Rossi vs. Darden aftermath discussions


    Perhaps most hilarious:


    Avatar Engineer48  Michael Z Freeman 2 days ago

    Hi Michael,

    For your information I have re-engaged with Andrea and my team are looking forward to having a lot of happy clients after installing Leonardo manufactured QuarkX based reactors.

    What will you be doing?


    Hi Omega,

    It is my understanding that the monitoring and control tech that Fulvio developed fixed the control issues.

    I do accept that as I worked out how the control system worked. having designed control systems like this myself.

    Clever guy and as I understand it, now working with the Upssala team.

    Of course, the orders and tests never took place because Rossi is holding all new orders so he can fill them with the QuarkX. Remember, this is a pencil thin device that provides 20W. You need 50 for 1kW and 50,000 (!) for 1 megaWatt. So Rossi is going to produce the QuarkX by the millions (robotic factory, LOL) and then he will be coordinating the functioning, power level control, temperature monitoring, pressure monitoring (safety), output coupling, and overall cooling -- of all 50,000 of these nuclear devices. Even if all this were true, someone would give him a license for it? Oh sure. I forgot. He could self test it for safety like he did the old "plant" This is too comical for words. And his worshipers still believe him. Wow. Just wow.

  • I guess what makes Rossi-fan watching so interesting is that they show all the irrationality and group-think of a religious cult and yet claim science and engineering enlightenment.

    In as far as they genuinely consider themselves to be commenting on science or engineering I'd be happy to continue pointing out to them the errors of their ways whenever a new egregious example pops up.

    But, if the cult bit dominates, it is a neverending and pointless task. I think now we may be entering into a cult thinking dominates era. Arguing with cults is not for me.

  • I guess what makes Rossi-fan watching so interesting is that they show all the irrationality and group-think of a religious cult and yet claim science and engineering enlightenment.

    In as far as they genuinely consider themselves to be commenting on science or engineering I'd be happy to continue pointing out to them the errors of their ways whenever a new egregious example pops up.

    But, if the cult bit dominates, it is a neverending and pointless task. I think now we may be entering into a cult thinking dominates era. Arguing with cults is not for me.


    I liked your post, because it somehow felt as a last post? A goodbye?



  • Since nobody on this forum has a hidden agenda, i can only conclude that we are the ones that crave attention. Rossi is trying to get his inventions to the market. Even when his inventions are worthless he follows a far more noble path than most of us on this forum.

    Let us suppose that Rossi is deluded enough to believe that his inventions sort-of work. And also (I personally see zero evidence of this) that he is trying to get his inventions to the market. Is he then an heroic figure?

    I'd say yes, were he honest. But, he is very dishonest. Maybe he just can't himself tell the difference. He thinks the customer is real and the way he misled IH, to him, is not deceit. In the engineering domain he makes (to be very generous) large mistakes with his measurements that lead to false positive results. When challenged he does not admit this.

    That, for me, makes him slimy villain, not hero. Heroes do not mislead about past mistakes. Rossi misleads about everything.

  • All the dirt on Rossi was already out in the open.

    That is not true. Take, for example, the disclosed letter to IH in which he boasts to IH how he deceived Hydrofusion by making the test for them fail on purpose?

    We know from Mats that this version was a lie. He would have registered a false positive with his own tests, and Rossi kept on arguing he was right. The Hydrofusion guys unfortunately had some real engineers with true RMS measuring equipment that measured the same device showing no excess heat. But, if it were the truth, Rossi would be somone who deceives business partners who want no more than to support him.

    That letter, to me, delivers extraordinary and incontrovertible insight into Rossi's dealings.

  • I'll go on following developments and commenting on Rossi tests, if there are any. I'll also publish a comprehensive literature review on the Lugano test as refutation should the Swedes ever start actually publishing bad science tests anywhere real (even to Arxiv). There is some unpublished stuff there which is sort of interesting, but only if you believe the Swedes which now no-one does.

  • THHuxleynew,

    IH themselves do not find him slimy enough to push until the end. Instead they settled with the one who, according to you, misled them and, according to many, gave him another possibility to mislead others. That does not make sense, does it?




  • I'm waiting for someone on E-catworld to ask Rossi how long will it take to adapt his (non-existent) robotic factories from manufacturing the (non-existent) E-cat to manufacturing the (non-existent) Quark-X...

    Followed by Georgehants complaining (not about the scam but) about Rossi's greed.

    I tell you, Antonin Artaud and Salvador Dali would have felt at home at E-catworld.

  • Quote

    I'd say yes, were he honest. But, he is very dishonest. Maybe he just can't himself tell the difference.

    Oh sure he can. Self delusion and insanity have been proffered before as explanation for Rossifiction and Rossi behavior but they are not. There is too much evidence of deliberate design features intended to deceive. There would have been no way to delude poor Focardi other than to deliberately misplace thermocouples close to heaters. And Rossi does not seem insane. Peculiar maybe but certainly not psychotic. Not yet, anyway but maybe soon.

  • No. It looks like a fancy light bulb. The ecat Quark looks like Rossifiction. Another lame attempt at fraud by Andrea Rossi.

  • This probably makes no sense in Rossi-land. Darden is rational, and will make business decisions based on what is best for IH, not his personal feelings. Rossi of course has never done that.

  • One soft-spoken academic scientist said, "if I ever meet Rossi again I will punch him in the nose."

    He had just to to try. Rossi was a boxer when he was young.

    Anyway I think that every single word you are writing is simply false.

    As usual you don't give any reference.

    What I'm missing is why you are writing all that.

  • JB - if you go up the thread you were saying Darden's actions did not make sense according to my reading.

    I point out that they do. You say you don't agree, but your argument here is not contradicting my logic. You are simply asserting that Rossi was smart and Darden played.

    I agree. Rossi had a non-working device. He obtained $10.5M for it from IH and now through spending $2.5M he has no need to show it working, and can continue hawking non-working devices elsewhere.

    Darden, being a VC, would say correctly that he lost a high stakes, high risk bet. Rossi has done well, though not got the $89M he desperately wanted.

    I've noticed throughout this affair that Planet Rossi has never understood probabilities. For them things are either true or false.

  • THHuxleynew,

    For the sake of completeness also here;

    The reason for IH to stop because of the legal fees is pure speculation. And it does not even make sense.

    Where is the USD 7.5 mio saving coming from? That is pure speculation, right? Let’s say that Darden used a five man team in court. Average hourly fee of USD 500, times 8 hours a day, times 30 days (six weeks). This equals to 600K. It is impossible to get to USD 7.5 mio..



  • $7.5m - estimated legal fees for each side given to Court at start of Trial.

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