Greetings members of the LENR-FORUM,
I am Ryoji Furui, an independent researcher seeking to perform Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) experiments. As seen on a new post by Curbina, I recently completed a 4-page paper titled "Design of Low Energy Nuclear Battery," which includes both experimental designs and theoretical considerations based on Professor Emeritus X.Z. Li's online lecture at ICCF-25. Although I lack the necessary equipment and expertise to conduct the experiment, I have discussed my ideas with some experts in the field of LENR, and they have provided positive feedback. As such, I am posting on this forum to share my ideas with other contributors to the LENR community.
Please feel free to provide any feedback or offers for collaboration that you may have. Of course, if you have some tools or resources to do it by yourself, I would be happy to hear from you the results!
Thank you,
Ryoji Furui