QuoteThere have been reasons to think that Rossi had something of value. As I pointed out before, other people tested his devices with their own instruments, when he was not there. They were in the U.S. and he was in Italy during the entire test. They got positive results in the kilowatt range. I am pretty sure I told you that, so you are being disingenuous when you say there is no reason.
Actually, you are the disingenuous one if any. I already said many times that anonymous results are worthless, especially when it comes to Rossi. He already bamboozled Lewan, Kullander, Essen and the professors and probably Levi and Focardi too. Why couldn't he just hornswoggle some other people, especially since you won't say who they are or what they did. Such information is worthless and is absolutely no reason to believe anything Rossi says or said. Heck, you're the guy who said that Rossi had proven his case on "first principles" with one of his silly demos! It looks as if your distasteful experience with Rossi, who discredits legitimate research in LENR, and Defkalion, has taught you little.
As for reading the literature, which you mentioned in another post, I did that... or I started to. What I found, and it was among your recommendations, was confusing, badly presented, with unnecessarily complex figures and unclear conclusions or inadequate precautions. I do not think it proves anything but yes, I did look at it. I refuse to spend more time looking at more. I always asked you for the one single definitive paper which proves LENR is real and best as I recall, you always came back with way too many.
QuoteIt is hard to know what to make of those tests. The people who did them did not provide me with much information...
No, it's not hard at all. You can't make any determination from such reports. They are completely worthless and certainly no reason to believe a convicted felon and obvious chronic liar whose only past history is expensive scams.