Question: why is hot fusion DD fusion seldom toward He4

    • Official Post

    I've seen some exchange about Holmlid muons theory, and maybe other subjects, reminding that branching ration of hot DD fusion seldom produce He4 and rather massively produce t+n.

    My question is why ?

    Naively I suspect it is a geometry problems:

    when you have hot fusion, atoms are randomly placed and like in a random crash collision the shock is not 100% frontal, creating spin, which in nuclear fsionproduce excited he4 nucleus which eject a neutron ...
    only when the shock is enough frontal (<1% of the case?) is there not enough spin or nucleus excitation, to make he4 split...

    This gives an idea on how LENR in PdD produce He4 : maybe because the d nucleus are precisely aligned because in a coherent (Laser like) or in a geometrically aligned situation (Hydroton-like) ...

    I feel that geometry is important, or why would lattice be so important to LENR?

    “Only puny secrets need keeping. The biggest secrets are kept by public incredulity.” (Marshall McLuhan)
    twitter @alain_co

  • LENR in PdP produces alpha particles that become He4. These alpha particles are detected by using CR39 particle detectors.

  • hot DD fusion seldom produce He4 and rather massively produce t+n.

    why ?

    This gives an idea on how LENR in PdD produce He4 : maybe because the d nucleus are precisely aligned because in a coherent (Laser like) or in a geometrically aligned situation (Hydroton-like) ...

    Hot D+D nucleus are alone/free. There is not posibility for energy/momentum (fleschback) transfer to single He so double T+n product.
    In PdD there are Pd (or something else???) nucleus involved in energy/momentum transfer process so produced He is not alone and momentum can shared/conserved and result massloss energy can ejected.

  • Hot D+D nucleus are alone/free. There is not posibility for energy/momentum (fleschback) transfer to single He so double T+n product.

    This is indeed very compelling.

    In LENR, most of the time, we see "something" (Proton,Alphas), they carry away a huge amounts of energy. Most of the time, at least half of the recoil energy "goes into" the lattice. 4D fusion (if it happens..) would be an exception.

    My conclusion is the following. In LENR we must completely forget what we know about kinetic fusion laws.

    The first, and well to be handled, mystery we must solve, is to detect how energy is released in LENR. The rare events, when LENR behaves like hot-fusion, could be a door opener!

  • branching ration of hot DD fusion seldom produce He4 and rather massively produce t+n. My question is why ?

    There are 2 reasons. Firstly the there is no Coulomb barrier inhibiting the fragmentation of 4He*. Secondly secondly the emission of a gamma requires a slow electro-magnetic transition rather than a strong force mediated fragmentation. The 2 fragmentation branches, t+p and 3He+n are equally probable despite the diference in energies. They are about 7 orders of magnitude faster than the gamma channel because the strong force is 7 orders of magnitude stronger than the electromagnetic force.

  • /* In LENR we must completely forget what we know about kinetic fusion laws. */

    I already explained it here. The interaction of neutron with matter is more rare than we usually think. This is because the atom nuclei are incredibly tiny with compare to size of atoms and as Feynman has said, "there is lotta place at the bottom". The neutron can pass many hundreds of atoms, before it will hit some atom nuclei and generates some recoil proton, after then it continues another hundreds of atoms unabsorbed. From similar reason the tracks of radiactive particles in photographic emulsions represent chain of spots rather than continuous track.

    In cold fusion the situation is different. The atom nuclei collide in long chains and along these chains the resulting radioactive particles get also absorbed. The probability of hitting neighboring atom nuclei is very high, because these atom nuclei must nearly touch each other. In addition, these atom nuclei get entangled, which means their momentum transfers at distance to neighboring atom nuclei by dense vacuum formed around them. In addition, this dense vacuum serves as a refractive waveguide, which prohibits the neutron to escape the line of atoms.

  • /* I feel that geometry is important, or why would lattice be so important to LENR? */

    This is the basis of this thread and it''s experimental evidence. Nevertheless Holmlid uses coherent laser beam, which is linear by itself and it promotes the amplification of momentum in Astroblaster way even within random plasma. Some XUL lasers already utilize this mechanism for generation ultraviolet radiation from infrared pulses. They're also utilized for production of antimatter in large scale.

    Therefore we have two options how to achieve the localization of energy: the utilization of low-dimensional geometry of metal lattice or the utilization of low-dimensional geometry of laser beam. Once we combine the both, we can give the fusion an overshot: the resulting energy density will get so high, that not only atom nuclei will merge and fuse, but some of them may even get fragmented into smaller parts again. Therefore the muon formation is not part of normal cold fusion and in general it should be avoided, as it wastes the input energy.

    I dunno why people here are so obsessed by utilization of Holmlid experiments for explanation of cold fusion, when Holmlid himself clearly said, that his experiments are about hot fusion with all its drawbacks and consequences. In particular the muons have nothing to do with cold fusion mechanism in the same way, like the paparazzi don't help the rich people to get rich: they just parasites utilizing their presence.

    "No, I research not about cold fusion, I research on laser-induced hot fusion. It enables us to reach a temperature of between 50 and MK 500 MK in the plasma. This one can measure both the neutron energy distributions and from electron energy distributions..."

    Many people here also don't understand, that Holmlid can perform hot fusion at higher energy densities than the tokamak or even giant NIF despite he carries out his experiments in modest table top arrangement. This is because the modern infrared pulsed lasers utilize extremely fast mode locking technology and as such their pulses have higher energy density than the concentrated beams of many lasers in billion dollar priced National Ignition Facility. And the energy density - not the total energy - is what counts during fusion.

  • /* why is hot fusion DD fusion seldom toward He4 */

    Because the He4 is symmetric product (composed two protons and two neutrons) and during nonequillibrial conditions of fast heating and fast cooling (which are typical during random collisions inside tokamak or laser fusion plasma) there is not time to get thermal equilibrium, exchange neutrons between atom nuclei symmetrically and to get the energetically most favored product in this way.

    This is a common behavior known from thermodynamics of chemical reactions, known as a Le Chatelier's principle: if we cool the reaction mixture fast, then the less stable and more energetic rich products can be obtained. In certain cases this way is used for production of rare or unstable materials, like the white phosphorus or nitrogen oxide (Birkeland–Eyde process).

    Whereas the cold fusion runs with much higher number of atoms at the same moment, which are sharing and equalizing energy during it. Therefore the aneutronic routes (i.e. these ones leading to nuclei of symmetric number of nucleons) of nuclear reactions get more preferred.

    Therefore the LENR not only enables to run nuclear reactions during milder and cheaper conditions, it also utilizes the energy of products more effectively (by more consequential thermalization of products), it generates lower radioactivity (by generating lower number of atom nuclei fragments) and best of all, it also yields into energetically more poor products (by better utilization/burning of ash of nuclear reactions, so to say). From my perspective this way of fusion has only one disadvantage over hot fusion in contemporary idiotic world: it also enables to abuse the power of nuclear reactions easier.

    The above picture illustrates the stability of alpha He4 particles by local peak at the graph of binding energy. This is given by symmetrically of balance of strongly repulsive Coulomb force between protons and strongly attractive nuclear forces between protons and neutrons.

    • Official Post

    about the branching ratio, this picture from Cold Fusion Now is clear

    your answer is clear from that picture.

    There are 2 reasons. Firstly the there is no Coulomb barrier inhibiting the fragmentation of 4He*. Secondly secondly the emission of a gamma requires a slow electro-magnetic transition rather than a strong force mediated fragmentation. The 2 fragmentation branches, t+p and 3He+n are equally probable despite the difference in energies. They are about 7 orders of magnitude faster than the gamma channel because the strong force is 7 orders of magnitude stronger than the electromagnetic force.

    note that the 7 order of magnitude make me think of the ratio of tritium/heat compared to DD fusion, and the ration of neutron/tritium... not sure it is related, but...

    about the fragmentation of the He4* nucleus, strong force excitation of the nucleus is converted into kinetic energy.

    electromagnetic transition is more mysterious for me. isn't it a similar kinetic conversion, but with two charges (protons) canceling each other's momentum colliding, producing however a huge electromagnetic dipole excitation, a gamma ? maybe this is not the way QM works (this is classical EM)...

    the great mystery, if you think in the framework of usual QM/EM and accept LENR is why the asymmetric strong force->kinetic conversion is suppressed.

    I make an armchair speculation.
    Imagine that the protons, and respectively neutrons, are in fact entangled, and thus cannot behave asymmetrically.
    the He4*S is a symmetrical strong force excited nucleus.
    the asymmetrical kinetic transition is impossible, this only the EM transition involving two protons is possible...

    now the problem is that we don't observe the 24MeV gamma...
    Moreover the single 24MeV gamma (is it single, or twin gamma?) may be forbidden because of asymmetry.

    this is maybe the key, pushing @Storms key proposal : that since the 24MeV is improbable, maybe the symmetrically excited state He4*S desexcitate slowly, because the 24MeV is slow, improbable, and because there is ignored slower transitions...
    ignored because nobody studied excitation level of this kind of excited state in theory, and because in high energy physics usual approximations neglect this kind of low energy transition, which are negligible.

    maybe there is room for research ... maybe a dead end, but it need to be closed.

    then the source of the coherence/entanglements between protons and neutrons is a hard question...
    strong force cannot interact on long distance like internucleus/interatomic space, but why not some electromagnetic effect helping to make cooper pair equivalent for strong force...

  • Quote

    the great mystery, if you think in the framework of usual QM/EM and accept LENR is why the asymmetric strong force->kinetic conversion is suppressed.

    If the energy of the reaction is immediately removed from the fusion event through an entangled energy transfer to the Bose condinsate, then the reaction byproducts of the reaction change. There is no tritium produced, no protons and neutrons produced and He3 and He4 is instantly formed.It is the reaction energy that produces the byproducts, remove that energy and you change the byproducts.

  • is the bose condensate ? Did You see one ? Did reliable LENR analysis detect any bose condensate, being hotter then 0 kelvin ?

  • about the fragmentation of the He4* nucleus

    Fragmentation of the excited He4* takes place on a nuclear timescale of about 10^-22 S. This is the same order of magnittude as the time it takes for a photon to traverse the diameter of the nucleus. As nothing can travel faster than light there can be no faster processes overtake the speed of fragmentation.

    However any channel including fragmentation can be suppressed if it becomes endothermic. So for example in the Meulenberg DDL model, the collapsing mini molecule could radiate away some energy. Similarly in the Storms model. The issue is that electronic transitions are even slower than nuclear ones and hot fusion would take place long before sufficient energy were lost in small unobserved quanta. During collapse, by far the most likely (hot) fusion reaction is p+d as Swinger, Preparata and others pointed out in 1989. This is because the light proton can penetrate the Coulomb barrier much more efficiently than the heavier deuteron. Of course this is not observed so we should look elsewhere for an explanation.

    N.B. When we talk of "slow" reactions, this is a relative term. 24 MeV gammas are emitted by He4* in 10^-16 S!

  • @Zephir_AWT Le Chatelier's principle only applies to systems close to equilibrium. Even in a Tokamak or the center of the Sun thermal energies are many orders of magnitude lower than nuclear energies and consequently the systems are far from equilibrium.

  • @Zephir_AWT Exactly my point. :) If you displace a system in equilibrium it remains close to equilibrium and Le Chatelier's principle is valid (Gibb's free energy close to 0). If in contrast a system is far from equilibrium then there is no effect. For example heating / compressing a mixture of steam and CO2 will not synthesize gasoline.

    • Official Post

    Fragmentation of the excited He4* takes place on a nuclear timescale of about 10^-22 S. This is the same order of magnittude as the time it takes for a photon to traverse the diameter of the nucleus. As nothing can travel faster than light there can be no faster processes overtake the speed of fragmentation.
    N.B. When we talk of "slow" reactions, this is a relative term. 24 MeV gammas are emitted by He4* in 10^-16 S!

    This seems a good argument for incoherent fusion branching as we know it, but what if the two protons and the two neutrons are each one virtual coherent object, with for example coupled momentum (I don't know what can be coupled when "coherent") which forbid t+p or He3+n like even+even cannot be odd?

    as I've read explanation on spontaneous emission, more energetic transition are faster than less energetic transition ( rate~ omega^3 they says, this mean Energy^3 - I don't know if other parameters changes like trasition dipole moment...)
    thus x-rays transition at 24keV would be 11 billion slower, which mean 10^-7sec lifetime

    the 24MeV transition and all MeV transition have to be strongly forbidden?

    it seems strange that low energy transition are slower than high energy transition... maybe I wrongly interpreted the formula...

  • Quote

    the 24MeV transition and all MeV transition have to be strongly forbidden?

    All MeV transition energies are transferred through entanglement to the BEC by superabsordion including the 24MeV transition.…5705/full/ncomms5705.html

    Photons absorbed by the ring give rise to delocalized excitons; ideally the ring maintains a specific exciton population to achieve enhanced absorption. Combined with a suitable charge sensor (for example, a quantum point contact) this enables photon sensing. We also model an application for photon harvesting, where newly created excitons are transferred from the ring to a central core absorber, followed by an irreversible process (for example, one-way transfer down a strongly coupled chain) to a centre converting the exciton into stored energy.


    Almost 60 years ago Dicke introduced the term superradiance to describe a signature quantum effect: N atoms can collectively emit light at a rate proportional to N2. Structures that superradiate must also have enhanced absorption, but the former always dominates in natural systems. Here we show that this restriction can be overcome by combining several well-established quantum control techniques. Our analytical and numerical calculations show that superabsorption can then be achieved and sustained in certain simple nanostructures, by trapping the system in a highly excited state through transition rate engineering. This opens the prospect of a new class of quantum nanotechnology with potential applications including photon detection and light-based power transmission. An array of quantum dots or a molecular ring structure could provide a suitable platform for an experimental demonstration.

    Also see

  • A polariton BEC makes the polariton laser work as room temperature.

    Have you evidences that exiton/polariton BEC ~area/enviroment (how big?) mix with some bosonic material. Like Ni62. Is H2 molecyle bosonic? H alone not.

    What evidences that such mixed BEC can absorb He4 energy (faster than fleschback kinetics split He4 to T+p)

    Typical BEC destroyed in high B fields, BEC laser needs some fields, what are B limits that are save for exiton/polariton BEC in Ni medium?

  • Have you evidences that exiton/polariton BEC ~area/enviroment (how big?) mix with some bosonic material. Like Ni62. Is H2 molecyle bosonic? H alone not.

    What evidences that such mixed BEC can absorb He4 energy (faster than fleschback kinetics split He4 to T+p)

    Typical BEC destroyed in high B fields, BEC laser needs some fields, what are B limits that are save for exiton/polariton BEC in Ni medium?

    B fields from arcs will disrupt a polariton BEC and the energy released will be in the x-ray an XUV range as in the SunCell where little heat is produced. DGT system also produced X-rays up to 300 kev die to spark discharge and associated magnetic disruption.

    When no spark is present, heat is released through hawking radiation as in Rossi's system.

    Holmlid does not see gamma up to 3 meters away from his BEC.

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