Clearance Items

  • the reason for the strange and long discussions about rossi having something or not is in my opinion just because there is a lot of money involved, and letting some weird guys post anythibg you want them to post costs maybe not much more than a few cans of beer, so if it doesnt help a lot, its no Problem at all.

  • Several posts above discussing an apparent legal threat from Dewey moved from a separate thread after moderator consultation.

    Dewey: we have given you great latitude in what you post here. Please cut it with the apparent legal threats. If you wish to pursue a legal remedy, do not use our forum to communicate it. Potential libelers will have to find out through some other channel.

    • Official Post

    Personally I'm not too bothered about Dewey's alleged post on a personal level. I only say 'alleged' because having met him and talked to him and found him quite a reasonable human being I am pretty sure that he has a stunt man/body double to write this kind of post for him.

    On the other hand, this kind of post is a blow against the kind of civil discussion we try to promote here, and Dewey really should (and does) know better.

  • This is all a little ridiculous... Alan's statement was clearly constructed to avoid actually libelling anybody, and anyone daft enough to take it to court would spend at least $1500/hr on lawyers fees finding that out.

    Which I'm guessing will make even Jones Day look cheap.

  • Alan - you're perpetuating Rossi fabrications and you should stop. You should also stop drinking the RoSSC kool-aid and do your best to keep yourself and your position as moderator as far away from libelous activity as possible.

    Why are you allowed to threaten moderators, and why would you hint at your capacity to remove them if they don't comply with your whims?

    Does this also hint at your capacity to put them in place?

    Moved from the playground thread. Eric

  • AhiAhi - talk about sewage into lemonade - check this one out.

    Dewey Weaver : This "link" is bad fake-news style Dewey. Why did you photoshop away the publishing year/date of the journal??

    We all know that the Italian justice later did revert the judgement...

    Again: This is very, very poor style, usually not tolerated by any serious forum...

    Moved from the Rossi v. Darden thread. Eric

  • There is a torrent of additional material available for the unleashing if you want to play that game.

    Dewey Weaver : When do you expect that one of your fraudulent Cherrokee partners goes to jail, based on the many fake bankrupts they put in scene in the free pirates island Delaware...

    Or are your friends all wearing white gloves?

    Moved from the Rossi v. Darden thread. Eric

  • Wyttenbach : Dewey Weaver already provided an answer — if you pull up that article in from the archive of the Italian paper, you are likely to find those blanked out squares there already. Your accusing Dewey of creating fake news, of photoshopping and of fraud were both premature and unsurprising. Whatever that was, it was bargain bin material.

  • At Uppsala we have in effect now all rotten eggs in one basket.

    Moved from the Rossi v. Darden thread. Eric

  • Dewey Weaveralready provided an answer — if you pull up that article in from the archive of the Italian paper, you are likely to find those blanked out squares there already. Your accusing Dewey of creating fake news, of photoshopping and of fraud were both premature and unsurprising. Whatever that was, it was bargain bin material.

    Eric Walker : Thanks: Can you provide us the link to prove your assumption?

  • Wyttenbach is a lying subversive from Planet Ross - thats about all there is to that.

    Cheers, Godspeed, Warmest Regards and Happy Trails (I mean Trials).

    Moved from the Rossi v. Darden thread. Eric

  • It would not be difficult, genius! A sherlock you're not.

    So I'm right. The angry guy who love to insult others is you. Btw.... Sherlock, with capital S. Is a name. Like [omitted].

    Attempt at doxxing removed. Moved from the Rossi v. Darden thread. Eric

  • Kevmo - thanks for the Planet Rossi logic lesson this AM and cut the crap. I have direct and first hand knowledge that Rossi has never offered to buy back

    his IP from IH. You have nothing but Rossisays which is good enough for you but sadly, remains a lie.

    Moved from the Rossi v. Darden thread. Eric

  • Kevmo - thanks for the Planet Rossi logic lesson this AM and cut the crap. I have direct and first hand knowledge that Rossi has never offered to buy back

    his IP from IH. You have nothing but Rossisays which is good enough for you but sadly, remains a lie.

    Rossi claimed it on his blog, which we have seen other blog items have already been entered into the record for consideration. So it is time for YOU to cut the crap. Rossi claimed it, so now it's time for him to prove that he did put forth the offer (which, even if it is a lie, would be a legitimate offer that the court could order to be considered). I really wish you would just figure it out. This is the 2nd time through this exercise. And this is no Planet Rossi logic session as you so menacingly put it. It is a way to hold Rossi's feet to the fire.

    Why is it that you so consistently get away with mischaracterizing my comments? Your posts should be quickly shunted to the sidethread.

    Moved from the Rossi v. Darden thread. Eric

  • Kevmo - Thanks for proving my point. Planet Rossi circular logic only works on Planet Rossi. I'll say it again - it is a lie that Rossi offered to buyout his IP from IH. Your repeat it to make it true attempts do not work in the real world.

    Ah Siffer - so nice of you to come back under your real name. I've got large plans for you my little pretty! Keep it coming.

    And what plans could you possibly have for me Dewey? Should I take it as a threat? From experience I know you like to make those! So for clarity, I would appreciate if you could elaborate on that statement.

    Moved from the Rossi v. Darden thread. It's a fair question, but the whole subthread is going in a bad direction. Eric

  • except that Rossi is a known liar and Darden not.

    Wow! Is this stand-up comedy? Darden is a lawyer type of guy. Those guys lie for a living...

    Moved from the Rossi v. Darden thread. Eric

    Edited once, last by sifferkoll ().

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