Now Available - Proc. 14th Meeting of Japan CF Research Soc.

    • Official Post

    Thanks very much for the finding.

    Inside there is an article from Toyota/Technova team with Kitamura. NiH LENR with nanocomposite

    Quote from "A.Kitamura A.Takahashi R.Seto Y.Fujita A.Taniike Y.Furuyama"

    A new mass-flow calorimetry system has been installed to investigate the excess-power phenomena at elevated temperatures up to several hundred degrees C with an increased amount of the Nibased nano-composite sample. The first trial runs with a silica-included Cu⋅Ni nano-composite sample (CNS) containing 4.1 gram of Ni showed an implication of a few-days-lasting excess power of 5 W/g-Ni.
    Next, a Cu⋅Ni⋅Zr oxide nano-composite sample (CNZ4) containing 61 gram of Ni has been examined to show excess power of 15 W lasting for 3 days and that gradually increasing at a rate of 10 W per 3 weeks.
    Each corresponds to 30 eV/atom-Ni and 100 eV/atom-Ni, which implies a nuclear origin of the excess energy.

    Do they have a variant of E-cat? Much less power density, but who knows...
    Another paper with Wang/Mizuno/Arata talk of synthesizing nano particle.

    There is continuation of Iwamura work.

    Quote from "S. Tsuruga T. Itoh Y. Iwamura"

    Low energy nuclear transmutations have been observed in the nano-sized Pd complexes, which are composed of Pd and CaO thin film and Pd substrate, induced by D2 gas permeation. In order to increase the transmutation products, an electrochemical method was applied to increase deuterium density near the surface of the nano-structured Pd multilayer film. Transmutation products were successfully increased by this approach. These recent experimental methods gave us increased transmutation products, gamma-ray emissions, and new implications on Deuterium Permeation Induced Transmutation.

    and the tentative of replication by Takahashi :

    Quote from "T. Takahashi R. Omi S. Narita"

    We performed a deuterium permeation experiment using a multi-layered Pd/Ni sample on which 133Cs was deposited, and we investigated the occurrence of selective nuclear transmutation reactions from 133Cs to nuclides with masses of 137, 141, and 145. Transmutation products from 133Cs were not confirmed thus far. Improving deuterium permeation efficiency may be necessary for effectively inducing the reaction. In addition, we searched for newly produced elements from nuclear reactions over a wide mass range result.

    An interesting experiment based on CR39 detector, shows interesting evidence or radiation for light and heavy water electrolysis, with a Ni film electrode near the CR39... Lithium seems required.

    Quote from "H. Yamada K. Mita H. Aizawa and Y. Shida"

    The primary purpose of this study is to establish a simple technique producing new convincing evidence that a nuclear reaction as low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) could accompany both heavy and light water electrolysis. Electrolysis of D2O and H2O solutions is carried out using a Ni film cathode under 20 DC current patterns. A small chip of the plastic track detector CR-39 is positioned just under the thin Ni film cathode to limit energy decrease of an energetic charged particle from the cathode. The present technique is simple but capable of detecting energetic
    charged particles produced on the cathode during electrolysis with higher efficiency. An impressive increase in number of etch pit is occasionally observed for both D2O and H2O solutions.

    some theory and modeling papers... Three from Kozima among, which review many experimental results to support his theoretical proposals. The last one seems to be a synthesis of his phenomenological model, based on chaos theory.

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