Rossi-Blog Comment Discussion

  • My belief that he has the technology

    he says he has will decrease if no

    legitimate customer comes forward.

    Will you have any belief if a legitimate customer comes forward?

    Belief is altogether the wrong word when it comes to technology. Facts and data are what matters and if they support a conclusion, then that is the conclusion to draw. So if a legitimate customer (and I think it is pretty clear what that means) comes forward to reveal that their e-cat works and provides convincing evidence for that claim, it would change my assessment of Rossi’s supposed technology.

    Your “belief” in Rossi is not based on facts and data given that the overwhelming majority of available information positively screams fraud but you choose to ignore all of it and cling to little snippets that have a positive spin. That is your prerogative, but realize it is simply a belief, like that for Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.

  • I see no reason for this. I can post whatever I want in HERE. And that's what I do. Here are no "Rossi sanctions" active... in this forum TRUTH is welcome.

    And that's, what Rossi cannot cope with. Therefore he deletes critical questions. Or some, which he cannot answer with his mini knowledge of physics.

    And because he deletes this kind of free speech, he deserves to get hacked.

  • My belief that he has the technology

    he says he has will decrease if no

    legitimate customer comes forward.

    Will you have any belief if a legitimate customer comes forward?

    Sometimes, reflection and memory help.

    I remember last year, when you said that you would review the evidence based on your (then) expectations of incontrovertible evidence this year. Which has not happened.

    Now, you have a more sustainable stance. You will continue to believe Rossi "has the technology" in absence of evidence, knowing that, for example, if a legitimate customer comes forward you will be proved right.

    If a legitimate customer comes forward (with a lot of checks to ensure legitimacy, given Rossi's history of illegitimate customers) and the legitimate customer provides definite evidence that Rossi's device actually works, that will change my views.

    Just to prevent misunderstanding, note that I'd think Rossi capable of subsidising a loss-leader. In other words, he pays $100K or more in fuel costs, while claiming he is paying much less, in order to have a customer running real equipment controlled by Rossi of a utility-powered Rossi heat generator vouch that his device works.

    That would be par for the course, would it not? After all, Rossi spent $1M or so (I'd guess) on legal fees for no result to keep his story alive.

    Having dealt with that, you should acknowledge that whereas we skeptics show ourselves capable of being convinced, I'll bet you cannot give us any evidence that would shake your belief that Rossi has working technology. Try to think what would do that?

    Beliefs that do not depend on concrete evidence are remarkably hard to disprove!

  • Quote

    Just to prevent misunderstanding, note that I'd think Rossi capable of subsidising a loss-leader. In other words, he pays $100K or more in fuel costs, while claiming he is paying much less, in order to have a customer running real equipment controlled by Rossi of a utility-powered Rossi heat generator vouch that his device works.

    The chance of that happening is remote. Rossi in all probability, has never and I mean absolutely never ever had a customer of any type for anything. With the sole exception of when he created the environmental disaster in Italy, when he duped the DOD/CERL out of millions for idiotic thermoelectric generator claims and of course, the hapless folks at IH. But bamboozlees aren't really customers. They are dupes. Marks. Victims.

    BTW, the mistake the DOD scientists made with the thermoelectric converter claims were the same identical errors Darden and IH made-- they accepted unproven claims and gave Rossi money for them. They did not perform the appropriate and needed testing and due diligence. Hard to understand when both power generators/reactors and thermoelectric generators are very straightforward to test. Part of Rossi's scam has always been to be touchy and proprietary and his victims have gone along with Rossi's plans because they were too afraid he'd drop them if they asked too many questions or demanded too many tests. Weird strategy but hey, it worked. Miami condos are the payoff for Rossi.

  • My belief that Rossi does not have

    working technology would be if no

    legitimate satisfied customer comes forward.I have felt a customer should come forward by the end

    of this year.Certainly the longer it

    goes into next year without that

    happening the more I will lean

    towards the skeptics view.

    No matter what Rossi Says.

  • Thanks Sam.

    Clear enough, but uncomfortably similar to Rossi's own position where the proof is always 6 - 18 months away in the future!

    Let us hope that you can have a less adjustable timescale on this.

  • If sam12, we_cat_global, and the rest of Rossi's loyal followers are happier believing in their fairy tale, more power to them. Based on everything that has happened to date, it doesn't appear that any developments could actually disappoint them. So as long as they don't do anything truly foolish like sending money to Rossi, good for them if the charade pleases them.

  • No Sam, I don't believe it will be the end of you believing Rossi.

    There will be some new version of the e-cat (either Leonardo or even newer, Leonardo DiCaprio?), with brand new secret customers (satisfied 80% as Rossisays).

    As with all Rossi believers, you will then be waiting for proof of these brand new fake customers.

    The existing non-existent customers of today with their non-existent e-cat SK's will be long forgotten.

    The only thing that will end this vicious cycle will be Rossi either disappearing mysteriously or passing away, upon which this will be considered a deep state/big oil conspiracy,

    Rossi personally admitting fraud would not be enough, as that could be considered a brilliant ploy to avoid unnecessary attention by all his competitors, just like the brilliant puppet show, as WCG and CWaters describe it.

    It reminds me of a flat earther documentary recently on netflix. These pretty smart guys set up an elaborate physical experiment with lasers and a large body of water of something of the like.

    When their measurements did seem to show earth curvature, they launched a new investigation on why their measurements were wrong. Because they would lose their friends and hookups from the meetings and other online contacts. It is a hobby and social club as well as a quasi-religious belief like Rossi.

    I'm surprised Rossi hasn't sponsored similar hookup meetings.

  • Physics For Dummies

    You can take it to the bank that if a

    satisfied customer does not come

    forward that will end it for me.

    Rossi has always said the Market

    will tell if he is succesful.

    So no legitimate satisfied customers

    purchasing ECat SK heat then no

    success with his technology.

    How long into next year I can

    last I do not know.But i doubt I can

    last all year because it would make

    no sense to do so.

    I will be well into my 6th following A.R. and will be at the end of my

    endurance even though for

    whatever reason I enjoy it.

  • From June 12. 2018

    From Sept. 23, 2019

    You can take it to the bank that if a

    satisfied customer does not come

    forward that will end it for me.


    So you have said this before! However, memory must be short! (A common trait among most Rossi believers)

    Can you provide why you changed your mind from June last year and why you think you will not change your mind again next year?

    You know of course, that every year, Rossi will bring a new "reason". The reason has been given over and over again.... a new model..

    certain problems, although the problems are never actually stated what.... yet the customers are always there and always happy.

    I have to ask you again... what do you believe about all the past customers over the past 8 years? Rossi himself has stated that he has sold

    13 1MW plants, the QX and the SK. These have all been "new" customers. So what happened to them?

    Did Rossi leave them hanging? If so, why did they not speak up?

    Did Rossi lie about them? Almost certain, so why do you believe him now?

    You surely do not believe he is still "supporting" these "customers" as he never mentions them. I am positive that if you post a question about these

    past customers, your post will be deleted.

    What type of logic are you using to wait another year? Especially after having already said you would have abandoned him by now before?

    As above is said, it is doubtful that you will change next year, based upon your past statements and current actions. Rossi customers have not came forward, he has announced delays and will announce more. Yet you give him another year.

    I am truly most interested in what facts or logic you use to continue? Thank you.

  • Physics For Dummies

    You can take it to the bank that if a

    satisfied customer does not come

    forward that will end it for me.

    Sam can we make your deadline April 1, 2020, to match your deadline of April 1. 2019? That will make it much easier to remember, especially with the "coincidence" of being April Fool's Day.

  • The old ECN had a Rossi stalwart named Daniel Maris who threatened to bail on the Italian conman roughly every six months for years if one milestone or another was not met. He never did make good on his threat but did eventually disappear... or perhaps he lives on with a new name.

  • Fits quite well to the current discussion with sam12....…t-based-on-rossis-theory/

    Rossi seems to prepare his crowd for the next step design that of course will make all better and more efficient. No single word again on how his first ECAT SK customer performs, who is running his "Heat as a service - product" fro quite som time, operated and controlled via internet from Leonardo's headquarter in the Miami Beach condo, now deals with the new evolution....will he request to get his system updated? Rossi was always arguing that the improved next model makes his previous "product" obsolete and nobody will buy into that, but instead wait for the next super machine....What an obvious scam pattern. Some here and almost all there on ECW are really blind believers and followers...

  • ... bla bla bla...

    "Substantial modifications"...

    means, he already has a new name ?

  • Sam can we make your deadline April 1, 2020, to match your deadline of April 1. 2019? That will make it much easier to remember, especially with the "coincidence" of being April Fool's Day.

    I said that Rossi had showed enough

    to me to extend April 1 2019 to the

    end of 2019 and reavaluate.

  • And go on supporting year after year this farce.

    Let's see it from this perspective:

    If there is NOTHING to it ( what I really assume ) , why would someone do this farce, and keep it going on and on ?

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