New (Aug 6) Lattice Energy presentation

    • Official Post

    From Ed Storms arguments (that re very detailed and argumented in his book ) I am more and more skeptical on WL theory, but they have popularized interesting concepts and principle, like trying to stay inside know physics, and using collective effects to explain LENR.

    Larsen is a dynamic actors and do much to push LENR out of the pothole. Future will says if his theory is wrong, incomplete or right.

    “Only puny secrets need keeping. The biggest secrets are kept by public incredulity.” (Marshall McLuhan)
    twitter @alain_co

  • I am not sure which LENR results are accurate, or which theory is correct, but Widom points out in his presentation -
    Electro-Weak and Electro-Strong Views of Nuclear Transmutations
    - in slide #12 that slow electron wave functions can possess very high mass-energy spectra, i.e., the energy is due to very highly oscillatory wave-packet phase within a slowly moving envelope, derived from a very high vector potential (A(x)) collectively generated by intense currents, or large collisions of charges. Relativistic speeds are not required.

    Other writers point out other circumstances (using simple QM) where fusion could occur without high velocities, e.g.,
    Tunneling of slow quantum packets through the high Coulomb barrier -
    Understanding Branly's effect through Induced Tunnelling -
    - to mention just two such papers.

    In "A Student’s Guide to Cold Fusion", on p. 29, Storms states - "Particles are known to store energy as increased mass if enough energy is added to accelerate them near to the speed of light. Traveling at this speed in a lattice well populated with many electrons and nuclei would seem implausible " which is true, but not what W-L, or Brillouin propose.

    Also, regarding how collective effects could create a very "lossy" environment for ejected particles, look at Figs 1-5 in -
    Anatomy of a quantum ‘bounce’ -
    - to see that during energetic collisions, particles' momenta spectra become strongly peaked at high values, and would absorb more energy/momentum than when stationary. Calculating such effects in plasmas is probably prohibitively complex.

    It's too early to hold strong beliefs.

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