Rossi vs. Darden developments [CASE CLOSED]

  • As a Real Estate Broker/developer I have been involved in a number civil suits, some involving my employees and some involving me directly. One of the things I noticed early on was that expert witnesses, professional or otherwise, will get up in front of a Jury and say just about anything their asked to, if the money is right. Oh sure, they will parse words and dance around the facts in such a way as to make it seem like they're being honest, but the truth is they are being paid to convey a message and the best ones are pretty good at it. Despite this, in virtually every case that involved an "expert witness" a good attorney could almost always expose their special interest in getting paid well, which would pretty much destroy their credibility no matter which side they were testifying for. The fact is that when you pay someone a bunch of money to testify you could just as well be paying them to lie. I had the same excellent attorney in nearly every case and each time he ended up talking me out of using an expert witness. According to him one of the first things they teach in law school is how to discredit an expert witness. For what its worth he graduated from Yale Summa Cum Laude.

    As you have no doubt intuited by now I trust very few people to tell the complete unvarnished truth, especially in business matters and particularly when a great deal of money is at stake as nearly everyone involved has a particular point of view to sell. At the very least Rossi had lied by omission and probably outright in a few instances, but he has also been lied to, both by omission and directly and that's his best defense. It seems like a classic "David and Goliath" story to me and if I were Rossi's attorneys that's the way I would lay it out. After all, who could fault David for lying a little to avoid being beat up by Goliath? From what I could tell most Jurors based their ultimate decision on the perceived honesty of ordinary witnesses. Of course that is very subjective at best, but it always surprised me how often they got it right. IMHO no matter whether you're a multi-billionaire business owner, or a lowly inventor, how you come across on the witness stand is 90% of the battle.

    One of the most disappointing cases I was involved in was especially discouraging. Right up until the Jury went in for deliberations I figured it was a toss up. To my amazement they got it totally right and found for me, the defendant. I didn't even have time to smile and pat my attorney on the back, before the Judge began lecturing the Jury on why they got it wrong and then proceeded to set aside their decision and found for the plaintiff and against me. Up until then I didn't even know Judges could do that, but apparently they can. It seems I had failed to sign one of the disclosure forms where it acknowledged receipt of a copy, not by the plaintiff, but me, my copy and the Judge decided this was technically an errors and omissions violation from her point of view. Whatever her bias, that was enough for the judge. Of course I could probably have filed for and gotten an appeal, and if the award had been for the 3 million dollars the plaintiff was asking for I certainly would have, but as it turned out she found damages against me for only $18,000. I certainly didn't feel good about paying it, but my legals fees for an appeal and new trial would have been much, much more.

    I've actually spent quite a bit of time reading the files available. I love the depositions and have read most of them completely. I can even understand most of the legalese in the motions, but I get so bored with reading 10 pages to say something that could have usually been said in one paragraph that I usually just skim through them. I know everyone here is into detail and sites, but I don't have the time or inclination to play that game. Like I said earlier the Jurors are going to pay the most attention to the main players and ordinary witnesses. If they had to listen to a tenth of the stuff that's in these posts I'm sure they would simply nod off and they will do the same if it gets too technical in court. So, based on my general impression of the depositions I've read I think it's a toss up. I want Rossi to prevail because I have never considered he is a scam artist or even delusional. I think he has what he claims and I'm convince that even with producing only 250KW he still beat the heck out of a COP of 6. I'm convinced that if either side starts trying to explain and rationalize the data in Penons, like you and Jed do repeatedly, then that side will lose. As for myself, I'm still able to rationalize just about everything Rossi has said or done and I've not read anything in the depositions that changes that for me. I think Rossi is opinionated, cantankerous, belligerent, stubborn and a total narcissist, but in every interview I've watched him in he came across as sincere and honest and I believe that's what the Jury will see also. Even with that I believe it's still too close to call. I'm convinced that IH is lying about not having been able to replicate and I believe that is how it will come across to the Jury. As for whether the test was actually the GPT I believe there is no question given the evidence so far that the Jury will see as such.

  • That is untrue ele. Many people with vapourware (let us not get into the matter of deliberate fraud or not, irrelevant to your point here, and to be settled in Court this Summer) have patents. Take, for example, EEStor with a patent for a magic capacitor with energy density higher than a lithium battery that never existed. It is one way that they convince people they have something. In any case Rossi has no granted patents for E-cats. He has a patent for a novel water-heater power source unspecified.

    If that "hot water heater" supplied a COP greater than 6 (steam or no steam) and the Jury concludes that the test was GPT (which I think they will) then it's game over for IH.

  • Yes, there are emails between Rossi and Johnson Matthey. An order for 10kg of platinum sponge was apparently placed, or at least negotiated. You can check the record as it is open to everyone now. I'm sure we have only seen the tip of the iceberg so far as evidence goes. We'll see more at trial.

    From those emails and the depositions it appears that a deal was sincerely discussed but never came to fruition. That seems a little different to me than intentional misrepresentation.

  • As you have no doubt intuited by now I trust very few people to tell the complete unvarnished truth, especially in business matters and particularly when a great deal of money is at stake as nearly everyone involved has a particular point of view to sell. At the very least Rossi had lied by omission and probably outright in a few instances, but he has also been lied to, both by omission and directly and that's his best defense. It seems like a classic "David and Goliath" story to me and if I were Rossi's attorneys that's the way I would lay it out.

    I agree as far as Rossi's only tactic in the Trial. What I'm wondering is where, in the many documents, do you find non-Rossi support for the idea that he has been lied to by IH? Given what is documented, I don't think any Jury will take a RossiSays IH lied as worth anything. Given the choice of a known liar lying, and someone else, you choose the known liar. So the question is do the documents, which make an unanswerable case for Rossi lying - make a similar case for IH lying?

    If they do - I have not yet heard this.

    David and Goliath only works when you see David as a good person - Rossi's many deceits (not just about the customer - take for example his lie about the Hydrofusion test) will surely prevent a Jury from seeing that?

    • Official Post

    I want Rossi to prevail because I have never considered he is a scam artist or even delusional. I think he has what he claims and I'm convince that even with producing only 250KW he still beat the heck out of a COP of 6. I'm convinced that if either side starts trying to explain and rationalize the data in Penons, like you and Jed do repeatedly, then that side will lose. As for myself, I'm still able to rationalize just about everything Rossi has said or done and I've not read anything in the depositions that changes that for me. I think Rossi is opinionated, cantankerous, belligerent, stubborn and a total narcissist, but in every interview I've watched him in he came across as sincere and honest and I believe that's what the Jury will see also. Even with that I believe it's still too close to call.

    Really very good analysis! I think IH is not really aware of this power of conviction of Andrea Rossi alone by his appearance and essence. It is for the judicial review and a jury's verdict in my opinion even more or less unimportant whether the E-Cat system has 1MW, or only 250KW, a COP of more than 6, or less than 1, or even works at all. It is like you write the classic David against Goliath drama play and Thomas Darden really must be very calm and convincing in the witness stand if he wants to keep up with Rossi. Thomas Darden I trust this balancing act, but if JT Vaughn, or more worst Dewey Weaver have to testify as witnesses, then I think it will be very difficult to get rid of this Goliath / Dark Force role.

  • Staying with the theme a bit longer (for grins) - Rossi is getting the truth rammed up his snout along with his natively biased S.Ps and R'meister disciples who troll / moderate this joinck. The broader implications and prospects of trial testimony should have R's Euro-network more and more concerned. Oh yeah - and lastly, that gold trafficking / money laundering stash is suddenly not looking so secret / secure these days.

  • Really very good analysis! I think IH is not really aware of this power of conviction of Andrea Rossi alone by his appearance and essence. It is for the judicial review and a jury's verdict in my opinion even more or less unimportant whether the E-Cat system has 1MW, or only 250KW, a COP of more than 6, or less than 1, or even works at all. It is like you write the classic David against Goliath drama play and Thomas Darden really must be very calm and convincing in the witness stand if he wants to keep up with Rossi. Thomas Darden I trust this balancing act, but if JT Vaughn, or more worst Dewey Weaver have to testify as witnesses, then I think it will be very difficult to get rid of this Goliath / Dark Force role.

    I actually agree with Rends here.

    Rossi's best chance is:

    • Ignore facts
    • Ignore fact that e-cat does not work
    • Hope sweet words and broken Italian English can convince a Jury of his Rossiesque fantasy

    The trouble with this is cross-examination - against which Rossiesque twisting of truth is unlikely to hold.

    Also, however convincing Rossi is with a friendly audience we know that when people do not believe him he gets angry and storms out with obscenities (examples: Krivit, NASA, IH, I think possibly Mats Hydrofusion). how is that going to play with a Jury?

    Remember it is not likely that any Jury will come with the pre-existing idea that Rossi's devices work, and which drives most of his fan club here...

  • The strange thing is, with Ni62 being byproduct and possibly fuel enricher, the scarcity and price of Ni62 since Lugano haven't changed in a significant way.

    No secret labs buying up all the supply, no dumping of excess recovered from reactors... No speculators shorting or hedging...

    Even though the reactors in Doral might have doubled the world supply.

  • From those emails and the depositions it appears that a deal was sincerely discussed but never came to fruition. That seems a little different to me than intentional misrepresentation.

    This is again a classic RossiSays. All Rossi needs to have done is get a quote for 10kg Pt sponge. No deal. No evidence of anyone at Johnson Matthey wanting or being able to get a deal. And it can be twisted by him or you in this manner. Rossi is past master at creating semblance with no reality. I think in a Trial he will be held to account for the many claimed semblances that are provably not real: after a recital of these his latest efforts, like the 10kg Pt quote, are not likely to wash. They clearly work here with his fans: but would a randomly picked Jury be that?

  • Despite this, in virtually every case that involved an "expert witness" a good attorney could almost always expose their special interest in getting paid well, which would pretty much destroy their credibility no matter which side they were testifying for. The fact is that when you pay someone a bunch of money to testify you could just as well be paying them to lie.

    This is nonsense. First, the deposition says they are being paid. The amounts are listed. So there is never any question they are being paid, and it is never a secret. Second, if a licensed professional lies about a technical issue, he will be committing perjury and his license will be revoked.

    Samuel Florman described cases in which licensed engineers knowingly signed off on false reports, evaluations and testimony, and had their licenses revoked because of this. It hardly ever happens because they lose their livelihood and a lifetime of high earnings.

    I'm convinced that IH is lying about not having been able to replicate

    You are convinced of this based on absolutely no evidence whatever, with no personal experience visiting them, looking at the tests, or reviewing the data. You are convinced of this despite the fact that if they had replicated, they would have been happy to pay and they would presently be spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing the technology. Instead of firing their technical staff and closing down the R&D, as Murray testified. Frankly, you are deluded. I hope no one on the jury falls for this nonsense.

    • Official Post

    Remember it is not likely that any Jury will come with the pre-existing idea that Rossi's devices work

    Even if there are sufficient indications inside the tons of court papers that the Ecat may not work, there is at the same time the same amount of evidence that it is highly efficient and functioning future technology. In the jury will sit most probably no studied physicist and why should they not not believe in Rossi , if the for the Nobel Price responsible Sweds, the U.S. Navy and even the NASA have Rossi's ECAT on the top of the list (even if the first 'fact' is more or less a legend)?. The lawyers on both side have only a few days (hours) to create an image and my opinion is and was (even if this mistakenly assigned me to camp allegiance) that Rossi's picture and overall impression is simply more convincing and above all more sympathetic if you do not have all the facts and no time to get more details.

  • Even if there are sufficient indications inside the tons of court papers that the Ecat may not work, there is at the same time the same amount of evidence that it is highly efficient and functioning future technology. In the jury will sit most probably no studied physicist and why should they not not believe in Rossi , if the for the Nobel Price responsible Sweds, the U.S. Navy and even the NASA have Rossi's ECAT on the top of the list (even if the first 'fact' is more or less a legend)?. The lawyers on both side have only a few days (hours) to create an image and my opinion is and was (even if this mistakenly assigned me to camp allegiance) that Rossi's picture and overall impression is simply more convincing and above all more sympathetic if you do not have all the facts and no time to get more details.

    The Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry is awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Science.

    But none of the authors of the Lugano report are members of this academy and hence they are not in any way responsible for the Nobel prizes. That's just something Rossi made up. However Sven Kullander was a member of Royal Swedish Academy of Science. But he is no longer alive and was not an author of the report.

  • David and Goliath only works when you see David as a good person - Rossi's many deceits (not just about the customer - take for example his lie about the Hydrofusion test) will surely prevent a Jury from seeing that?



    This will also work when one sees David as a bad person, yet as a very creative, charismatic, hardworking, sick but persevering and "fighting for the good cause" Italian Inventor, that is at least a few nudges better than the obviously bad, slimy, hypocrite Goliath that plays legal games to ultimately seize the as many LENR IP as he can.

    There is a chance that his trial will be decided by what is not present in the documents, but one senses by being involved. If the jury does not find the proof found in the documents against Rossi damning enough, they will like him better than IH. The more they like him, the more they recognize the sliminess of IH, the more "damning proof" they will be prepared to swallow. Just like on this forum.

    If the composition of the jury is similar to the group of posters on this forum IH is in my opinion in for a tough fight.



  • Para - R denied all alias implications to the court.

    Rends resorts to using a very familiar pattern for information insertion and attempted opinion shaping.

    Wow on AR's alias denial. I really wish they had subpoenaed the raw comment log for his worpress blog. It has the IP addresses for each comment.

    Oh well, it probably is not really needed and is just one more example of his deceptiveness.

  • Recall that finding a customer was not a requirement of the GPT, and that the terms of the GPT made no reference to a customer. With this in mind, your suggestion that the JMP ruse was a way to kick IH into gear with the GPT would raise as many questions as it does answers for someone just coming up to speed on the story.

    It is the only reason for the JMP ruse. What other purpose would it have had? Rossi had to manufacture an inducement for IH because the original contract was so poorly drafted. This whole deal was bound to fail from the moment pen met paper.

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