Examples of Cold Fusion in nature.

  • robert bryant thanks if for those links.

    Both links are interesting

    Dr Dimiter Alexandrov’s work looks really intriguing. It’s in close resonance with some other ideas around i really feel there is convergence happening.

    It’s interesting that He3 He4 increased with heating...

    I think he proposes a heavy electron + deutron or proton generating slow neutrons

    I wonder though if this occurs during the process if merger if these dense Hydrogen constructs themselves rather than spontaneously externally to that process perhaps reconciling the balance of states in the process allows this with out radiation... although I’m not sure how you would do with out a neutrino. Unless that’s somehow reconciled by its initially multi body aspect.

    It’s interesting that it requires external heating. Normal fusion of light elements is of course exothermic. But here we have two processes an endothermic aspect of generating a neutron at the same time as merging the nuclei. So it’s not typical fusion or even exothermic neutron capture but something a bit more exotic. The net energy could be endothermic.

    It would be interesting to understand what the implications are at net entropy level. Is a heavier more stable nuclei generated in this process more entropically favorable than input heat?

    Also if the input heat is a direct thermal effect or indirect such as increasing pressure.

    Of course we are only speculating with limited data but this kind of experiment could provide that data to support this or other explanations.... if well studied and supported. The field needs that level of support with out prejudice stigma or phobia in order to clarify what we see or not.

  • https://phys.org/news/2019-06-…ter-solar-satellites.html

    The Tokyo Tech study found that the size and orbit of the satellite systems of large TNOs are best explained if they formed from impacts of molten progenitors. They also found that TNOs which are big enough can retain internal heat and remain molten for a span of only a few million years; especially if their internal heat source is short-lived radioactive isotopes such as Aluminum-26, which has also been implicated in the internal heating of the parent bodies of meteorites. Since these progenitors would need to have a high short-lived radionuclide content in order to be molten, these results suggest that TNO-satellite systems formed before the outward migration of the outer planets, including Neptune, or in the first ~ 700 million years of solar system history. Tokyo Tech-led study shows how icy outer solar system satellites may have formed

    The relationship between the initial eccentricity of the formed satellites and the final eccentricity after 4.5-billion-year tidal evolution are shown for three cases. When planetary bodies are rigid for the whole time (right figure) or they behave as a fluid for the first 1000 years (middle figure), most of the eccentricities were not damped, which is not inconsistent with the observation. When they behave as a fluid for the first > 1 million years, the resultant eccentricities are consistent with the observation. Credit: Arakawa et al. (2019) Nature Astronomy

    Previous planet formation theories had suggested the growth of TNOs took much longer than the lifetime of short-lived radionuclides, and thus TNOs must not have been molten when they formed. These scientists found, however, that rapid TNO formation is consistent with recent planet formation studies which suggest TNOs formed via accretion of small solids to preexisting bodies. The rapid formation of large TNOs is consistent with recent planet formation studies; however, other analyses suggest comets formed well after most short-lived radionuclides had decayed. Thus the authors note that there is still much work to be done to produce a unified model for the origin of the solar system's planetary bodies.

    This rules out the decay of radionuclides as the source of liquid water inside TNOs.

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