The Design of Low Energy Nuclear Battery

  • Greetings members of the LENR-FORUM,

    I am Ryoji Furui, an independent researcher seeking to perform Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) experiments. As seen on a new post by Curbina, I recently completed a 4-page paper titled "Design of Low Energy Nuclear Battery," which includes both experimental designs and theoretical considerations based on Professor Emeritus X.Z. Li's online lecture at ICCF-25. Although I lack the necessary equipment and expertise to conduct the experiment, I have discussed my ideas with some experts in the field of LENR, and they have provided positive feedback. As such, I am posting on this forum to share my ideas with other contributors to the LENR community.


    Please feel free to provide any feedback or offers for collaboration that you may have. Of course, if you have some tools or resources to do it by yourself, I would be happy to hear from you the results!

    Thank you,

    Ryoji Furui

  • Curbina

    Approved the thread.
  • Welcome on the forum.

    You have an interesting approach.

    Now a question, why don't you put directly the current accross the graphene sheet ?

  • Welcome Ryoji Furui

    It seems Professor Li's presentation from ICCF-25 isn't on youtube, but it is available on the password protected vimeo archive.

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

  • The story is that the ICCF-25 presenters have to give formal permission before video of their presentation can be made public. Not all have (up to the end of last week) have done so.

  • I think it is great that members of the forum are proposing possible tests.

    I do have a few questions for you, Ryoji Furui , about the document.

    1. Professor Li in his presentation was expressing support for a k-capture model for p-->n transmutation, resulting in the release of a neutrino and some x-rays (and no gamma). How does this relate to the reactions you are expecting to occur in your proposed reactor?

    2. The CNO cycle that you mention is normally proposed as a stellar nucleosynthesis reaction. In what ways will your reactor be able to create the conditions required by the cycle theory? (n.b “Cold CNO” usually refers to stellar temperatures, as opposed to “Hot CNO” which supposedly requires novae)

    3. These are the only references in the document:


    [1] X. Z. Li, C. L. Liang, G. S. Huang, S. X. Zheng, B. Liu, J. Tian, S. Chen, Y. Chen and Z. M. Dong, A 1/3 - Law in nuclear transmutation of metal hydrides (II), Abstracts of 25th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (2023) 44

    [2] S. Ando and K. Kubodera, Neutron-neutron fusion, Phys. Lett. B 633 (2006) 253-259

    [3] Y. Iwamura, T. Itoh and J. Kasagi, Excess Energy Generation using a Nano-sized Multilayer Metal Composite and Hydrogen Gas, J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 33 (2020) 1-13

    Which of your three references provides support for the idea that graphene and hydrogen may create nuclear reactions when illuminated by THz modulated laser light? If none of them do, then please can you provide some additional references in support of a possible graphene/hydrogen/THz laser reaction.

    4. In subnote 1 you have written:


    Electricity production comes in packages from certain ongoing projects, such as the E-Cat by the Leonardo Corporation ( and the EnergiCell by the ENG8 International Limited (

    Please can you provide some more information about these “packages”? (Note that Leonardo Corp is not recognised as a credible organisation, by many members of this forum.) Also note that ENG8 are predominantly an R&D organisation, at the moment, and (as far as I am aware) are not yet selling any products.

    Many thanks.

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

  • Dear Cydonia, Frogfall, Alan Smith, and Gennadiy Tarassenko,

    Thank you for your comments on my post. I am very glad to have an opportunity to share my idea. I would like to address and clarify some of the points raised in your comments for better understanding and development of the idea.

    Cydonia, I placed p-n junction which may stabilize outputs rather let graphene electrode itself, though this is very my intuitive idea yet. We could potentially adjust the output by changing the size, thickness, or number of layers. Additionally, the p-n junction is expected to function as a high temperature circuit breaker for safety.

    Alan Smith, and Gennadiy Tarassenko,

    I watched the ICCF25 video and wrote a theoretical section based on what I learned. If there are any specific documents or resources that you recommend for further learning, please let me know.


    Thank you for your question for details and providing useful links.

    1. In all fusion processes, I expect that most neutralizations are only protons being converted into neutrons. Therefore, there should be no x-ray but auger electron in K-capture, only free electron capture in the plasmons. Other possible quantum phenomena could be that the plasmons act as a stopping power against protons.

    2. As stated in point 1, all fusion processes require intermediate proton neutralizations. Therefore, the process could be referred to as 'Super Cold CNO.' The ideal reaction is primarily limited to the p-p chain by adjusting device settings such as temperature and gas pressure. As a result, graphene can resist functioning as a plasmon generator for a longer duration.

    3. My intuition was to combine graphene, hydrogen, and THz radiation for LENR reactions. I believe it is the desired surface condition for LENR. I previously suggested this combination as an idea for hot fusion ignition in a paper I wrote last November, a few weeks before news about hot fusion broke. You can read more about my ideas in this link:…ob/main/nuclearfusion.pdf

    4. I chose them based on their claims of electrical output, although I am still unsure of the specific methods they used to generate electricity. I would like to continue investigating these topics further, including any past discussions in this forum.

    Thank you again,

  • Hello Ryoji,

    It is wonderful to have you on the forum discussing designs and applications.
    There has been many who have purposed similar experiments, but the problem seems to remain that the wave dynamics for hydrogen and electron interactions are still not well understood enough to convert direct gaseous mediums into usable energy 100% of the time. The material science costs using techniques like CVD can be quite expensive as well making this type of experiment not very economical. It may be better if we learn to crawl before we walk by converting a more compact hydrogen medium directly first?
    That has been my approach anyways using MHD in relatively simple reactor design that is patent free.…harmonic-hydrogen-fusion/

    I don't want to be rude but seeing Leonardo Corp. mentioned in your paper is a little off-putting considering there track record.
    It is very nice to see more people discussing and contributing to this interesting phenomenon.

    Thanks again for your time and efforts and glad to be sharing these moments with you. 🙏

    Blessings to you and yours,


  • You don't know any things really with what you argued, only current blablabla we can heard everywhere.

    Didn't you know that your country (DOE/DOD) paid him for some of his technology so that he would shut up and USA could continue to make money from its oil ?

    I don't want to be rude but seeing Leonardo Corp. mentioned in your paper is a little off-putting considering there track record.

  • Diadon Acs

    Thank you for sharing your project, It's impressive! While I haven't conducted any experiments yet, I expect that exposing graphene to high-pressure hydrogen gas will allow the hydrogen atoms to enter into the layer(s).

    Magnetic fields are fascinating in their ability to confine fusion fuel reactions, which is common in hot fusions. Additionally, I'm curious whether magnetic fields could control the direction of beta decay since they exhibit parity violation properties. Graphene's surface plasmon polaritons may also help close the gap between quantum and classical dynamics, leading to more efficient and stable reactions.

    It seems that you have access to full-fledged experimental tools. If you're interested in performing THz experiments on a desktop, I suggest keeping an eye out for Canon's up coming compact device. Although it hasn't been released yet, there may be opportunities to obtain sample modules. Check out this news article for more information:

  • You don't know any things really with what you argued, only current blablabla we can heard everywhere.

    Didn't you know that your country (DOE/DOD) paid him for some of his technology so that he would shut up and USA could continue to make money from its oil ?

    That is my argument indeed. Blah blah blah is all we hear because there is no transparency from that group of people.
    I'm not here to argue about Leonardo Corp. only learn from others and work towards understanding LENR further.
    If we removed Rossi from the collected body of knowledge in this field, would it impact any discoveries we have made?
    My answer is no, he has no real contribution to the science, only to his personal marketing and sales.

    There are and where (RIP) so many incredible Italian experimental physicists that for some strange reason were outshined by Rossi's media machine.
    I would even go so far to say that Rossi was relaying on the work of Focardi and Piantelli in order to make some $$
    The LENR field seems like a fickle mistress as money is involved.. I think there is a reason for that I have elaborated on a few times.

    It's quite possible he had good intentions, it's just challenging to commercialize something with large upfront cost and a long time frame for any EROI
    He is certainly seems like a capable engineer but he has made it clear where his value align don't you think?

    I respect your input @cydoniaand that is why I took the time to write this.
    It is in my humble opinion a distraction and I really am not trying to be crass about it, just voicing my concerns with placing attention on it.

    He seems like he was a necessary figure in the space to see how not to commercialize LENR.
    So I think it would be more proactive to avoid discussing Rossi's claims, flow of money, and whether or not he is legitimate as it doesn't really add to the discourse of LENR.
    There may be more progress to increasing the electrodynamic entropy for humanities socioeconomic benefit if we focus on the natural systems of physics, instead of the short term money games?

  • Thank you for the kind words but I wouldn't be anywhere without the many people who have came before me and shared there discoveries openly.
    I suspect your are correct about the single atom carbon structuring "Graphene".…abs/pii/S136403211730271X

    Indeed. In my case the static magnetic field is used for MHD to increase the probability of heavy hydrogen exchange and graphitic "charge clusters" in the Electromagnetic Plasma point discharge, hypothetically....🤞
    What Matsumoto called ENC (Electro-Nuclear Collapse) and Ed Stroms calls NAE (Nuclear Active Environment)

    There are so many names for a dynamic field collapse in a region of space it makes the head spin.

    It isn't quite full-fledged in the tools part, but is slowly improving along with the experimenter I hope.
    Thank you for the link, I will keep my eye on that. My Oscilloscope only goes up to 50 MHz so it would be difficult to measure this THz chip-set and perhaps other electromagnetic high frequency cascades that may occur in the reactor atm. My lab is very economical..
    What one may lack in physical resource doesn't excuse what one may be able to use in intellectual resourcefulness, if one is willing to spend some time.
    At least that is something I like to put my faith in. 😅

  • @Diadon Acs,

    I think that cold fusion does not require extreme compression of hydrogen atoms, as in hot fusion. Instead, it involves creating nanoscale conditions through electrical and magnetic effects, I think it is the plasmonic graphene. In order to achieve sustained LENR reactions, there must be a "sweet spot" of energy levels involved, neither too high nor too low, as Professor Li discussed at ICCF25. I believe THz is a such region to realize new energy.

    Regarding intellectual property, I have encountered challenges in working with companies that hold patents on certain technologies. This issue has been present for decades, with examples such as Windows versus Linux or recent tensions within the AI community around OpenAI and RISC-V in the semiconductor industry. However, I believe that the trend is towards greater collaboration among open-source communities, and that this will also apply to LENR technology if it becomes widely available.

    It may be challenging for me (or to maintain an open-source policy while also collaborating with companies that typically file patents. If we try to keep our information shared, it may limit what can be shared openly, which could ultimately hinder collaboration with such companies.

  • First of all, sorry to Ryoji Furui San to have polluted his thread.

    I can't blame Tarasenko and doing the same in the same time..

    Next i have nothing wrong against your country and you, it's fully clear. I spent 2 times in Shane D. place, also Hawai rather nice :)

    About Rossi, my thoughts:

    He proposed 2 ideas to Focardi for improving the Piantelli way: the first the powder the second the famous secret catalyst, i know.

    And it's was a good way.

    Next Focardi became off, passed away, and AR continued with Fabiani.

    They evolved the initial Focardi release by self managing the hydrogen , it was the famous Doral release.

    I don't know what exactly became wrong with IH but as i studied it deeply i can say and share that some technical things involved in that were only discovered recently by Iwamura team and presented at last ICCF.

    The field is 10 years LATE. The fashion magic last Biberian's powder presented at ICCF made me laugh for example.

    Next it was the hotcat generation, very interesting release, and the technical gap was very big regarding the Doral one.

    Always the same Iwamura expectation that Rossi's as a joke called Cat/Mouse.

    Now behind this funny naming believe me there is great physical things..

    I understood 95 % of its release, this is why i currently replicate it.

    Unfortunatelly, this year i was very busy ( involved in french cells gigafactory project) and i only will restard soon experimentations.

    These hotcat are interesting because i have some ideas to highly improve them, ( bigger COP).

    Would like to do a drone by this way to kill all... ahahaha

    I have respect about people involved in LEC project, but there is at least one light year what separate these 2 technologies.

    Next there was the Lugano release, which is completly different.

    I speculate that Rossi fucked 2 swedish scientists by recovering their work for himself.

    Anyway, this is a neutron generator, by which these species are removed from lithium to transmute the surrounding metal.

    At Lugano it was nickel now it you use rather simple thorium you will reach ( by adding neutrons) interesting US toy levels.

    You can understand we are not talking of disneyland entertainments here.

    Next there was the QX generation by which the Cat/Mouse was managed by direct electricity.

    From this stage, Fabiani have had serious health problems, Rossi threw he away then only continued with low cost engineers from EU east side.

    The rest of the story is only blalbla bla from Rossi, he became old, over... You can see that, everyday on ECW ....

    To summarize:

    The Focardi release is working well.

    The Doral one managed by itself the hydrogen but it was the same way as previously, only an improvement.

    The Hotcat very different in engineering but on the same way considering the basic principles.

    Lugano way to avoid to me because neutrons able to do U235.

    QX interesting improvement by which cat/mouse were managed by direct electricity.

    Next ... Rossi was only the beginning because it exists other ways in the same spirit very interesting too, dusty plasma and full plasma.

    That 's all.... This is my postulates.

    I won't continue about AR here , i can however add to finish that Ryoji Furui thoughts are going in the same Lugano engineering hehehe....

  • @Cydonia,

    Thank you for your comments.

    Thank you for your comments. Before joining this community, I had heard about Iwamura's project through web news in the summer. Although LENR is still inconceivable and unacceptable as a future reality for me and many others, when LENR becomes the primary energy source one day, everyone will want to know about the people who have dedicated themselves to it. While I am still considering my present and future plans, I hope to find the time to reflect on its history.

    So my thoughts are going in the same Lugano engineering?? I will check how Lugano did...

  • Well, with friends we have made some deep investigations and we have a clear idea about how it works, however all things need time to go forward. (not yet retired :) )

  • I have been wanting to comment that Carbon Nano Tubes, and Multi Walled Carbon Nano Tubes, which are a “folded on itself” graphene material, have been investigated and already patented as materials where LENR can happen in a rather strong manner. We have a couple of threads about this topic, there was already an IP conflict between two parties that claimed being the inventors and were suing each other.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • Back in the 1980s I started noticing that for projects to attract funding, and also get column inches in the sci/tech/pop press, they either had to include the use of a laser or a microprocessor. It became a kind of "law of high tech".

    Over the years, people got used to digital tech, and it lost a lot of its sexiness. After some decades, everything had to be "nano" instead. You could get funding for doing something, and get a story in the press, as long as it included "nano-this" or "nano-that".

    Nowadays, of course, "graphene" has overtaken "nano" - and is even approaching the popularity of lasers (which, despite some decline since the 80s, have remained a firm favourite - a bit like some pop groups). ;)

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

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