I ask members to join my effort to create a fundamentally new LENR device

  • Let's leave the turbine issue alone for now, but we'll still move on. So, the maximum wind speed is 30 m/sec, and the maximum wind tunnel speed is 60 m/sec, the flow rate of a dyson bladeless fan is 3 m/sec. Let's say we managed to create a flow in a pipe with a diameter of 1 m, having a speed of 50 m / sec. The question is, what should be the diameter of the cone at the outlet in order to obtain a supersonic flow velocity. It looks like about 10 cm. We should also not forget that we need to twist the flow a little, so the guide blades should be fixed in the cone.

    Edited once, last by bayak ().

  • We should also not forget that we need to twist the flow a little, so the guide blades should be fixed in the cone.

    The flow will be turbulent after entering the 10cm pipe, guide vanes or not, since above Mach1 air does not behave as an ideal gas - nothing like it in fact. I think you will find this very clearly written document (A PhD thesis) which is a feasibility study for building a tiny supersonic/hypersonic wind tunnel 40mm x1mm throat size at the University of Arkensaw. If nothing else the somewhat specialised math might be useful.

  • Alan Smith Thank you for the useful information. I had no doubt that the flow would be turbulent, but the most interesting thing begins at the exit of the cone. By the way, what do the dimensions of 40 mm x 1 mm mean?


    found from your link:

    Throat with dimensions of 4 cm x 0.09375 cm.

    Edited once, last by bayak ().

  • Now we are faced with the task of making a device for generating plasma in a system combining both inductively and capacitively coupled plasma and an arc discharge. A suitable plasma torch can be used as a basis. What are your suggestions?

  • Magnetic plasma accelerators could be used for disassembly into parts, but they are more expensive than plasma torches and we do not need a vacuum chamber. Can someone tell me a suitable model of a plasma torch? Necessary condition: ignition by arc discharge and flame maintenance by inductively coupled plasma.

  • bayak

    Try this DYI version.

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  • Thanks for the inspiring videos, but the installations presented there do not work with supersonic streams. However, there is an

    induction plasma torch induction plasma torch that works with supersonic plasma flows, but this is also not exactly what is needed.

  • This is another original solution that reduces the cost of our design. The vessel is closed on both sides and a Tesla microwave coil is added to form plasma, and the inductor in the cylindrical part of the vessel performs the functions of a solenoid that generates a constant axial magnetic field.

  • bayak

    This is starting to look like Roger Shawyers 'Em drive' electronic propulsion system.

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  • Alan Smith Indeed, there is some similarity, but only externally. Let me remind you that in our case, plasma is spinning inside the device, and therefore, by virtue of the law of conservation of momentum, the device itself (in zero gravity) also rotates, but in no way moves in a straight line. And in general, our main goal is to induce LENR, not a rocket engine. In this regard, let me note that in the cylindrical part of the vessel, an alternating voltage is applied to the coaxially arranged electrodes, which causes an alternating radial current and azimuthal own magnetic field, and by virtue of Ampere's law, the plasma oscillates in the axial direction with the frequency of the applied voltage. In addition, the radius of the ring of the double electric plasma layer oscillates with the same frequency. It remains to enter into resonance with the ion-sound vibrations of the plasma and roll on our ring with a shock wave. I hope this is enough to induce LENR.

    Edited once, last by bayak ().

  • Alan Smith Indeed, there is some similarity, but only externally. Let me remind you that in our case, plasma is spinning inside the device, and therefore, by virtue of the law of conservation of momentum, the device itself (in zero gravity) also rotates, but in no way moves in a straight line. And in general, our main goal is to induce LENR, not a rocket engine. In this regard, let me note that in the cylindrical part of the vessel, an alternating voltage is applied to the coaxially arranged electrodes, which causes an alternating radial current and azimuthal own magnetic field, and by virtue of Ampere's law, the plasma oscillates in the axial direction with the frequency of the applied voltage. In addition, the radius of the ring of the double electric plasma layer oscillates with the same frequency. It remains to enter into resonance with the ion-sound vibrations of the plasma and roll on our ring with a shock wave. I hope this is enough to induce LENR.

    You talk as if you are a team. If so, can you provide us with a little more information about what this is all about? Yes, I understand you want a LENR reaction to propel a rocket engine, but has there been some prototype built already? Is this your personal garage project, or something bigger?

    In reading the "answer to Rossi" link you provided earlier, it appears there has been progress with your concept. Is what you are doing to build on that (progress), or is this independent of that?

  • Well, i like bayak postulates because first of all it's thougthfull.. Now about the another topic of 2.0 fence should we touch soon an update ?

    You talk as if you are a team. If so, can you provide us with a little more information about what this is all about? Yes, I understand you want a LENR reaction to propel a rocket engine, but has there been some prototype built already? Is this your personal garage project, or something bigger?

    In reading the "answer to Rossi" link you provided earlier, it appears there has been progress with your concept. Is what you are doing to build on that (progress), or is this independent of that?

  • I have to highlight this sentence from the link you shared about Rossi:

    I agree with you, Engineer. The Klimov installation is much more interesting from the point of view of the LENR than Rossi. E. Maksimov

    Does that mean your team is well aware about Rossi's technology ?

    Some people are thinking rather all of this is only .. how to say, an entertainment..??

  • Cydonia I don't know how knowledgeable Klimov's team is about the Rossi technology, and I'm a complete layman in this matter. However, I understand that solid-state LENR phenomena, as well as liquid and gas phenomena, have a single theoretical basis.

  • Yes, i'm agree with your conclusion.

    Cydonia I don't know how knowledgeable Klimov's team is about the Rossi technology, and I'm a complete layman in this matter. However, I understand that solid-state LENR phenomena, as well as liquid and gas phenomena, have a single theoretical basis.

  • In this regard, let me note that in the cylindrical part of the vessel, an alternating voltage is applied to the coaxially arranged electrodes, which causes an alternating radial current and azimuthal own magnetic field, and by virtue of Ampere's law, the plasma oscillates in the axial direction with the frequency of the applied voltage. In addition, the radius of the ring of the double electric plasma layer oscillates with the same frequency.

    Have you noticed that as a result of such an impact on the double electric layer, it takes the form of a torus stretched over a sphere without polar caps?

    At the same time, the highest concentration of plasma (favorable for LENR) will be just in the polar circles, so our task is to pull them to the polar poles in order to bring this concentration to the level necessary to overcome the Coulomb barrier.

    Edited 2 times, last by bayak ().

  • Shane D. I am not a member of Klimov's group, which developed the plasma vortex device. I have my own project, but there is no team yet. I am trying to interest the Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer in Minsk, but so far without success. I use the phrase "our project" because we are all (against our will) participants in this project.

    I don't want to get too political here, but I think such technology will not be in the interest of Russia nor Belarus.

    Just imagine if successful, the Russian business modell (oil and gas) will be dead! Moreover, and this is a real pitty IMO, we have a new iron curtain now in Europe. Exchange across this border will be more & more difficult....

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