LENR is occurring in SAFIRE

  • I don't care as much about the theory as I do making a working reactor that anyone can replicate.

  • I don't care as much about the theory as I do making a working reactor that anyone can replicate.

    TBH i don't even care if everyone can replicate it, It can be as complex as a lithium polymer battery, microchips or high end solar panels. If it can be mass produced by any serious tech company/research group small or large scale cool. As long as it has massive energy densities cheaper than the cheapest energy available, theory and established physics can be completely rewritten if necessary or stay relatively the same, I'm happy.

    On second thought I should care. We want a optional tier of combustion engine or basic battery like energy generators, that can be harnessed peacefully by any literate group of people with basic engineering and mechanical tools/knowledge. For the general raising/leveling of global human living standards at least. The highest density fancy ones would unlock energetic mobile appliances, the sky, sea and solar system without greatly harming life on Earth at the overflow point. I hope there will be relatively easy to make but still revolutionary open source options and extremely high performance ones from solid state micro engineered to aerospace grade, refined and specialised ones. This is so big companies investing in this can be motivated and get a solid ROI!

  • If we can condense their thinking and experimental data into a coherent hypothesis underlying all LENR phenomena, then Mills, Holmlid and Schaeffer can be rated as outstanding scientists in their fields. With Wyttenbach's new theories replacing the 'mythical' strong nuclear force with more accessible magnetic interactions between sub-atomic particles I think we are close to understanding the science. Having a predictive scientific theory is essential to making any of these LENR reactor systems work, without it we'll carry on for another 30 yrs going absolutely no-where.

  • Having a predictive scientific theory is essential to making any of these LENR reactor systems work, without it we'll carry on for another 30 yrs going absolutely no-where.

    Unless the predictive theory predicts that LENR will not produce significant energy. In ICCF-7 RIFEX theory explained results of thin-film electrolysis, but the energy out put was relative low compared to a conventional nuclear fission plant. An expensive catalyst disappeared without producing a cost effective amount of heat.

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    Wal Thornhill's Part 2 (Part 1 above), of the Thunderbolt Projects "Electric Sun Theory". As you may recall, Safire recently finished an International Science Foundation funded test of Thunderbolt's theory. During the testing, Safire observed LENR (transmutations/anomalous heat), which they and a US government lab were able to replicate. Here he talks about Safire's successes, while explaining the theory in general terms. In doing so, he also takes on some of the giants of the physics world, which may, or may not be a good strategy...time will tell.

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    • Official Post

    Wal Thornhill's Part 2 (Part 1 above), of the Thunderbolt Projects "Electric Sun Theory". As you may recall, Safire recently finished an International Science Foundation funded test of Thunderbolt's theory. During the testing, Safire observed LENR (transmutations/anomalous heat), which they and a US government lab were able to replicate. Here he talks about Safire's successes, while explaining the theory in general terms. In doing so, he also takes on some of the giants of the physics world, which may, or may not be a good strategy...time will tell.

    External Content www.youtube.com
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    Thanks Shane D.!!! I looked if it had been posted a couple of hours ago and it was not, this must have just been posted!

    • Official Post

    Wallace Thornhill adressed LENR directly, this was a powerful message, but now I see he was aware of the connection far before, to my best knowledge he had never even hinted any of this in all the years I have been following the EU theory development, but he was perfectly aware of it even before he became known!!!

  • Thanks for part 1 and part 2 of the SAFIRE videos above. Certain they raise some question about what is really happening in the sun.

    I have some data that I think is significant which comes from analysis. Some of you are aware that Santilli had a pending patent on intermediate fusion. He put a DC arc through deuterium gas which was slightly contaminated with atmospheric gas. The main strange observation was many unknowns in the mass-spectroscopy of the after-arc gas. To explain the unknowns, he proposed that the electric arc had caused atoms to bond magnetically. Magnetic bonding is not part of modern chemistry because the magnetic fields of atoms are too weak. Without some physical machine to place a force on the atom, magnetic bonding should not exist. So, there must be some new state of the atoms to explain the appearance of magnetic bonding. There is no logic for expecting new states from the electromagnetic force.

    I proposed there are 240 accessible states between hydrogen ionization and neutron decay (13.5878925 ev to 0.7824260693 MeV specific to within 2.0E-5 ev). These states have quantum numbers related as follows E=n2hv. These new states could transfer energy via relativity and via the weak force to the nucleus. I proposed that among the properties of these new states is magnetic bonding.

    The expectation of magnetic bonding suggested that unknowns in the post arc gas could be assigned statistically based on the idea that unknowns where just combinations of the atoms in the before arc gas. Further, one could use chemistry to verify or disprove Santilli claim to a nuclear reaction. A nuclear transmutation may be expected to change a proton to a neutron or vice-a versa, but the total number of nucleons must remain unchanged. So, I could do a mass balance and put the mass balance on that basis.

    Briefly this is how that is done. Change the before and after data to a nucleon basis and adjust the percentages to the same total nucleon basis. Take the difference between before and after. That difference is the chemical change and any nuclear change. One uses the idea of magnecules and statistics to assign unknown masses and couple of other things you can see if you read my pending patent. Then mass balance out the chemistry and you are left with the nuclear change.

    When it did that, I discovered there was nuclear fusion. WOW. But without the energy expected and no claim of high energy nuclear products or neutrons.

    But that's not the best part. All atoms are discrete so if a reaction has occurred it has a balanced equation that can be determined by the usual methods of stoichiometry. Which it did. In my universe nobody can fake precise stoichiometry. So, there you have proof: 1) Data derived balanced nuclear equation. 2) a precise and accuracy proof of the formation of de-novo nitrogen. The reaction is reproducible and could be used to produce any amount of de-novo nitrogen.

    If you read my pending patent further, you will see evidence for fusion of hydrogen to deuterium. The significance is a basis for fusion in the sun but not the expected thermonuclear fusion.

    The mass balance is amazing, but the energy balance is a mystery. Some of this missing energy is in the form of fuel which can’t be detected by chemical analysis.

    My summary: fusion occurs via weak interacting states of hydrogen. But what else is required that occurs in the sun or a bomb that doesn't happen simultaneously in an electric arc?

  • I want to stress that although LENR can indeed take place in the glow discharge regime and the arc discharge regime which are both characterized with a positive resistance, the "magic" seems to happen during the negative resistance regime. It's during this regime that a complex space charge configuration with double layers forms to start converting thermal and other energy from the plasma environment into electrical current. We know this is the regime that Paulo Correa, Chernetsky, Rossi, Mills, and others utilize with their systems. Interestingly, Randell Mills has made it specifically clear that it is during the negative resistance regime that the production of hydrinos go from being self limiting to self reinforcing. My understanding at this time is if you can achieve the negative resistance regime (which can be detected on an oscilloscope by the ion acoustic oscillations it produces), produce a complex space charge configuration or macro-EVO, and tune the system into resonance when using an optimized fuel mixture, the result is going to be high levels of excess energy.

    Now, what's an optimized fuel mixture? I think the best candidates are a combination of hydrogen (with varying levels of deuterium) and a smaller percentage of heavier noble gases such as argon, xenon, etc. Another aspect of the fuel mixture to consider are the nano-particles which will be sputtered off the electrodes. My guess is that good candidates are platinum, palladium, and nickel. Even better, utilize a nickel alloy with high manganese content and cover it with a layer of platinum or palladium.

  • I want to stress that although LENR can indeed take place in the glow discharge regime and the arc discharge regime which are both characterized with a positive resistance, the "magic" seems to happen during the negative resistance regime

    When will you start to understand the swirl flow concept ? Negative resistance is just an LAB anecdote nothing of value unless you start to understand that there must be a back-current that usually is carried by H3+ and AgH3+ ions that are heavier and thus a bit slower...

  • By the way everyone, here is a link to a patent that describes how certain gas combinations are better for generating a negative resistance in a plasma discharge than single gases. Moreover, the inventor describes using elements like cesium to enhance the negative resistance even further by reducing the "space charge" (this sounds very similar to Randell Mills).


  • Drgenek - or maybe the so-called 'strong nuclear force' is in fact magnetic and so we do have such magnetic bonding between neutrons and protons. Santilli's working theory was along the lines of Sarg's supergravity modelling, giving rise to the reactive ortho-phased magnegas and less energetic para-phase of hydrogen. Arising out of all these disparate theories running alongside QM and the SM you can simply replace BSM-Supergravity with Supermagnetism and obtain the same modelling results (ie strong nuclear binding force = B.m1.m2/R3 (separation distance cubed) and so give justification to Santilli's interpretation not between atoms but between nucleons.

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    Drgenek - or maybe the so-called 'strong nuclear force' is in fact magnetic and so we do have such magnetic bonding between neutrons and protons. Santilli's working theory was along the lines of Sarg's supergravity modelling, giving rise to the reactive ortho-phased magnegas and less energetic para-phase of hydrogen. Arising out of all these disparate theories running alongside QM and the SM you can simply replace BSM-Supergravity with Supermagnetism and obtain the same modelling results (ie strong nuclear binding force = B.m1.m2/R3 (separation distance cubed) and so give justification to Santilli's interpretation not between atoms but between nucleons.

    Please read Wyttenbach’s NPPP 2.0 papers for a very insightful idea of what and from where gravity and the so called strong force come.

    • Official Post

    Here;s a predigested version of Wyttenbach's theory. http://atom-ecology.russgeorge…universe-of-dense-matter/

    You made me laugh hard Alan, thanks for coming to the rescue, I reckon NPPP 2.0 is not light reading, I am just a purist that likes to go to the sources but Russ’s article makes things much easier to grasp. 😁

    • Official Post

    I think the model of Dr. Jurg Wyttenbach for Nuclear and Particle Physics and its proposed unification of the forces and its explanation of gravity as a magnetic effect at nuclear level bridges into the EU. At the end dark matter could be best defined as ultradense matter and as gravity could be described as a magnetic force then both conundrums are solved, the universe is indeed electromagnetic and what we call gravity is a consequence of that, but this also means that the more abundant state of matter is ultradense matter and we just don’t see it.

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