Yup, THH its set up so not to know what or who to believe.
The FM/R/JF/B mafia installed an information monopole also in science. So THH is only concerned that the real info could hit the public. The same concern as Putin currently has.
But we know Putin is a leading member of the FM/R/JF/B mafia and thus a friend of THH's friends...
Science misinformation today is standard. You can get nobels with misinformation like the Yukawa force or Quarks, Higgs particle just to name the 3 biggest fakes.
Of course dark matter is propagated by countless idiots some with factual arguments (matter that does not radiate) other with fake particles etc...
There is quantum gravity or string theory - fields for people with mental flatulation problems.
With have Fusion like ITER that is known fake since 50 years...
And worst: UK & Swiss data clearly shows:: Far more vaccinated go to hospital due to Omicron than unvaxx. This is not science this is real hospital data...
But "science is" what THH's friends send him...So THH is the main source of fake information as he so far never did deliver and base data for his rubbish links/claims.