sam12 Member
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  • from Quill Lake SK Canada
  • Member since Jan 26th 2016
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Posts by sam12

    I think it's hilarious that the Rossi'ites are just lapping up the E-Cat SK. We all knew he was just going to come up with a "better" E-Cat instead of actually producing the supposed masterpiece of the QX.

    1. Kandra Harrel May 16, 2018 at 8:52 AM

      Dear Dr Rossi,

      Is the Ecat SK founded on the bases of the Ecat QX we watched in the video of youtube “Ecat QX demonstration of November 24 2017 in Stockholm”?

    2. Translate Andrea Rossi May 16, 2018 at 3:34 PM

      Kandra Harrel:


      Warm Regards,



    The exception would be if the more powerful SK version is much superior Rossi maybe tempted to switch. As this would mean another years delay I think that might be a fatal mistake.

    1. JPR May 12, 2018 at 7:41 PM

      Dear Andrea:

      You said the SK could be your masterpiece. Is this related also to the SSM?

      All the best,

      Jean Paul Renoir

    2. Andrea Rossi May 15, 2018 at 10:48 AM


      By the end of May an extremely important test will be completed and we will know if we reached a remarkable product or a failure.

      Warm Regards,


    I think the Stockholm demonstration was

    fairly convincing that the QX works.

    A.R. Says that he is not sure if he will be

    succesful with the SK.

    BTW I made the suggestion to name it EcatSK so I hope he is succesful.

    Maybe Adrian simply doesn't understand the concept of successful deception, lasting over several years.

    He is just an honest person and always worked with honest persons in his professional lifetime.

    My guess is Adrian has seen them all

    (honest and dishonest and deceptive,and people that play games.

    That is why his opinion of A.R. and his

    work is important to me.


    Be honest. You say "AR has made improvements on the QX after the demo". There is not proof of that, so would it not be more appropriate to say "Rossisays he has made improvements"?

    Yes it would be more appropriate Shane D.

    I posted the question to Rossi after the posting here and this is what the good DR said.

    1. Sam May 10, 2018 at 8:05 PM

      Hello DR Rossi

      Could you give a summary of the improvements

      you have made on the QX since the Stockholm


      Good luck on the SK test this month.



    2. Andrea Rossi May 10, 2018 at 8:25 PM


      1- increased the power to 1 kW with the same dimensions

      2- eliminated the heating problems of the circuitry

      3- designed the module in a way to be easily industrialized

      Warm Regards,


    Sam, if Rossi’s demonstration of the EcatQX was in any way a positive development in your view, then it is truly a pointless exercise for anyone here to debate with you.

    The demonstration of the QX was an interesting development.It is a positive

    development that A.R. has made improvements on the QX after the demo.

    sam12: there was a long-time Rossi believer named Daniel Maris who said the same things you do for years on end. Like clockwork, he would announce that if Rossi didn’t have a product on the market in 6 months or sometimes in a year, then he was done. But year after year, he decided to wait for the next amazing new version of the e-cat that bore no resemblance to the previous amazing version. I guess he finally did throw in the towel... or maybe he is still around with a new name.

    It is going to be interesting over the next few


    1. Frank Acland May 8, 2018 at 2:02 PM

      Dear Andrea,

      If possible, could you confirm or not confirm my interpretation of the current situation.

      1) You are currently working in one location in the USA?

      2) You have started to build a production system?

      3) The production system is designed to build 1 kW E-Cat QX Modules?

      4) You have not yet started producing the modules in the system (too early)?

      5) The production system you are building will have the capacity to build 100,000 1 kW Modules over the course of one year?

      6) If the production system works well, and if sales are strong enough, you can duplicate the production system to increase capacity?

      Thank you and best wishes,

      Frank Acland

    2. Andrea Rossi May 8, 2018 at 2:41 PM

      Frank Acland:

      1- yes

      2- yes

      3- yes

      4- exactly

      5- yes

      6- yes

      Warm Regards,


    The hypothetical question of what skeptics will do if Rossi is successful is quite different from the hypothetical question of what believers will do if Rossi is a conman. The difference is that there could certainly be proof that the e-cat works. There are numerous ways such proof could be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the most demanding skeptic, although the chances of any of them happening is infinitesimal. On the other hand, there will never be proof that the e-cat doesn't work. No matter how many times Rossi's parlor tricks are revealed for what they are, believers will cry foul and eagerly await the next charade. So the Sams of the world will probably take their Rossi delusion to their graves.

    The only proof that the Ecat works for me is

    if the Ecat goes to market and there are

    satisfied customers.

    If I live another year and that has not happened I will say I was dillusional.

    Forty two,

    To be sure, when I first heard of the Ecat, I was intrigued enough to start following it.

    But soon, delay after delay forced a closer look, it then became obvious to me that Rossi was nothing more than a conman

    Delay after delay is now full steam ahead

    with the EcatQX.

    This Rossi supporter will say I was wrong if

    it somehow ends up being a con.

    Will you say you where wrong if A.R. Is

    succesful with the Ecat?

    True Sam. What do you think though, about Rossi refusing her invitation to interview? Just curious about your opinion, as you still stand by him.

    I think Ruby should ask for an interview

    with Rossi if he is succesful with the QX.

    That one would be Huge.

    An interview now would be small potatoes

    Rossi has stated he likes Ruby(hugs to Ruby)so he might give her that interview.

    1. Buck April 17, 2018 at 11:29 AM

      Good Day Andrea:

      I read with some interest on you visit to Chicago.

      Presuming you signed a contract with your global customer, is your customer on the following list?


      My best to you and your team,


    2. Andrea Rossi April 17, 2018 at 12:34 PM


      The name is global, but I cannot answer in positive or in negative, because I am under NDA. Obviously with a series of lists, by exclusion, it would be easy to individuate the name.

      Warm Regards,


    Mr Rossi is doing exactly the same things with the EcatQX as he did when he introduced the ECat. He is undertaking demos, talking about collaborations with unnamed large commercial partners, saying he has to wait for certification, claiming roboticized manufacturing plants are being built, and maintaining strict secrecy

    However Rossi looks, it is exactly as he looked with the ECat.

    I have to agree with what you say Bruce H.

    The one thing I do see that is different is the high Confidence Rossi

    has in the EcatQX product compared to the not so confident he had in the
