It's really sad how the overall tone here in this forum has changed from optimistic enthusiasm to relentless scepticism. I can understand where it's coming from but me356 has not kept us waiting for years and years. If the test turns out to be successfull he in fact delivered way faster than anybody else of the "big" players and will finally resolve the question if this technology is real or not.
In addition to that, he is really young (he is in his early 20s) and doesn't have much experience at all (that is even more remarkable if his claims turn out to be true). Anyway the test is just a few weeks in the future so we don't have to wait very long anymore. I am counting the days and every day reveals more exciting details about the upcoming tests, that leads me to believe we are on to something really really huge:
- possible transmutations in the fuel that are visible under EDX
- similar "structures" in the aparatus that are considered to be the key to success in both suhas and me356's device (visible under SEM) [small "domes/bubbles" on the foil]
- and so on ...
In addition me356 has not started to replicate recently but had many many failed attempts before seeing excess heat. I highly doubt, that he is misjudging his results regarding excess heat since he is most probably using the same techniques to decide if he sees XH or not as he used in the beginning. The fact that he failed so many times before being successfull gives the claimed results way more credibility since he obiously sees a difference to the results he had before.
And just by applying common sense: What would he get out of his claims (apart from momentary fame) if they were all totally made up? He didn't even show up the last months anymore to harvest the fruits of his deception (if it would be one). I am working as a hacker and I am very used to wannabe's who claim to be able to do fantastic things but those people usually stay around to "enjoy" the attention they get (until people get suspicious). The behaviour of me356 is totally not the behaviour of a normal "troll"!
Firstly, the statements here from others about me356's plans look entirely reasonable to me, and the proper thing for me356 to do. I will believe them when they happen, which I hope they do, me356 has not here in the past been a beacon of reliable information.
Secondly me356 has in the past, and continues now, to generate a lot of speculation here that is unhelpful. There is as yet no evidence of his claims. In that position it would be IMHO better for all if he just got on with doing what he wants to do till he has such evidence.
Thirdly, the claimed COP=10, 10kW out is in the range of easily testable results. You have to be a Rossi to spoof a positive result of that order. Unfortunately it is spoofable, in several different ways, but MFMP are transparent and there is no way any spoof could survive their checking procedures, assuming they operate as in the past. So that me356 would like initially an MFMP test is very positive and indeed i think he would have been advised to seek this a long time ago since it will inform him about whether his current ideas are real or not.
As for the rest of the world. MFMP have not yet had any positive replicable results. In fact no positive results that survive scrutiny (the signal was never such). Should they do so, the world would start to take notice and things would snowball quickly.
Regards, THH