Optimizing Self Organization of Out of Equilibrium Systems

  • Optimizing Self Organization of Out of Equilibrium Systems

    Traditional gas and electrolytic CF/LENR systems focus on inducing reactions on or just within the surface of metallic fuel. The result is likely the creation of many thousands or millions of small scale self organized structures: resulting in active zones that are difficult to observe or control in real time, if at all. Conversely, the route which is the topic of this thread is to produce a singular large scale (macro) self organized structure induced by out of equilibrium conditions. A number of players have been (for many years) and are currently taking this route including The SAFIRE Project, George Egely, Kiril Chukanov, Electric Fusion Systems, BLP, and multiple others who can be found if no where else in the patent literature. By carefully studying their observations many similarities can be noted along with paths towards optimization of these systems. Thus, the goals of this thread are three fold:

    1) To compare and contrast the varying systems and especially the self organized structures they produce.

    2) To document how these parties are already enhancing and/or optimizing their systems.

    3) To come up with an overall model(s) for a highly efficient system.

    A few facts should be stated from the very start.

    - In a well engineered setup, the production of self organized structures is not difficult at all. The production of "ball of fire" mode plasmas in plasma tubes and multiple concentric double layers was achieved generations ago in labs that would be considered primitive today.

    - The outputs produced by these systems have proven to be harmful to human health and well being (for example the extreme UV light produced from the plasma) and destructive in that powerful backspikes can damage power supplies and measurement devices. Electromagnetic effects can even damage unattached nearby equipment.

    - Precise control is critical to optimizing the level of self organization in these systems. In far out of equilibrium systems, tiny changes of input power or other variables can produces huge changes in output or structure. It could be visualized that devices like these are trying to keep a very thin coin balanced on its edge. This is certainly possible and has been done many times, but it requires precision.

    - There's a wealth of information floating around the internet about these systems. It's too much for any one person to keep in their head. Thus, team efforts are needed.

  • Common Methods of Producing Macro-Scale Self Organized Plasma Structures - A non-exhaustive list.

    - Kiril Chukanov utilizes radio or microwave frequencies to create the ball lightning structure initially and then applies further stimulation via secondary electrodes providing high current (electrons) and/or electron beams.

    - The SAFIRE Project utilizes large surface area copper cathodes on either side of a spherical anode at several (one to thirty or so amps) and moderate voltages (several hundred to fifteen hundred) volts of current restricted, low ripple Direct Current. Interesting, in their patent literature, in the initial design of their reactor there are RF/Microwave elements included. They have not yet reported on any experiments utilizing RF/MW in addition to direct current.

    - BLP utilizes a high current, relatively low voltage (either continuous but usually pulsed) between electrodes (often molten) in molten metal (silver, tin, etc.) They have produced a self sustaining plasma that's extremely bright that continues to exist after all input power is cut off.

    - Ball of Fire mode systems going back a hundred years create a spherical plasma ball in a plasma tube by adjusting the DC voltage/current between one cathode and one anode.

    The following systems seem to have usually been operated in a pulse mode where self organized plasma structures are repeatedly created and destroyed.

    - George Egely's new system seems to be utilizing pulsed input but much is unknown.

    - Alexandra and Paulo Correa utilized pulsed DC.

    - Edwin V. Gray utilized pulsed DC.

    - Electric Fusion Systems uses RF to pre-ionize a mixture of noble gases, hydrogen, and other elements before applying a pulsed high voltage.

  • A few random notes on the observations of the above parties...

    a) A variety of gaseous mediums can be utilized including noble gases and even atmosphere. If techniques are not utilized to somehow pre-ionize the gases, then higher voltages will be needed for higher pressures. This is likely why Electric Fusion Systems uses RF to pre-ionize their fuel mixture before applying electricity.

    b) In virtually all of these systems -- even if it is not explicitly stated or even suggested by the inventor -- the addition of hydrogen gas and especially atomic hydrogen is beneficial.

    c) One common problem right off the bat is that the electrodes often come dirty and contaminated with oil and other substances on their surface and near the surface. They need to be cleaned or they may not function well. SAFIRE experienced this early issue and the result was unstable plasmas.

    d) The work function of electron emitters is a significant issue. Alexandra and Paulo Correa utilized aluminum due to it having a relatively low work function with the drawback being that due to the pulsed nature of their system the cathode would eventually be damaged.

    e) Time is a variable due to how transmutation products can build up on surfaces including cathodes, some of these (like SAFIRE has discovered) potentially having photo-electric properties.

  • Liberate electrons from a medium, make them bunch together, allow self organization to take place: when you do these three things excess energy and transmutations seem to always occur. You can free up the electrons with a high voltage cathode, RF or microwaves, a powerful laser, a Brown's Gas flame or other means. Moreover, the exact gas combination required seems to be very flexible with the main limiting factor being that higher pressures will require in more work being required to ionize the gas. If we believe what is said about SAFIRE's experiments, just about any metal alloy exposed to the resulting self organized structure will undo transmutations.

  • As you highlighted previously a team involved in new ideas, should quickly find new things.

    The remaining needs, find money for that, avoid oldfashion researchers.

    You are fresh here not already polluted, thank you for your common sense.

    Liberate electrons from a medium, make them bunch together, allow self organization to take place: when you do these three things excess energy and transmutations seem to always occur. You can free up the electrons with a high voltage cathode, RF or microwaves, a powerful laser, a Brown's Gas flame or other means. Moreover, the exact gas combination required seems to be very flexible with the main limiting factor being that higher pressures will require in more work being required to ionize the gas. If we believe what is said about SAFIRE's experiments, just about any metal alloy exposed to the resulting self organized structure will undo transmutations.

  • CoherentMembrane: "e) Time is a variable due to how transmutation products can build up on surfaces including cathodes, some of these (like SAFIRE has discovered) potentially having photo-electric properties."

    Could you explain this point?

    The fact is that time is not just a variable, but also a parameter of the generalized Schrodinger equation (equation 4.15 in the article Chaotic dynamics on the sphere). Therefore, if it is true in physics, then new opportunities appear for cold fusion. Because then the interaction time plays a significant role.

    Edited once, last by bayak ().

  • I do not remember the specific element, but SAFIRE discovered that over time a specific transmutation product was accumulating in a very thin layer on the cathodes. I looked up this element and saw that it had photo-electric properties. Then it dawned on me why Monty Childs of SAFIRE said they are still investigating how time is a variable in their system. If the electron emission properties of their cathodes are changing over time (potentially improving) then the properties of the system will be different near the end of a test than at the start. I could also imagine that if the properties of the electrodes remain altered after the power is cut off then future tests could benefit from the transmutation products that accumulated on the cathodes. Remember, current or the quantity of electrons (which are like food to the self organized plasma) is a major driver of the self organized plasma in SAFIRE and multiple other similar systems.

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