The Long Awaited Dec 9th 2021 Ecat SKLed and SKLep Presentation Thread

  • LF staff knows so much so much so much more than you can imagine and some empty comments here make them laugh very often.

    Thank you, all knowing LF staff, for your wise and benevolent derision of us imbeciles that think Rossi is a scammer and would like to keep it known.

    Please enlighten us with your wisdom about all things LENR or Covid, which is beyond anything we can imagine.

    Please do not bet Quatloos on us newcomers during fights to the death on your LF planet.

    See the source image

  • Apparently, there are those that know things, there are those that know that there are those that know things, and there are the know-nothings like us.

    Then finally there are those that cannot convert Kelvin to Celsius or calculate Lumens correctly, and yet call themselves Doctor, Engineer, etc and claim to write the highest read physics papers in Research Gate history.

  • I wanted only to say that you won't have a good idea, precise of things only by Lenr Websites.

    You will need also sharing events, meet people face to face to define your closer thoughts to the real truth for all "files".

    Thank you for your advantageous picture however i'm a little taller with a little more, too many ? wrinkles :)

    Thank you, all knowing LF staff, for your wise and benevolent derision of us imbeciles that think Rossi is a scammer and would like to keep it known.

    Please enlighten us with your wisdom about all things LENR or Covid, which is beyond anything we can imagine.

    Please do not bet Quatloos on us newcomers during fights to the death on your LF planet.

    See the source image

  • PFD, maybe it's another like:

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    Edited once, last by truth ().

  • Sock puppet asks about the black box aka charge controller:


    Dear Dr Rossi,

    Have been designed the blu/white box of the Ecat SKLep and the black box of the AI specifically for Leonardo Corporation, or you use existing standard boxes ?

    Magician answers:


    Now we have other priorities than design, so we are now using standard plastic boxes already used for other items that are very cheap and easy to find and assemble, and without waste of space when assemmbled in series or parallels.

    Total nonsense. Those are not "standard plastic boxes". The black box is deliberately designed for the position of certain components on the PCB.

  • Has anyone been able to verify with UNIBO the existence of a valid signed contract with Leonardo Corp.? Nullius in verba.

    I suspect Rossi might have a letter from Levi on University headed paper. The chances of a contract signed by the University are very small, unless Levi can get one rubber-stamped, or sujhc contracts can be (effectively) bought. Well, Unis like money and Rossi is not above buying PR. But he is also a cheapskate - cheapest wattmeter, cheapest PSU, so I doubt he'd do that. His captive audience seem to believe whatever he says anyway.

    But that Rossi might claim the existence or not of such a contract as validation for his "validated by sales" no working pre-production prototype SkLep is something only the after-effects of 5 years (for many here) of half-believing Rossi can explain.

  • 2021-12-31 09:58 Andrea Rossi 


    Good question.

    Now we have other priorities than design, so we are now using standard plastic boxes already used for other items that are very cheap and easy to find and assemble, and without waste of space when assemmbled in series or parallels.

    Eventually we will work on the design: we already have an architect studying the problem, but so far we must make things at a cost as low as possible and as easy to make as possible. The second generation probably will have boxes with an original design.

    Warm Regards,



    There goes the CE certifications down the drain with every change. Obviously the heap of electronics as-is was going to require an update to already received certification.

  • As this thread winds to a close, we should at least pay homage to what has to be the biggest whopper Rossi has ever spewed: the claim that there are outstanding orders for 300,000 SKLeps. What are the chances that there could possibly be enough idiots on the planet to offer up $75 million for a product that is untested, unverified, and about which essentially nothing is even known? And yet, the lifeforms that inhabit ECW believe it. It truly boggles the mind...

  • As this thread winds to a close, we should at least pay homage to what has to be the biggest whopper Rossi has ever spewed: the claim that there are outstanding orders for 300,000 SKLeps. What are the chances that there could possibly be enough idiots on the planet to offer up $75 million for a product that is untested, unverified, and about which essentially nothing is even known? And yet, the lifeforms that inhabit ECW believe it. It truly boggles the mind...

    The odds are good that there are enough idiots.

  • What you said is relavant however we don't talking about one investor who have to spend $75 million.

    Agree this kind of guy never do that.

    Now, a lot of independent persons should spend a lower amount only for one device, the risk in this way is lowered, acceptable.

    I think good or bad this is the gamble of AR.

    As this thread winds to a close, we should at least pay homage to what has to be the biggest whopper Rossi has ever spewed: the claim that there are outstanding orders for 300,000 SKLeps. What are the chances that there could possibly be enough idiots on the planet to offer up $75 million for a product that is untested, unverified, and about which essentially nothing is even known? And yet, the lifeforms that inhabit ECW believe it. It truly boggles the mind...

  • As this thread winds to a close, we should at least pay homage to what has to be the biggest whopper Rossi has ever spewed: the claim that there are outstanding orders for 300,000 SKLeps. What are the chances that there could possibly be enough idiots on the planet to offer up $75 million for a product that is untested, unverified, and about which essentially nothing is even known? And yet, the lifeforms that inhabit ECW believe it. It truly boggles the mind...

    It seems you are not up to date 😅


    December 30, 2021 at 8:06 AM

    Dear Dr Rossi,

    Can you update us about how many units of the Ecat SKLep have been ordered within 2021 ?

    Silent Majority Guy

    Andrea Rossi

    December 30, 2021 at 9:42 AM


    We are close to 400000 units ordered, as for today.

    Warm Regards,


  • What you said is relavant however we don't talking about one investor who have to spend $75 million.

    Agree this kind of guy never do that.

    Now, a lot of independent persons should spend a lower amount only for one device, the risk in this way is lowered, acceptable.

    I think good or bad this is the gamble of AR.

    The chances of one or two insane individuals putting up the money are vastly greater than a hundred thousand independent persons ordering one or a few. I strongly doubt that there are more than a couple of thousand people who even know that this supposed miracle product allegedly exists. And unquestionably a far smaller number are gullible enough to order one.

  • The chances of one or two insane individuals putting up the money are vastly greater than a hundred thousand independent persons ordering one or a few. I strongly doubt that there are more than a couple of thousand people who even know that this supposed miracle product allegedly exists. And unquestionably a far smaller number are gullible enough to order one.

    Some individuals are willing to sell their stock investments to buy more than 20 SKleps


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