Rossi: Leonardo ‘Warship’ Ready With Robotics to Rapidly Produce Low Price E-Cats, ‘Burn Out’ Competition

    • Official Post

    [feedquote='E-Cat World','']Andrea Rossi has said recently that his biggest problem is the size of his potential market, and it got me thinking. The need for energy is universal, and who would not want a source of energy that is much cheaper than what is currently available, and clean and green at the same time. So I […][/feedquote]

  • Rossi's USPTO patent will not protect him when big governments like China/India. turn a blindeye for the sake of national interest.
    His swamp the market idea is very savvy and necessary to avoid dangerous copies which would endanger the whole global market.
    I remember the 'bindies' fiasco when the substitution of one chemical component in a glue with a slightly cheaper chemical caused hospitalisation of children and destroyed the global market for a children's toy..the E-cat is much more critical for the world future

  • It is beyond a joke that such grandiose speculations should be made about a claimed product with extraordinary world-changing technology, and which has never yet been shown to work.

  • Yeah! Bastards!
    Please do something about it Thomas! Tell them to be more reasonable!!!

  • I was thinking of writing a letter to The Telegraph and signing it "Disgusted from Tunbridge Wells".

    [This is a UK cultural reference which maybe will not make much sense elsewhere]

  • you nailed it. i have no idea what ur talking about...
    I think we will see soon enought if Rossi et al really have what he claims they have.
    Till then I think its difficult to make predictions, especially about the future.

  • Quote from monty

    I think we will see soon enough if Rossi et al really have what he claims they have.

    Could I perhaps hold you to that? It is, I should warn you, something that has been said many times over the last 5 years...

  • Thomas

    extraordinary world-changing technology, and which has never yet been shown to work

    That depends on who you believe, I for my part take far more notice of people like Edmund Storms who consolidates his research in more credible ways than you do or have ever done in my opinion, but I think we will have to wait and see.

    Best regards

  • Thomas

    Now I know how much you dislike censorship of any kind so I hope you will apologise and let me develop my response.

    It may be my views are so atypical of people here that this place will ban me, or start heavily moderating my posts (the same, because I would go). I won't complain about that, if it happens. Until it does I will stay in the corner of the few LENR supporters who believe robust criticism and debate the best way to progress scientific understanding.

    When you claim: "It is beyond a joke that such grandiose speculations should be made about a claimed product with extraordinary world-changing technology, and which has never yet been shown to work" you are factually incorrect, the product has been shown to work but the demonstration conclusions are under review . Whilst we do not know many conclusive facts about the 'product' I grant you, we do know much about the 'extraordinary world-changing technology'. In my opinion (I hope you agree I am entitled to an opinion and that it is not 'off topic') the 'extraordinary world-changing technology' has been researched by Dr Storms (among many others) who has carried out the most comprehensive research on LENR as a 'main stream scientist. He worked for the Los Alamos Laboratory.

    On that basis alone (and there are many more) you are wrong and unscientific, to dismiss the 'extraordinary world-changing technology'. As to Rossi's product, you have your views and I respect that, but we live in a free market economy, a vital component of which is 'free speech' which allows ontrapnures to advertise their products. I have no doubt most of the advertising we see published is biased and some factually false. Purchasers must make their own mind up. I hope you don't feel this response is 'off topic' if you do not, perhaps you will have the courtesy to apologise.

    If you still do feel it is 'off topic' I am happy for you to refer my contribution to the moderators who's decision I am quite content to accept and abide by.

    Best regards Thomas

  • Quote

    you are factually incorrect, the product has been shown to work but the demonstration conclusions are under review .

    Rossi has conducted many demonstrations which he has claimed show the product works. However others, looking at the same demonstrations, have discovered clear flaws. That would not be "shown to work" were the claims ordinary. In reality they are extraordinary - greater care is therefore needed.


    Whilst we do not know many conclusive facts about the 'product' I grant you, we do know much about the 'extraordinary world-changing technology'. In my opinion (I hope you agree I am entitled to an opinion and that it is not 'off topic') the 'extraordinary world-changing technology' has been researched by Dr Storms (among many others) who has carried out the most comprehensive research on LENR as a 'main stream scientist. He worked for the Los Alamos Laboratory.

    We perhaps disagree as to whether LENR technology works. I'd only say that technology is the application of science to useful problems. Storms may be convinced that there is a real scientific anomaly with an LENR explanation. He cannot point to any practical use of this (if you have found such a use, please let me know?).

    Of course personally I disagree on the issue of LENR science. I don't find the various anomalies best explained by LENR. But what is needed here for my point (which you disagree with) is weaker. The claim that no LENR technology has currently been shown to work. You might want to consider that and change your mind or provide an example?

  • Thomas Thomas Thomas. Dont be so stiff. Relax. Give the ecat and Rossi the time they need. Or r u in a hurry of any kind?

  • Umm - Monty it is not for me to give Rossi anything. I'll just remind you that identical statements to yours have been made throughout the last 5 years, so the sense of imminence you convey is misleading.

    For me, I'm pretty sure based on external evidence that Rossi has never had, and will never have, any working product, and therefore the only question is whether he can join the ranks of Steorn and BLP, with essentially infinite non-product life (OK - Steorn has a product but non working product life) or whether all will come tumbling down in some spectacular fashion. I don't have a clue which of these is more likely.

  • It seems to me if the measure of success is the production of excess heat that Rossi would surly know how the ERV yearlong test went. But the criteria for successfully passing the 1 year test may not be COP but the production of ionizing radiation or the lack of it. Rossi has spent many years in beating back the occasional bursts of ionizing radiation from his various E-Cat prototypes; control and radiation where his concerns. We know that the ERV test director is a person with long years of experience in the nuclear industry. He may have set up radiation detectors all throughout the shipping container to check for any appearance of a radiation burst.

    Rossi would have no way to predict that his technology is radiation free. This is his reason for the F9 response in terms of the ERV test. If any radiation is seen coming out of the X-Cat, that would put Rossi in a very difficult spot with NRC and FDA regulation and licensing. The ERV test director could easily torpedo Rossi's LENR warship.

  • @axil

    Re ERV and test results:

    Pweet on ECN seldom posts, but I find his remarks pretty insightful when he does.

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