Aleksandr Nikitin Verified User
  • Member since Nov 27th 2023

Posts by Aleksandr Nikitin

    'One day in April of 1974, the New York Times reviewed an exhibition of realist art taking place at Yale University. The reviewer, Hilton Kramer, made this observation: “Realism does not lack its partisans, but it does rather conspicuously lack a persuasive theory. And given the nature of our intellectual commerce with works of art, to lack a persuasive theory is to lack something crucial—the means by which our experience of individual works is joined to our understanding of the values they signify.”

    The writer Tom Wolfe, reading this, was, by his own description, “jerked alert.” Wolfe understood Kramer to be saying, in Wolfe’s words, “In short: frankly, these days, without a theory to go with it, I can’t see a painting.”'

    There is such a theory!

    This theory is very simple:

    - Everything is One - our World.

    - Our World is one, eternal and infinite.

    - In our World, the primary, absolute and fundamental is its non-mechanical movement, occurring exclusively as a spherical drain-source, convergence-divergence, birth-disappearance, synthesis-analysis. Particles, bodies, fields are the corresponding moving states of our World!

    The materiality of our World lies in its movement!

    This movement cannot be influenced, it can only be used!

    - Cold nuclear fusion is the absolute form of movement of our World. Cold nuclear fusion occurs always and everywhere with any movement.

    - The task of science: to describe this movement physically and mathematically.

    Dear Alan Smith!

    Thanks for the advice and suggestions.

    I know Alexander Parkhomov and am familiar with his experiments and theoretical articles. Alexander Parkhomov is an outstanding experimenter and theorist in the field of cold nuclear fusion, but unfortunately, he still works within the framework of the Standard Model.

    I offered him a joint experiment, but he decided to go his own way.

    In the course of my theoretical research, I came to the conclusion that it is in principle impossible to understand cold nuclear fusion within the framework of the modern scientific paradigm.

    Thanks for the excerpt from the fantasy novel. I cannot wish you success on this path, because it is in principle impossible to achieve real scientific success along this path. But you have very little left: after the time crystal, create a quasi-space!!!

    Time crystal in quasi-space!!! Beauty!

    Here, not two, but three Nobel Prizes should be given!

    Through the action of entanglement with photons with electrons in the spin layer of UDH, UDH can be transformed into a composite quasiparticle that seeds Exciton-polariton condensate formation. This composite quasiparticle is then transformed into an exotic vacuum object (EVO) with the UDH at its core that acts as a shield for the the superconductive core so that the condensed polaritons act as a protective outer coating.

    Quasi-mind generates quasi-world!?

    Dear ! You are a victim of Wikipedia.

    There have already been a great many such theories in the history of physics. For example, the latter is “string theory”. Where is string theory now?

    No need to complicate things. It must be said directly that a quasi-particle is a mathematical abstraction that does not have physical properties, but simply an abstract concept that helps us understand the World. For example, like words, like numbers, like math...

    It’s better to write in simple terms how the quasi-particle hypothesis helps solve the problem of cold nuclear fusion.

    Gentlemen! It is already clear as daylight that the path of inventing new entities (particles, forces, fields, quasiparticles and quasi-worlds, and the like) has exhausted itself. The modern scientific paradigm, which separates our World into particles and fields in space-time, has exhausted itself.

    At the next stage of scientific knowledge, it is necessary to unite our entire World into one single whole and consider particles, material bodies and fields as changing states of our single World, the materiality of which lies in movement. Only along this path can we find solutions to pressing fundamental problems, including cold nuclear fusion, a new engine and a new source of energy.

    Heavy chemical elements are formed inside planets that are generators of cold fusion, that is, literally under our feet!

    Well, that is why I am curious about these results and your statements about the neutron. The Structured Atom Model is precisely that, and we coined the phrase Proton-electron-Pair or a PeP that is the equivalent to what is considered a neutron.

    So how is the Oxygen created according to CP in this experiment?

    How does the WL theory that is often used it seems explain the results (Oxygen synthesis)?

    Perhaps the answer is unknown, but that is also an answer :)

    Gentlemen, don't argue! Everything is very simple! Let me send you a model of the hydrogen atom, which is in constant motion: spherical drain-source of matter, formation-disappearance, convergence-divergence, synthesis-analysis. A proton is condensed from the electron cloud in the process of spherical drainage, a neutron is a saturated proton, and a neutrino is the material-energy “displacement current” of this process of material-neutrino-energy induction.

    You don't fully understand me. In my scientific paradigm, to put it simply:

    1) Stars are formed from planets. For example, Jupiter is not yet a failed star, this is also evidenced by its chemical composition, when it synthesizes first hydrogen, then helium, and so on.

    2) I do not divide the synthesis of chemical elements into hot and cold. There is simply synthesis. And temperature and pressure are derivatives of this process.

    3) I understand that there are several different synthesis channels. I give an example with one of the synthesis channels as reverse beta decay for practical reasons for use in Earth conditions as the most convenient and safe for humans.

    Then, the creation of a bunch of layers of Cu and Ni is not a good method as these seem to be melted after exposure and mixed up (with a lot of Oxygen as mentioned). So how is this going to work in a prototype reactor?

    I have read their paper but cannot find a proper answer.

    There is no need to guess and come up with various theories. Everything is very simple. Just look at our native planet Earth!

    The Earth is a generator of cold nuclear fusion! A chain reaction of cold nuclear fusion occurs in it:

    1) First, hydrogen is synthesized in the thickness of the Earth,

    2) Further other chemical elements up to stable iron,

    3) Thermal energy is released, which cannot be explained by anything other than cold nuclear fusion,

    4) The Earth emits neutrinos,

    5) There is no need to copy the Earth directly, but for practical reasons in laboratory conditions this could be a chain reaction:

    + 63Ni28 +1H→ 63Cu29 +e - + +1H + Q=E (energy)

    The correct mechanism of cold nuclear fusion LENR has already been “invented” by Nature:

    1) It occurs through the main channel as reverse beta decay,

    2) In the Earth using nickel Ni63 and hydrogen H,

    3) In plants and animals with the help of potassium K40 and carbon C14,

    4) during the explosion of supernova SN1987A using nickel Ni56

    For a stable cold fusion reaction LENR, radioactive nickel Ni 63 must be used.

    The problem of whether cold fusion is real is no longer related to anything scientific. The problem is psychological. The problem is only in the minds of people who do not share a common reality. Everyone who has examined the data using the normal criteria agrees that the effect is real. The only conflict is in its explanation. Everyone has a different explanation depending on which data set they choose to believe. All of the explanations are in conflict either with other data sets or with accepted Natural Laws. We have to allow the funeral process to resolve the conflicts because they will not be resolved by discussion, as these discussions have demonstrated.

    “In my long life, I have learned the peculiarity that all our science seems primitive and undeveloped when compared with reality, and yet this is the greatest treasure that we possess...” [A. Einstein]

    The problem of whether cold fusion is real is no longer related to anything scientific. The problem is psychological. The problem is only in the minds of people who do not share a common reality. Everyone who has examined the data using the normal criteria agrees that the effect is real. The only conflict is in its explanation. Everyone has a different explanation depending on which data set they choose to believe. All of the explanations are in conflict either with other data sets or with accepted Natural Laws. We have to allow the funeral process to resolve the conflicts because they will not be resolved by discussion, as these discussions have demonstrated.

    No, sorry, the problem of cold nuclear fusion is not psychological, but scientific. The problem just needs to be solved at a higher and deeper scientific level.

    It is necessary to turn this problem, which has already become universal, into a postulate, namely:

    Cold nuclear fusion is a method and form of motion of matter as a process of material-neutrino-energy induction. Cold nuclear fusion occurs always and everywhere; it is an absolute property of matter.

    In this paradigm, the problem of cold nuclear fusion finds a simple solution.

    Excuse me, but how long can the problem of cold nuclear fusion be solved at the same scientific level at which it arose.

    Within the framework of the modern scientific paradigm: (material particles + fields in space-time) the problem is in principle unsolvable. It is already clear today that improving the Standard Model and Theory of Relativity and the number of different experiments cannot solve this problem.

    One can get out of this impasse only through a philosophical and metaphysical path, namely:

    1) to postulate the primacy and absoluteness of the movement of our World, we should be interested only in movement and we can influence this movement only by movement,

    2) consider material particles and bodies as moving, changing states of the material-neutrino-energy field (our World).

    Comrade Cherepanov, you are a great scientist!

    Thank you very much for criticizing Maxwell and for introducing a new entity “photon mass” into “pseudoscientific” circulation.

    But you don’t know the history of science and the evolution of physics.

    Comrade Cherepanov, the development of science always happens this way: there is no true knowledge forever, old knowledge is always criticized, gradually dies out, evolution occurs, and sometimes scientific revolutions occur.

    Comrade Cherepanov, do you think that Ptolemy, with his erroneous geocentric system, was stupider than you? People used the Ptolemaic system for a thousand years until the heliocentric system of Copernicus appeared, and so on. (by the way, Ptolemy’s system was even more accurate by this time)

    Comrade Cherepanov, the old theory can only be replaced by a new theory, which, in particular, explains, for example, cold nuclear fusion! The old scientific paradigm can only be replaced by a new paradigm!

    “There are no royal ways in science!” (Euclid)

    As for military applications, the “flying saucer” will have a cold fusion generator as its engine.

    Shane, people are so far from the right track to be useless. This situation is typical of how all great discoveries are eventually developed. Progress is only made after all possible mistakes are made and corrected. We are still a long way from success.

    No, that's not how things happen. Remember Faraday with his great idea of a physical electromagnetic field, or Otto Hahn and Lise Meitner with the idea of the possibility of a chain reaction of fission of uranium nuclei when they are “bombarded” by neutrons. They were led along the right path by a great idea.

    A chain reaction of cold nuclear fusion is possible when nuclei are “bombarded” by neutrinos (neutrino wave, neutrino field).

    I agree that the ultimate goal of LENR is to produce electricity.

    Many of the reactions involve nuclear fusion, fission, or transmutation. Therefore, your model may be suitable for this field. However, it will also be necessary to consider the cost and efficiency of the reaction in order to make it viable as an energy source, which could potentially become the main source of power for our lives.

    I have read some of the recent discussions on your idea, and I am wondering whether your definition of 'neutrino' refers to the particle that has been observed as missing energy in nuclear reactions. In current models of particle physics, neutrinos are considered to be actual particles in the standard model. I have developed a model that utilizes gravitons to estimate the amount of remaining missing energy. Please read mine at

    Thank you for the article. I'm studying it. I like your ideas. Perhaps we will find points of cooperation.

    If you don't mind, I will write to your email.

    My e-mail: [email protected]


    I see no purpose in this discussion. The comments have no relationship to how cold fusion actually behaves and the proposed explanations are mostly word salad having no relationship to scientific reality or logic. It’s nice that people are interested in this subject. But this is not a game of who can suggest the most creative explanation. We need a serious effort to understand a phenomenon that might well save civilization if it can be applied. So, I’m leaving this discussion and looking elsewhere for inspiration.

    “You grab the zipper instead of answering, that means you’re wrong!” - Prometheus' appeal to Zeus.