me356: Reactor parameters [part 2]

  • Hank Mills: You are doing a great job. You do not have to do anything else, because fight is over and we have won the battle (at least the first, but the most important round).
    Remember that there are also many other groups that are very successfull, much more than me.

    Unfortunately with chatting, I will not move with work too much.

  • Hank Mills: there are usually at least two problems. One which nearly nobody is doing, but is done by a successfull replicators (if done, chances of getting excess heat is probably 90% higher) and second that all unsuccessfull replicators are unaware. Second one is not mentioned in any replication report and even not all successfull replicators might be aware of this.
    But you can still find at least a hint in one report.

    This mean, that everything you will need was already told in the reports. No one is replicating exactly. But doing so is really hard.

  • Replicators are speding too much effort in the areas that can be done in a few seconds. But areas that are necessary are not done at all.
    Design of Parkhomov is too much "primitive" to make it reliable, so to achieve results it is too complicated.
    Think about it, you can control everything.

  • @Hank Mills
    I apologize for sounding so harsh.

    I know that you are above the drama most of time. The excitement for so long without consummation can be difficult to manage sometimes.

    Like a nasty itch between the shoulder blades, where you can't reach, and only someone else can.
    When a garden claw or tree trunk just does not satisfy.

  • Peter Ekstrom: Mostly all detectors are limited with around 2-5 MeV, including scintillators. This is reason why we might not see it and reason for word "measurable".

    I do not see why a scintillator cannot detect higher energies. You just turn the amplification down. And an environment with neutrons flying all over will create lots of different gammas.

  • Don't we already have a COP of 1.2 device already handed to us?

    I bought 33 m of 32 Ga Ni200 wire the day after the results came out.
    The E-cigarette store was glad to unload it, cheap, since people started getting worried about smoking Ni it was not a big seller.
    (Imagine that, smoking Ni could be unhealthy?)

  • A timely reminder is in order I think.

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    Anyone remember Nathan Lewis, we don't want a repeat of that.

    Best regards

    Edited once, last by frankwtu ().

  • @HankMills me356 has already told you how to make it work. I recognized his instruction easily because I already had the same idea. Now that he has confirmed my theory, I will start my design.

    Thanks, me356


  • @HankMills me356 has already told you how to make it work. I recognized his instruction easily because I already had the same idea. Now that he has confirmed my theory, I will start my design.

    Thanks, me356


    Now that you will also have a working reactor, will you commit to use a cloud chamber to detect particles?

  • Reading between the lines - I think what me356 is saying; is that hydrogen and nickel are the important ingredients. The secret sauce is the magnetic interaction between a coil, it's control signal and something to ignite the reaction - e.g. Any shock to the status quo, be it magnetic, thermal or physical.
    I believe one of the key features of Nickel - is that it is magneto-strictive. In other words, it expands and contracts in the presence of a magnetic field, if that field is turned on and off. This would be necessary in the early phase to get hydrogen atoms into the nickel lattice, probably the first hour or two. Then the lenr process is ignited using a shock - magnetic, thermal or physical.

  • "Then the lenr process is ignited using a shock - magnetic, thermal or physical"

    Agree Steve. Piantelli and Godes (Brillouin) are clear about this. Parkhomov and Rossi not. MFMP already showed the mouse 1.2-ish COP by cycling temp/pressure.

    The shock is left to test. Possibly it must be done at a certain situation.

  • "Then the lenr process is ignited using a shock - magnetic, thermal or physical"

    Agree Steve. Piantelli and Godes (Brillouin) are clear about this. Parkhomov and Rossi not. MFMP already showed the mouse 1.2-ish COP by cycling temp/pressure.

    The shock is left to test. Possibly it must be done at a certain situation.

    The stimulus is not a shock, it is a continuing stimulus once remove will immediately stop the reaction. The stimulus feeds power into the reaction on a continuing and ongoing basis and once the stimulating power is removed the LENR reaction stops. Fabiani said has much in his interview. The stimulus is converted into light as described by Fadiani.


    We have photographs of creatures that emit pure light that have completely melted the reactor down, all in a very quiet way. You just turn off the stimuli system and the reaction is switched off. It’s impressive.

    Speculation on what the stimulus is as follows:

    Parkonhov used a triac light dimer that produced intermittent square waves to reguate power to the heating coils.

    In the Lugano test, Rossi's power supply produced square waves to feed power into the DogBone heater coils.

    A sequence of square waves can produce a waveform that could be rendered as a very high frequency and complex planewave form and vice versa.

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    Edited 3 times, last by axil ().

  • axil: Stimuli or shock is just words but in this context we mean the same thing, the hint we have is as you say high dI/dT (square pulses) into the heater coil although exactly how to produce and when apply is uncertain. I hope me356 can tell something about it or if me356 have another stimuli which he has not told us about.

  • I still feel that me356 writes a lot (there is obviously time to do so), but doesn't reveal the substantial things many of the readers here are waiting for, so the replication followers can right away implement it to get their fire up and running. Why not simply telling (or repeating) what these two (?) main problems are that prevent many replicators from being successful? Don't get all have to wait. Hopefully not to long...

  • I still feel that me356 writes a lot (there is obviously time to do so), but doesn't reveal the substantial things many of the readers here are waiting for, so the replication followers can right away implement it to get their fire up and running. Why not simply telling (or repeating) what these two (?) main problems are that prevent many replicators from being successful? Don't get all have to wait. Hopefully not to long...

    Why do they have to wait? They can get a signal generator and setup their Dogbone and feed signals into their heater wires until the their DogBone fires up. Or bring on the monkeys...

    The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare or find the stimulus that sets off the LENR reaction.

  • Axil,

    Most replicators are busy people with day jobs, families, children, houses to keep up, and responsibilities. They would love to be able to run tests day and night. However, they don't have the time or resources to do so. If me356 would open up and explain these issues to us, replicators would have a direction to focus their efforts. Instead of guessing, they could have some level of certainty that they were adjusting critical parameters that would allow excess heat.

    For goodness sakes, why should everyone be kept in the dark any longer when someone here has the knowledge to illuminate the situation?

    The finding of the key could be a rite of passage where those skilled in the art must accomplish before they can be ordained into the LENR priesthood. Is this not done in science? Does not the Ph.D required much pain in its accomplishment? Are not the ghosts of LENR passed happy to see their work and sacrifice repeated by all those who would enter the great quest for the key? Is not pain, sacrifice and redemption required before the sinner enters the kingdom of heaven? It is the paradox of pain and joy where you cannot truly know one unless you truly experience the other.

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