.

    The one study you produced to prove how lame (unweighted) the studies on IVM were, actually showed a 2 day better recovery. Many prescription drug fortunes have been made over far more suspect evidence. Had that one study used the whole "medical kit", it would have shown even more efficacy.

    Any doctor can prescribe a drug off label, and no confluence of anyone can stop that. So that is an imaginary question about an alternative universe.

    Yeah right, but they know there will be consequences. You yourself have become part of the mob that will make them pay. Some can handle the threat to their livelihood, and reputations, most can not.

    Higher Ct means lower viral load.

    Now how did I discover this fact? Funnily enough it was written in the first sentence below that 'figure 12' Wyttenbach was ranting about.

    I took a look at that Fig 12, and it seems to support what Wytten said. Patients with the Delta variant (All3P) who have had both jabs (more than 21 days before), are represented by the green line.

    Patients with Delta (All3P) who are unvaccinated are the blue line.

    The two graph lines merge in ~early June 2021, at a Ct (number of cycles run before the virus is detected) below 20. That means patients with Delta who are fully vaccinated, and those unvaccinated with Delta, now have equally low Ct's/high viral loads.

    You said "Higher Ct means lower viral load" which is correct. But Wytten said "lower CT means higher viral loads" which is also correct..

    Possibly, you may be looking at the red graph line? It represents patients with both jabs who had the Alpha variant (SGTF). It does show a higher Ct value/lower viral load, which means the vaccines are still doing well against the Alpha.

    Note: UK data considers unvaccinated as anyone who has not had a jab yet, and also those who had the first jab...but 21 days has not yet passed since getting the shot. Those with the second jab are still considered single jabbed if 21 days has not yet passed. Here in the US, I believe it is 14 days.

    The AMA advises against using it.

    No sensible person ignores the advice of the AMA, the CDC and the others

    According to Mother Jones Magazine, the AMA represents ~16% of practicing US doctors. All the rest are members in their own specialties associations or colleges.

    Here the Assoc of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) pushes back against the AMA's stance against IVM, and their calling on pharmacists to not fill IVM prescriptions:

    AAPS Letter to AMA Re: Ivermectin and COVID - AAPS | Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
    Gerald E. Harmon, M.D. President, American Medical Association AMA Plaza 330 N. Wabash Ave., Suite 39300 Chicago, IL 60611-5885 Dear Dr. Harmon: The AMA has…

    And yes, the AAPS is known to be political and vocal, but so is the AMA.

    IMO, the increased calls to Poison Control also coincide with the scare campaign against IVM use. Patient looks at the pills they have been taking for COVID, and see that their doctor gave them that horse paste/livestock dewormer stuff they heard about on the news. They freak out, and call the Poison Center to see if they will be OK.

    The CDC, FDA, AMA and all the other alphabet soup of agencies/organizations lining up against IVM, then have another stat (a stat they played a role in skewing) they can use to scare the people even more.

    This article does not say these results are from ivermectin, but I assume that is what you meant.

    Yes, we have been keeping an eye on UP since they started using IVM a few months back.

    If so, this not amazing. It is bogus. Impossible. There is zero chance ivermectin is this effective yet that has not been detected in a double-blind test.

    Maybe so, but whatever it is that has led to their turnaround, it has been a remarkable story. No denying though that the turnaround started about the time IVM was incorporated into their preventive care program. Cause and effect?

    Furthermore -- and I am sorry to say this -- you should not trust public health statistics from India. That is not my opinion, or a bias against India. That is what many experts in India say.

    I thought so at first. THH has made that argument and until some of the latest news out of India came out with more details about the UP/IVM success, I thought it could explain away the difference between states. But after reading it does appear they have a much better handle on the stats than what we give them credit for.

    Good example: in one of the India Times stories they wrote about how UP had an aggressive track/trace program. How could that be if they don't have good stats? They went on to say that whoever is infected, they go into their homes and get everyone to take the UVM+ kit.

    Another was an India Times article with a comment from a local. He made it very clear that things were horrible before, and then soon after the health officials started the IVM protocol, things were fine and now they are back to normal.

    At the least there is enough positive, or potentially so, IVM/Vit D/Zinc feedback science from around around the world such that the forces now aligning against IVM to block it from the people, should stop with their campaign against. It is ridiculous IMO and destroying what little credibility they have left. It is also embarrassing for me to see how stupid, unreasonable, and vicious we can be when politics rule over science.

    Only 250 active cases in Uttar Pradesh; 19 new detected | Lucknow News - Times of India
    While 19 new Covid cases and 20 recoveries were recorded in the past 24 hours, the state now just 250 active cases, said state health and family welfa

    "Officials said the policy of screening, proper treatment and aggressive vaccination has helped restrict numbers.

    ACS health and family welfare Amit Mohan Prasad said 27 districts have become-Covid- free and 36 districts have less than five cases.

    Despite decline in cases, it is important to follow Covid-19 prevention protocol.

    The daily case positivity rate in Uttar Pradesh has dipped to 0.01% which had been hovering at 16.84% during the peak of the second wave."

    Amazing numbers for the India state with 241 million population, ~13 million 50 and older.

    Compare that to Kerala on the same date (2 Sept). Population 34 million, with ~8 million 50 and older:

    Kerala continues to report surge in COVID cases as it confirmed 32,097 new cases - NewsOnAIR -
    Kerala continued to report surge in COVID cases as it confirmed 32,097 new positive cases on Thursday. The test positivity rate in Kerala is 18.41 per cent at…

    "Kerala continued to report surge in COVID cases as it confirmed 32,097 new positive cases on Thursday. The test positivity rate in Kerala is 18.41 per cent at present. Over one lakh total 74,000 samples were tested in the last 24 hours. One hundred eighty-eight deaths were also confirmed due to COVID today, taking the death toll to 21,149."

    While here in the US IVM is under an all out FUD campaign by the FDA, CDC, media, American Medical Association (AMA), American Pharmacists Association (APhA), American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), and as of today joined by the ACLU which announced a lawsuit being prepared by prisoners against the Arkansas sheriff who oversees the prison that the doctor prescribed IVM in.

    No! Absolutely not. If the oximeter and fever tell me I am seriously ill, the last thing I want to do is "try something, anything." That is suicidal. What I want is expert treatment from experienced nurses and doctors. I do not want some drug that I know for a fact probably does not work, and if it does work, it is only marginal. You might as well try voodoo.

    Good of you to have total trust in what the health care establishment tells you. Wish I were that way, life would be so simple if so, but am stubborn I guess.

    Anyone who would take this instead the vaccine is an idiot. If you get vaccinated, you don't need this.

    I can not speak for all people who want IVM to be made more readily available here in the US, but certainly not all want it INSTEAD of the vaccine. Those like myself are already vaccinated, but still want easy access to IVM (without my doctors being accused of medical malpractice, or medical experimentation, hounded by the media, investigated by a Medical Board, for prescribing it to me), because it is clear the vaccine has limited protection from variants as we are finding out with the Delta.

    All it seems we see are stories about those unvaccinated "idiots" getting severely sick, and dying, but fact is the vaccinated are getting Delta (breakthroughs) AND are getting sick also. Some severely, and yes, some dying. I want something in my back pocket if that happens to me.

    What may I ask are you going to do if, god forbid, you get symptomatic? You are already vaccinated. Don't you want to at least try something, anything, instead of waiting until your lips turn blue and then check into the ER?

    The vaccines are great, and have saved many lives, reduced severity of breakthrough infections, but I want an anti-viral to have in the medicine chest as a Plan B. If I think it works, it is safe, and there are some studies backing it, I WANT it!

    You, the FDA, and the WHO should just mind your own business if you disagree. Surely you have better battles to fight than dissuading people from using a safe drug in a pandemic?

    I do not see a single story in the NYT that confuses this

    I meant mostly the other media, not the NYT's, that morphed the FDA's warning about not using horse paste, into a more general message that all IVM was bad for you because it is only meant for horses. But the NYTs did put out this story on Aug 21:


    Health officials warn people not to treat Covid with a drug meant for livestock.
    “You are not a horse,” the Food and Drug Administration said. “Stop it.”

    with the headline:

    "Health officials warn people not to treat Covid with a drug meant for livestock."

    which I thought was purposely misleading, as later in the article they acknowledged IVM is also used for humans. It is an old cheap journalism trick to shape the readers opinion with the headline, and cover their arse with the truth buried later on in the article.

    The rest of the legacy media usually follows the leader which is the Times, and they went on to "conflate" (as TrialSite puts it) horse paste and IVM into one and the same. .

    No, that is not even slightly true. We have known that masks work since the 1880s.

    I agree...but only the right kind of mask, and then only if worn, and cleaned properly. You posted that "everyone" in your area is wearing masks again. Tell many are really protected from what you see? I see the same thing here, but people for the most part are not using the N95 type masks, and most of what (including the N95's) I see look filthy.

    And IMO, the reason few use the good masks is because they make it hard to breath. I have tried, and simply can't take it. I hyperventilate if walking around in one. Those that wear them often have them down below their nose so they can get enough oxygen, and are constantly adjusting them transporting viruses with every touch.

    So that is why I contend the jury is still out on masks.

    If the medical establishment is trying to suppress the use of ivermectin, or persecute doctors for using it, the establishment is not doing a very good job.

    Well, they are trying their best to suppress, but when you get between symptomatic patients and a safe drug they believe might keep them out of the hospital, they can only do so much. And overall, IMO, they actually did a very good job of keeping an early treatment out of the hands of the unwashed masses. It was only recently (week ending Aug 13) that, according to the CDC, the number of prescriptions has risen to 88,000/week.

    Taking into consideration that IVM has been adopted as the standard of care for early treatment in many countries, had the health care establishment not been so effective we would probably have weekly prescriptions in the millions. I know I would have been one of those had it been available. So 88,000 is a drop in the bucket. In India alone, the states that have adopted IVM packages are dwarfing that. The establishments wins IMO...yeah..

    And it is remarkable to me that there are any physicians left brave enough to administer IVM. Just this past week we saw how the one doctor was treated for doing what is "legal". My guess is that many of those 88,000 prescriptions were written by the pill mills springing up on the internet to satisfy the demand. I linked to one a few weeks back. Also, the FLCCC has a list of brave doctors, and I am guessing they represented a large part of the uptick.

    Those 88,000 prescriptions/week will probably go down dramatically though. Last Monday, the FDA launched their "you are not a horse, you are not a cow" campaign warning against using the livestock paste. Right on cue, the NYT's put out a story echoing the FDA, and now the legacy media has jumped on board. Most are totally mangling the actual details, as the FDA was clear they were talking about humans not using the livestock version, but the media have morphed that into any form of IVM can hurt you.

    I do not know any of the people doing that report; your statement above is a sort of subtle implication of bias on my part ?

    I believe you try very hard not to be biased, but your politics get in the way of being totally so. Nothing wrong with having a political stance to the left/right (left in your case), but you express it so often, strongly, and at times is hard to imagine your conclusions are not at times more your politics talking, rather than your science.

    We are all like that I guess, and to your credit you do better than most balancing it all out. That is why you have such a big following here.

    Not sure if here you are deliberately being stupid, or it is the real article. I suspect deliberate

    "Stupid" is a little uncomfortable, but yes...I was having a little fun. That is why the smiley.

    Now, your 31 RCTs. Did you read carefully that nice paper that compared GRADE bias with results and showed that it was only the highly likley biased studies that overall gave ivermectin positive, and the (large number) of low bias studies showed it negative

    Yes, yes I read the paper. I marveled when reading how human bias could be so scientifically quantified. I trust your friends doing these studies are confident their input (subject to personal bias), are confident their studies output/conclusions are unbiased.

    It reminded me when back in the 90's some of the big Wall Street firms hired real life rocket scientists to exploit the market using sophisticated algorithms. Worked for a short time, but because their techniques became part of the complicated mix that makes the market unpredictable, the market adjusted, and they lost a lot of money.

    They were fired and WS went back to ripping-off us little guys the old fashioned way.