The History of Things to Come (Axil Axil)

    • Official Post

    [feedquote='E-Cat World','']This comment was submitted by Axil Axil in this thread It is true that the U.S. scientific community, government, patent office, U.S. based global oil and gas companies, and so on, have a very hostile attitude toward the goals and methods that Rossi has employed in the past and wants to employ in the future. […][/feedquote]

  • One century ago the agriculture was the main source of energy for humans and theirs animals. At this epoch the sun give energy to plants, then to humans's animals, then to 1,000,000,000 humans.

    Along the XXth century, in two mondial wars and later, colonials countries fighted against each others to collect without pay the oil and other minerals of colonized countries. Then a new nuclear energy appears, first to kill 100,000 humans, then to generate usefull energy.

    Also after these wars, the agriculture have consummed more and more energy, colonizer peoples have used lots of energies, from oil and uranium coming from colonized countries, colonizer peoples have named this epoch "30 glorious years". Mainly in colonized countries, the mondial population become 7,000,000,000 humans. Because the large population et the type of energies sources used the mankind has become dangerous for the mankind itself. In my humble own opinion, the XXth century could be named "shameful century".

    In 2016 [lexicon]Industrial Heat[/lexicon] will begin to sold E-Cats, then in 5 years whole the mankind will know that this energy is efficient, usefull, clean and cheaper.
    Then along 20 years, [lexicon]Industrial Heat[/lexicon], Brillouin, BlackLightPower, or perhaps Yldiz, Auroratech ... will produce generators of new energies.
    From these 20 years, more and more people will can begin to use these new energies.

    But this will not be so easy for mankind. Old energies give occupations to many humans and the mutation of economies of some countries could be cahotic if governments are not enough efficient, or if the financers try to divert the benefices from the people.

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