• Subject to agreement, it seems that we may be able to boost the numbers of society members. There are 3 different groups, the ISCMNS is the biggest, the SFNMC in France is the second largest and the Japanese group the smallest at around 50 members. By at some level forming an alliance, each society would be able to claim almost 400 members. I would like to remind LENR-forum members here that it would help the field if we were able to grow this number to 500, and perhaps Pete who is ISCMNS membership secretary could post details here. I will also create a thread with information about the new structure of the society.

    I'm sure that this is more than you're suggesting, but if the three groups were amalgamated (perhaps retaining something analogous to local chapters under an ISCMNS umbrella), then collection of membership fees could be standardised (as could provision of membership benefits). 400 members at 50 euros per year (as a very rough hypothetical) would be 20,000 euros per annum - a significant operating budget that the society could use.

    In addition, with an expanded operating budget, the society could begin to systematically retain some surplus funds on its balance sheet to invest for the long term in instruments like fixed income and equity. Balance sheet management is hardly sexy, and some might find such suggestions antithetical to the purpose of the society.

    Nonetheless, having a pool of capital intended for the very long term would give the organisation a little more existential certainty - and a capacity to better absorb problems or crises. A mini endowment, if you will. Over time, it could contribute back into the operating budget when necessary (through bond coupons, dividends and also capital decumulation) - so that it could continue to grow whilst intermittently supplementing membership dues.

    Even ostensibly small amounts can matter. If the society retained 5,000 euros per annum for 20 years, and earned 6% per annum on the balance (that may be a little optimistic, but nonetheless), then after 20 years, the balance would be pushing 200,000 euros. Enough to really mean something - and ensure the survival of the society for the future.

  • I think that national groups should retain control of their own finances, but the new category of 'friends' - described below will give members of the French and Japanese societies a means of formalising membership at very low cost. But there is much discussion about how to do this to be had yet. But important figures in both groups have been guardedly welcoming of this idea. It is not yet a formal proposal, that's my job over the next few weeks.

    On another topic, Jean Paul and Steve Katinsky have decided to stick with the Scholastica publishing platform for the journal despite some reservations. I will send those interested an email about this

    This document sets out the new structure for the ISCMNs which Nancy Bowen, Jean-Paul Biberian and I presented at the conference and which members voted unanimously to accept. I think anyone interested in the future of the society should take a look..

    ISCMNS STRUCTURE 2023 v 1.8.pdf

  • Quote

    Gases are condensed matter

    From Britannica:


    Condensed-matter physics, discipline that treats the thermal, elastic, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties of solid and liquid substances

    CMNS just adds nuclear to the list.

    n.b. "Nuclear" does not equal "Fusion".

    Jed, you really don't need to turn everything into an argument - especially jokes.

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

  • Jed, you really don't need to turn everything into an argument

    Not arguing at all. I was just trying to clarify what condensed matter means. It can be confusing.

    As far as I know cold fusion cannot happen in a gas without a metal substrate, but there have been a few claims that it can. See:

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