Aleksandr Nikitin Verified User
  • Member since Nov 27th 2023
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Posts by Aleksandr Nikitin

    Take off the judge's robe (it's too big for you. Judge-Time) and say something substantive.

    ... in principle the chain cold fusion reaction mediated by neutrinos instead of neutrons is also possible.

    You understand the essence of my proposal, namely:

    Carry out a chain reaction of cold nuclear fusion by bombarding the nuclei of atoms with neutrinos (neutrino field). (by formal analogy with the experiment of Lise Meitner and Otto Hahn on the fission of a uranium nucleus when bombarded with neutrons).

    Specific suggestions in my article and comments on this forum.

    I understood that the light in the beams rotates along closed trajectories, but moves in a straight line and at the speed of light. By the way, a tensor-type vortex has the symmetry of a sphere with gouged poles, and this is the group U(2).

    In Nature, at the fundamental non-mechanical level of motion, there are no tori, vortices and the like, but only spherical drain-source, condensation-dissipation, convergence-divergence of matter with the frequency of Planck time.

    Introduce nickel Ni63 or palladium Pd107 into your plasma and you will see everything!

    Dear !

    Thank you for calling my ideas delusional and crazy. This means I'm on the right track, because only crazy ideas become true!

    For example, in my paradigm, cold nuclear fusion is very easily explained: This is a universal process of non-mechanical movement of matter in the form of material-neutrino-energy induction. Electromagnetic induction is only part of this process of matter movement. At a fundamental level, our World is non-mechanical, and it is in principle impossible to explain and understand cold nuclear fusion using mechanical methods.

    My answer is simple (everything is written in my article):

    1) Look out the window. Take a break from everything. What's left? MOVEMENT OF MATTER! By movement I mean any change. In our World there is nothing static, at rest. Movement is an absolute property of our World, that is, it does not depend on anything. Consequently, we can influence this movement of matter only by the corresponding movement of matter. No, it’s more correct to say this: we can only direct the movement of matter along the direction we need. (by formal analogy, how we direct the water of a river along the channel we need)

    2) The movement of matter at a fundamental level occurs only exclusively spherically as its birth and disappearance (convergence-divergence, drain-source) with the frequency of Planck time.

    3) Three-dimensional volumetric time. We measure space in three directions. Where did you get the idea that Time moves only in one direction of this Space? But not all three?

    In my theoretical studies, I have long been using a 6-dimensional system of dimensions (meter-second, 3 - space, 3 - time), originating from Maxwell, Brown and Bartini, because in this system of dimensions the true physical meaning of physical laws and physical quantities. For example, the dimension of an electric charge is the same as that of mass!

    They seem to be on the right track. Moreover, most likely, this is not thermonuclear fusion, but cold fusion. By the way, I will have a similar project, because I finally realized that plasma still needs to be twisted not with a propeller, not with crossed fields, and not with a rotating magnetic field, but with the help of a funnel into which gas is supplied, flowing at high speed from a cylinder.

    Dear bayak!

    I read your article describing your experiment. As far as I understand you, you want to start a cold nuclear fusion reaction in a plasma vortex at the appropriate temperature, breaking the Coulomb barrier.

    Sorry, it doesn't work that way.

    Firstly, there is no Coulomb barrier in Nature. For example, there is no Coulomb barrier for neutrinos. The Coulomb barrier exists only in our heads.

    2) Cold nuclear fusion is a non-mechanical process, and you are trying to start it using mechanical vortex motion of plasma.

    3) You can read my proposals for solving the cold fusion problem in my article:

    Once again, why not contact Shawyer with your ideas, rather than just posting here? I believe he will answer you.

    In terms of inventions, a functional reactionless drive is long-term more important than functioning LENR, as it would allow us leaving the solar system.

    That will be impossible without it. Send him an email with your ideas.

    Once again: Roger Scheuer's jetless engine is a cold fusion generator LENR!

    Affirming the consequent[edit]

    Main article: Affirming the consequent

    Any argument that takes the following form is a non sequitur:

    1. If A is true, then B is true.
    2. B is true.
    3. Therefore, A is true.

    Even if the premise and conclusion are both true, the conclusion is not a necessary consequence of the premise. This sort of non sequitur is also called affirming the consequent.

    An example of affirming the consequent would be:

    1. If an idea is true (A), then it must be crazy. (B)
    2. An idea is crazy. (B)
    3. Therefore, the idea is true. (A)

    It is not the logical-mathematical path that leads to discoveries in physics, but the philosophical-metaphysical path, the play of crazy imagination.

    Read, for example, about the “Einstein arc” or E. Schrödinger:

    “...Metaphysics is not part of the building of science itself, but is rather like wooden scaffolding, which cannot be dispensed with when constructing the building. Perhaps it is even permissible to say: metaphysics turns into physics in the process of development...”

    I just want to remind people that the cavity EM drive is no mystery as all fields of non point source show divergence forces that are tangential to the main field axes. So the thrust is just the reflexion force issued by the tangential wave part. The other fact is: This is a very dumb way to produce thrust as divergence forces are second order at best and in gravity action shine up at the 5th digit. So you basically waste 10'000x energy for 1 unit of thrust.

    With a clever mirror you could reverse this ratio...then the thrust would be proportional to the total wave energy.

    Gentlemen! Mechanical traction force can be created only in a single fundamental way, namely, by “consuming” mass, that is, turning it into neutrino radiation.

    "You put me next to Bohr and Einstein, who considered themselves crazy."

    No, I don't put you next to them. I put you next to Axil.

    "The trivial orthodox expressions from school textbooks that “photons transfer energy” are of no use."

    Tell that to people with solar panels on their roofs looking at their energy bill.

    ""Only crazy ideas can become true!" Niels Bohr"
    Bohr never said that. He said something else with the word crazy in it that you misinterpreted to suit your supposed argument.

    Niels Henrik David Bohr:

    “If an idea doesn't seem crazy, it won't do any good.”

    “Your idea is, of course, crazy. The whole question is whether she is crazy enough to be true.”

    “Your theory is crazy, but not crazy enough to be true. (Said to Wolfgang Pauli regarding electron spin.)“

    Albert Einstein:

    “The question that puzzles me is: “Am I crazy or everyone else?”

    A typical response from a crackpot is to respond to an obviously accurate rebuttal, (for example that photons carry energy) with more unrelated crackpottery. It is called a smokescreen.

    I do not deserve such high praise for my ideas from a typical orthodox: You put me next to Bohr and Einstein, who considered themselves crazy.

    The trivial orthodox expressions from school textbooks that “photons transfer energy” are of no use.

    "Only crazy ideas can become true!" Niels Bohr

    Photons carry energy, in case you never noticed solar panels, nor got a sunburn.

    Don’t rush to declare what you don’t understand as non-existent.

    Now I’ll tell you something crazy: the Sun doesn’t emit anything, it only absorbs!

    And one more thing: Have you ever wondered that the number of photons in Space is equal to the number of neutrinos? Why did it happen?

    Don't worry about me, I am in perfect health and clear mind. We're having a rainy spring, so it's still a long time before sunburn occurs.

    So, what precisely are all those photon's hitting the earth from the sun carrying? Energy is defined as the ability to do work. When I grab my chainsaw and make firewood I'm not doing bookkeeping.

    Sorry, GRMattson,

    "There is nothing more practical than a good theory"

    I'm afraid that with your scientific philosophy you will have to burn the stove with wood for a long time.

    Imagine photons carrying nothing but themselves!