It was also shortly after Darden visited the plant together with APCO operative Brian McLaughlin (ex.19)
This is the most interesting thing I've seen from Sifferkoll. Nice catch, Torkel. So I started looking. What was the email address with the cc with the IH March announcement. I've been looking. It would not be surprising if it was McLaughlin.
I do not draw the same conclusions. People who live on the blogs have a warped view of life. From Cherokee, which deals with environmental remediation projects, Darden would have connections in Washington, for sure, and some Cherokee projects may require public relations work. As I wrote before, that someone at APCO might be advising IH, pro bono or as an APCO client, would not be surprising. But this was surprising to see from our own Alan Smith:
QuoteDisplay More
Alan Smith • 4 months ago
Astroturf is my conclusion
Trolls who love to spread confusion
While right now they’re easy meat
APCO’s lot will be more discreet
Sneaking round the E-cat blogs
Like a pack of mangy dogs
They’re well trained in crafty tricks
What a bunch of clever Dicks
It seems to us there’s been collusion
A plot to buy up all cold fusion
But secrets cannot be contained
Wrapped in patents, all constrained
The truth will out, and Darden’s boys
Will have to share their shiny toys
For though the thought makes bankers weep
Some secrets really are too big to keep.
Looking at the history of the revelation of the "APCO connection", back in March, it seems to have been assumed without question that if the email was cc'd to an APCO address -- and so far, even though the email was received by Lewan and Acland and others, I couldn't find a revelation of the actual address -- then necessarily APCO had been "hired." Quite simply, that does not follow. Someone at APCO was *interested* is what I conclude. And it could well be McLaughlin. And this is essentially meaningless. To jump from this to an APCO campaign on the blogs is a paranoid stretch. That's how the paranoid mind works. It finds some shred of evidence -- or even sometimes a hallucination or sensory interpretation -- and runs with it and constructs a whole world-view.
Okay, found it, with Mats Lewan, another post in April:
QuoteThe person at APCO who was cc:ed when IH sent out its statement was Mr. Brian McLaughlin, who is also mentioned by Sifferkoll.
Which explains why Sifferkoll immediately recognized the name....
From the level of coincidence here, I consider it conclusive that the Brian McLaughlin who visited the plant, as mentioned, as being Brian McLaughlin of APCO.
Industrial Heat was, by then, looking ahead. Now, to advise re PR, McLaughlin would not need to travel to Florida to see the Plant. I think this evidences personal interest. And Darden accommodated it. Wouldn't you? And he may well be advising them.
Coordinating an army of sock puppets, no.
If there were some public battle, say legislation pending, or an election with a candidate they needed to support, and if they were hired for it, yes, maybe. Not for this obscure topic with where blogs and fora make no practical difference. More likely, and more powerfully and more economically, they would then organize a "grass-roots effort."
There is no such organized effort "attacking Rossi." There are a handful of writers with long interest in LENR writing opinions, as they have for many years. There are the usual pseudoskeptics, as there always have been. Increasingly, writers who supported Rossi, or the possibility of Rossi Reality, have turned. The basis for that is not blog FUD, it is the evidence that has been appearing, starting with Rossi's suit in itself. That immediately made any fundraising by Rossi far more difficult. It also generated reams of information to consider. The Answer has created much more, there is massive detail about what had been secret and concealed.