Nyteknik 2014-10-10

    • Official Post

    A new report from a 32-day measurement of the energy unit E-cat, reported large amounts of energy released and the clear signs of a nuclear-physical process. The observations can not be explained by established theories.

    (UPDATED). A new long-term measurement was conducted by Swedish and Italian researchers at the energy unit E-cat - a half-meter-long reactor body with an unknown process inside.

    Two significant results are recorded in the reportthat have not been reviewed by any publication.One is an energy production totaling 1.5 MWh from about one gram of fuel - far beyond what is possible with chemical reactions, and over three times more than the energy input. The second is the isotopic changes in the spent fuel, thus changes in the nuclei, suggesting a nuclear physical process.

    Despite this, no radiation measured either in the spent fuel or outside the reactor during operation, which is contrary to known physics.

    The report titled "Observation of abundant heat production from a reactor device and of isotopic changes in the fuel" was written by Giuseppe Levi, Evelyn Foschi, Bo Höistad, Roland Pettersson, Lars Tegner and Hanno Essen all participated in aprevious survey and report about the E-cat.

    In the commentary, they write:

    We have a device that provides heat energy compatible with nuclear changes, but it works with low energy levels and produces no radioactive waste or radiation. Based on the basic knowledge of nuclear physics, this should not be possible. Nevertheless, we need to relate to the fact that the experimental results from our test shows a greater heat than than chemical combustion, and the fuel in the E-cat undergoes nuclear changes. Indeed, it is very unsatisfactory that so far there is no convincing theoretical explanation for these results, but the experimental results can not be dismissed or just ignored because of a lack of theoretical understanding. "

    Based on the criticism of an earlier measurement , the group has made several changes to reduce the scope for errors and uncertainty. Among other measurements were made on neutral ground in a laboratory in Switzerland. The electrical measurements on the input energy was accurate, a test run of the reactor with no fuel was made for calibration, and the chemical analysis of the fuel to examine any core changes have occurred. The analysis of the fuel was made by five independent methods.

    Stephan Pomp, Professor of Applied Nuclear Physics at Uppsala University, who has previously been critical of the measurements, said in a blog post that nuclear changes are unlikely, and that "by far the most likely conclusion of the fuel analysis is that they [the researchers] have been fooled."

    Göran Ericsson, Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy at Uppsala University, comments:

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