sam12 Member
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  • from Quill Lake SK Canada
  • Member since Jan 26th 2016
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Posts by sam12

    Just to set the record straight. Dr. Kullander never said of any of Rossi's devices that they work as claimed. What he said was that they produced anomalous results which had to be explained with additional experiments. If he saw that a scam had been named after him, he'd roll over in his grave.

    I suggested the idea to Rossi so I will be partly to blame.

    But I think Rossi is going to be succesful with the SK.

    1. JPR November 12, 2018 at 11:29 PM

      Dear Andrea Rossi,

      At what time will be broadcasted the direct streaming of the Ecat SK on January 31st? Where will it remain to be seen from those which will not attend the direct streaming?


    2. Andrea Rossi November 13, 2018 at 7:51 AM


      1- the streaming will begin at 9 A.M. US Eastern Time and will last 2 hours

      2- the video will remain on youtube and a link will be maintained in our website or

      Warm Regards,


    You are quite right about that. Far from 'mocking' I donated hardware and materials to LION and upgraded a data logger for him. And we have never 'broken off contact' - it's the other way around, we never saw a (long promised) LION fuel tube either. I leave thoughts on 'self aggrandisement' to others.

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    A couple of interesting comments

    from A.R.

    1. John C Evans November 9, 2018 at 10:24 AM

      Dear Andrea:

      Do you expect that the January demonstration will be a validation of your work with enough coverage to excite the alternate energy community? Should this happen are you prepared for the media circus that will follow?

      Good luck and thank you.

      John C Evans

    2. Andrea Rossi November 9, 2018 at 10:38 AM

      John C Evans:

      Thanks to you for your kind attention to the work of our team.

      The aim of the January 31st presentation is not to get a validation. We are presenting a service that is based on an industrial production, not on a prototype that needs to be validated. The goal of the presentation is commercial, not scientific and has to be object of clear distinction from a work of R&D, that we continue to do, and of theoretical study, that we continue to do.

      We are prepared to answer the questions we will receive: any kind of questions.

      Warm Regards,


    3. Prof November 9, 2018 at 2:58 AM

      Can you give some information about the main events relate to the Ecat from now to the January 31st presentation?

    4. Andrea Rossi November 9, 2018 at 8:46 AM


      Next week a thoroughly series of experiments oriented toward the theoretical bases of the effect, and the results will be communicated to all the members that are working with me upon theoretical issues; the last week of November and during December our Clients will visit us to see the SK in operation and define details.

      Warm Regards,


    This is for the record-no response from AR to two e-mails so far-so I'm just wasting my time and he is probably just wasting ours. Worth a go at a yes or no answer if nobody has ever been dumb enough to ask this before........I give up!

    I am not surprised that he did not

    respond.But good for you for giving

    it a try.

    I have said nothing wrong but I am told to keep quiet. :|

    I have watched for 7+ years in detail the Rossi drama. I have seen people come an go. I have watched ECW become a protectorate where Rossi is protected because he cannot protect himself (by his own actions). Defiance against him is not tolerated. What direction is LENR Forum heading? What now needs silencing because of "words that are not wrong"?

    Yes, it probably is time for me to move on......but in a different way. :/

    Frank allows defiance remarks against Rossi on ECW but does not

    allow them if they are repeated by

    the same person.

    BTW I have a better understanding

    of Rossi by reading the skeptics

    comments on Rossi and his technology.

    I suspect that Rossi has moved up/down/sideways from Home Depot to Lowes, or maybe he is getting his precision parts from OSH at a discount because of they closing up business. Maybe AA, Axil or Sam has some insider information re: that.

    Robert Goddard was known for doing research on the cheap so

    Rossi is in good company.

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    And why does everyone seem to think I have relapsed back into being a Rossi believer? I have been sober now since the Rossi depositions were made public, and I intend to stay that way.

    Maybe it is because you are doing a good job as a moderator and being

    fair to all members whatever there

    opinion is on Rossi and his Ecat.

    The development of the QX was a mistake on Rossi's part. We all know that many thousands of QX sub units would be a nightmare to control and a waste of material to manufacture. He must have been greatly affected by the failure of the wafer based reactors and entered a state of inventors neurosis. So Rossi designed the smallest reactor that he could build without regard for power density, the most desirable feature of a reactor's design. Rossi must have been thinking about the home reactor as a QX application. But a home heating system still needs to produce about 100 kilowatts which is extremely unwieldy for the QX to meet.

    I will bet that somebody other than Rossi came up with the SK design. The SK is recognition that the QX development was a waist of time. There must be an as yet undisclosed high flying reactor designer working incognito in Rossi's crew or in the employ of Rossi's customer.

    The more power that the SK can generate makes for a better reactor system's design. The 20 kW E-Cat SK is a good system's design and I have my doubts that Rossi was disposed to think of producing it having been traumatized at Doral.

    Designing the QX is what kept Rossi

    going.When he realized it worked that drove him to improve on it

    and work on the SK with input from


    I have no idea what the demonstration will show Bob.

    I wish it was being held tomorrow.

    Jan 31 is a long way off to find out

    what Rossi will demonstrate.

    The only thing amazing about Rossi is his ability to keep people like you deluded.

    I blame it on the Goverment.

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    Most people here are convinced that Rossi is a liar and a con man. But there is a distinction between those who are strong LENR adherents and those who remain skeptical about LENR. The LENR people can’t seem to accept the notion that Rossi’s most persistent lie is that his junk has anything whatever to do with LENR. As a result, even strong Rossi critics like Shane and Jed still leave the door open for Rossi at some point or other having produced a working new energy device. I guess this will never change. Somehow, people seem to think it is disloyal to LENR to write off Rossi completely. It isn’t. Whether LENR exists or not, Rossi is just a con man.

    International Heat wrote Rossi off and walked away but A.R. just keeps

    on running.An amazing man no matter how you look at him.

    Well, once I agree with you. - ECW is quite interesting and informative and revealing (about the gullibility of Rossi LENR supporter) if you read it in retrospective.

    Start at the bottom of this list

    and check how much bullshit you can find there about all kinds of (always newer) e-cat species, Rossi’s plans for “robotized factories“, talks with “home depot”, pre-orders, size and costs of (never evolved) home e-cats...

    Thanks for reminding me that I must

    get caught up in what’s happening

    in the World.