Rossi-Blog Comment Discussion

  • News by the magician:

    :D :D :D Based on the above bullshit he has one hundred of rooms where will made presentation... :D :D :D

    If you remember, one of Rossi's SKLed rooms were used to "cure" Spock in Operation Annihilate, but he forgot his SKLoggles.

    Quote from the episode: Dr Rosssi, er I mean Mc Coy. "I didn't have to blast him with the whole 5000K spectrum, Jim!"


    This patent is meaningless, and it used the heater between 2 metal plates to trigger cold fusion,

    which is not consistent with laser triggering. This suggested E-CAT has the difficulty in the trigger of cold fusion.

    There is a bigger problem with this patent than not using lasers.

    It has nothing to do with cold fusion, nor does it mention it.

    It only speaks of these chemical reactions:




    I don't see a transmutation here. Do you?

    Plus I don't see why lasers are "required" for cold fusion. Tell Mizuno that.

  • 2) small modifications to the SKLed yet to be done, based on a certification process that is not complete yet.

    Come on Mark... I have heard this invalid excuse for 12 years (or more). Certification! What certification? Name me a certification that would apply to this so called SKLED.

    Filament bulb ? no

    Fluorescent ? no

    LED ? no... it is some novel, completely new nuclear device!

    He is not waiting for ANY certification because there is NO SPECIFICATION published by UL, NIST or any other organization for such a device. Any one who latches on to this meme does not understand nor know about certifications. If you go to UL and say "please certify this SKLED", the first question they will ask is "what standard do you want it certified to?" Of course there are none! There would have to be a standard written first, and that would require working knowledge of a working device. Rossi will not ever give that out as he has no working device nor knowledge to give.

    And this is a telling black mark against Rossi. He keeps stating certification, certification, certification, yet.... he will NEVER state what STANDARD or WHO is doing the certification. This would not be giving any IP away yet he refuses. Why. UL does not care , that is their business to certify. Yet Rossi will not say, again why.... it is all a lie.

    Then the one time he stated he had a certification, it turned out to be completely unrelated to the eCAT, the actual certification stated it was a self certification and that it was not to be used for advertisement, production or sales. It was truly bogus. Yet Rossi continued to state he had "safety certification" !

    Pure BS and yet here you are again, swallowing the whole "certification" bait all over again.

    You have intelligence.... simply look at the facts. :thumbup:

  • Then the one time he stated he had a certification, it turned out to be completely unrelated to the eCAT, the actual certification stated it was a self certification and that it was not to be used for advertisement, production or sales. It was truly bogus. Yet Rossi continued to state he had "safety certification" !

    I don't know what you mean by 'self certification'. The 2012 and 2013 certifications by SGS and Bureau Veritas on the Ecat plant and Ecat HT were safety certifications. These types of agencies have many rules on what you do with their certifications in terms of disclosing how they were done, or how their name is used. You appear to be saying those certifications were bogus, without evidence, to promote the idea that the certification Rossi is waiting on for the SKLed is also bogus. I don't believe your viewpoint, but we'll see what happens in November.

  • I don't know what you mean by 'self certification'. The 2012 and 2013 certifications by SGS and Bureau Veritas on the Ecat plant and Ecat HT were safety certifications. These types of agencies have many rules on what you do with their certifications in terms of disclosing how they were done, or how their name is used. You appear to be saying those certifications were bogus, without evidence, to promote the idea that the certification Rossi is waiting on for the SKLed is also bogus. I don't believe your viewpoint, but we'll see what happens in November.


    You can look in history if you want. I posted the actual SGS certification online.

    Yes, it most certainly was a self certification.... SGS never saw a single piece of equipment. Rossi answered questions from a "survey" sheet that he sent in. This type of questionnaire is provided by agencies so companies can do a check list before sending equipment in for actual certification. Thus the very explicit wording on the paper that it was not to be used for anything.... no sales... no advertisements.... no claims what so ever. Also, this so called certification was for industrial electrical controls and electrical boxes only! It explicitly states what standard the survey was adherent to.. I listed that as well... and it had nothing to do with an unknown nuclear based device... much less even a ordinary heater! It meant absolutely nothing about an eCat. I could pay some money, fill out the survey and obtain the very same thing for my imaginary pink, flying unicorn as MY used to state! Please look!

    As for what one can do with a is apparent you are not familiar with this! You state "These types of agencies have many rules on what you do with their certifications in terms of disclosing how they were done, or how their name is used."

    You are correct in some ways, but not what you are stating. Yes they have rules to prevent fraud, thus the statement on the actual cert that stated it could not be used for anything as it was a self certification. Yet Rossi pushed it as something of merit. Please note... certifications are MEANT to be given out as they are the seal that a device has passed standards testing. Every UL listed item has a UL label! Not some secret code! You can look up the item to see what standard UL tested it to. Check out :

    Interesting enough, this website is about Chinese fake UL markings on LED lights! Perhaps Rossi has taken note!

    Again, I could look the "Certification" up for you, but you are capable and I am not going to spend anytime on a closed subject..... the so call certification was indeed nothing... and you probably will not believe it even if you see it in writing.... which is available.

    As far as the BV certification... please provide a copy! To my knowledge and I certainly searched at the time... no one ever saw such a thing. So if you have a copy, it would be of great interest...please provide. As far as I know, this is another Rossi myth.

    and as always..... the eCat faithful have the mantra they always say......

    "wait until November.... or wait until next spring... or wait until next year... or wait until......" :/

    Again, you are intelligent... look at what you are defending!

    Edited 2 times, last by Bob#2 ().

  • JedRothwell

    I expect NASA is finishing establishing standards for certificatiion of similar gadgets under the NASA GEC Space Act Agreement. The four year contract ends next year. It is being fastracked by other agencies. The Annex to the Agreement extends its scope. The GEC EV onboard charging system is slated to enter the market after this certification process. The standards set by NASA will be released soon. I expect other certifying bodies will adopt these testing standards.

  • There are at least two emails from SGS that explicitly say that Rossi/Leonardo are abusing the SGS machinery safety certificate that was applied to the old Blue Plant.

    Foremost is that Leonardo has no valid certifications for any device of its own.

  • Copies of both SGS emails, and an extensive discussion of the regulations and requirements for, and the examples of incorrect usages of, the EU machinery certifications are available on this website. Some might be found in the Playground thread, if not in this one.

  • November 24, 2017 interview excerpt (translated from Italian):

    [Rossi] Yes. Look; No, no: The certification we have obtained for the industrial E-Cat first also applies to this because they change physical parameters but basically, essentially the machine for the parts that are intended for certification is the same. As a result, the certifications we have obtained from SGS and Bureau Veritas are still valid. Naturally, they only apply in the industrial field, in the field of industrial applications, while in the field of domestic application we are always struggling, although I think there are very good grounds for this problem to be solved.

    SGS says this absolutely false.

  • SGS ([email protected] and [email protected]) wrote back to a complaint about misuse of their certificates:

    "... I can confirm the way Leonardo Corporation shows the SGS Certificate, which was issued to another company and is apparently used to represent a different pressure machine, is considered a misappropriation of the SGScertificate. As such, SGS will take the appropriate action against Leonardo Corporation..."

  • *Another real email from SGS:*

    [email protected]

    [ #81773] Verify SGS Documents Request via

    "Dear Sir

    We are aware of the SGS document displayed on the following website:

    As is clearly stated in the document:

    "This certificate relates solely to the above identified prototype machine within the limits of the request for voluntary testing of essential health and safety requirements relevant to Annex I of Directive 2006/42/EC. The certificate does not constitute a "product certification" and cannot in any way be used for commercial purposes and/or advertising by the company on whose behalf the certificate was issued. The machine must be used according to its own instruction manual and in any case, according to the regulations and prescriptions applicable in the country of use"

    On the above grounds, Leonardo Corporation are misusing this certificate to imply the product has been certified under and product certification scheme which is certainly not the case. Furthermore, it appears the certificate is being used against a different model to the one we tested. Our client was the Italian manufacturer of the product and not Leonardo Corporation.

    On the basis of the above, we are already taking steps to have this document from their website.

    Best Regards

    Corporate Security


  • *And another real email...*

    [ #81773] Verify SGS Documents Request via


    Dear Sir

    Thank you for your message dated 30 June 2019.

    We are aware of this matter and would like to inform you as follows: whilst we are unable to disclose specific details due to confidentiality duties, we can confirm that our Italian affiliate issued voluntary certificate n° to EFA S.r.l., Via Marsili 4, 40124 Bologna (Italy). In this respect, the certificate you are reporting was not forged, nor were the intellectual property rights of SGS breached.

    The above mentioned certificate clearly indicates its scope, in summary that the inspected machine complies with safety requirements of Directive 2006/42/EC (Annex I). The certificate in no way validates any further quality or feature of the inspected equipment, not does it make any representation in this respect. We believe this should be clear to an attentive reader.

    Whilst we are taking reasonable steps to prevent excessive use of this certificate, SGS does not have the coercive means of a state prosecution authority. Should you be of the opinion that your rights are being infringed or that you have sustained damage due to the use of this certificate, we encourage you to contact the relevant prosecution authority.

    Best Regards

    Corporate Security


  • 2021-07-01 18:09 Iggy Dalrymple 

    Dear Dr Rossi,

    A number of SKLed lamps mounted on a helicopter (for crime scene investigations or for military reconnaissance) would make a dramatic presentation. Always good to tweak the interest of government.

    Best Regards,


    2021-07-02 12:20 Andrea Rossi 

    Iggy Dalrymple:

    I think that your idea is very good,



    2021-06-17 14:22 Norma 

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,

    I too hope you will present also the Ecat SKL together with the SKLed.

    All the best,


    2021-06-17 15:10 Andrea Rossi 


    So do I,

    Warm Regards,


    2021-06-09 09:02 Norma 

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,

    I think that your paper…nge_particle_interactions

    has in the references one of its most interesting parts. The references are a gold mine of information about the zero point energy. I noticed that it is not a casual collection of papers someway related to your matter, but they are punctual and straight to the point referred to.

    I think this is one of the reasons why it is the most read physics paper on Researchgate.



    2021-06-09 13:09 Andrea Rossi 


    Thank you for your attention to the paper,

    Warm regards,


    2021-05-06 00:23 Norma 

    Dear Dr Rossi,

    1- do you confirm that the presentation of the Ecat SKLed will be made on November 25th 2021 ?

    2- Do you confirm that the Ecat SKL will be presented in 2022 ?

    3- Congratulations for your paper…nge_particle_interactions

    It is the most read paper of the world during the last two years: do you know in which geographic area your paper got more readings ?



    2021-05-06 03:37 Andrea Rossi 


    1- yes

    2- yes

    3- USA and Europe, but the diffusion of the readers in all the Countries of the world has really surprised me.

    Warm Regards,


    2021-04-20 08:45 Norma 

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,

    I watched the Ecat SKLed on what a beauty !

    I proudly made my order with some emotion…after years of waiting.

    Ad majora,


    2021-04-20 09:10 Andrea Rossi 


    Thank you for your kind support,

    Warm Regards,


    2021-04-15 06:52 Norma 

    Is the spectrum of the Ecat SKLED equal to the normal Maxwellian of the visible light ?



    2021-04-15 06:56 Andrea Rossi 


    No, it is different.

    Warm Regards,


    2021-04-13 08:55 Norma 


    The Navy did not just replicate the Rossi effect, as you correctly write: they are trying to plagiarize it with their patent application. The usual story of David versus Goliath


    2021-03-10 11:00 Norma 

    Dr Rossi:

    If, as you said, the Ecat SKL will have a superior value in Lumens by orders of magnitude with a consume of Watthours lower by an order of magnitude respect the best existing leds, you will be marketing the most convenient lamps of the world by orders of magnitude, which means a reduction in the order of the 20% of the consume of fossil fuels.

    2021-03-10 11:12 Andrea Rossi 



    Warm Regards,


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