QuoteDisplay MoreInteresting post right now on JONP:
July 6, 2017 at 6:25 AM
Dr Andrea Rossi:1- will you make the presentation of the QuarkX within this year?
2- are you still preparing the manufacturing of the E-Cat in the USA and in Sweden?
3- are you satisfied with the settlement?
4- will the general terms of the settlement be explained in a joint release from the attorneys of both parties?
5- will remain under NDA the economic terms of the settlement?
Thank you if you can answer,
ProfAndrea Rossi
July 6, 2017 at 8:17 AM
QuoteDisplay More
Prof:1- yes
2- yes
3- yes
4- yes
5- yes
Warm Regards,
A.R.So within 2017 there should be something happening...
Perhaps most hilarious:
Engineer48 Michael Z Freeman • 2 days ago
Hi Michael,
For your information I have re-engaged with Andrea and my team are looking forward to having a lot of happy clients after installing Leonardo manufactured QuarkX based reactors.
What will you be doing?
QuoteHi Omega,
It is my understanding that the monitoring and control tech that Fulvio developed fixed the control issues.
I do accept that as I worked out how the control system worked. having designed control systems like this myself.
Clever guy and as I understand it, now working with the Upssala team.
QuoteDisplay MoreEngineer 48
Hi Karl,
Have you ever seriously tried to engage with Rossi and go through the process to buy a reactor?
Well I did and Rossi was totally professional.
Sure my client needed to sign a conditional purchase order and place some small funds in escrow but there was no hestitation from Rossi in allowing my clients engineers and myself to test a working 1MW reactor and to make the purchase totally conditional on a acceptable to my client test report.
There was no scam. No delaying.
This is how both sides engage in their due diligence when radically new technology is involved.
The above has been shared here several times, so it is not new.
Of course, the orders and tests never took place because Rossi is holding all new orders so he can fill them with the QuarkX. Remember, this is a pencil thin device that provides 20W. You need 50 for 1kW and 50,000 (!) for 1 megaWatt. So Rossi is going to produce the QuarkX by the millions (robotic factory, LOL) and then he will be coordinating the functioning, power level control, temperature monitoring, pressure monitoring (safety), output coupling, and overall cooling -- of all 50,000 of these nuclear devices. Even if all this were true, someone would give him a license for it? Oh sure. I forgot. He could self test it for safety like he did the old "plant" This is too comical for words. And his worshipers still believe him. Wow. Just wow.