QX Concepts - A less critical Rossi thread.

  • Director, you are wrong on several counts. The QX is on hold and may never be made in quantity. The SK series is what is being made and developed.

    There is very little risk to prospective clients. They don't pay for the plant, only for the heat they actually recieve.

    As he has a client already who wants 40 MW, that twill provide all the proof for others that is required, if it works.

    It will also be ebough for Rossi to get all the capial he requires. He must halready have a significant partner who is developing a LENR turbine.

    I view this as more important than heat and it will be sold, not hidden.

    Replication of the QX would add nothing. It would not even help to understand how it works. All it migjht do is help his Chinese competition.

  • I refer to the QX and SK interchagably.

    Replication MUST happen. We cannot count on Rossi bringing this technology to the mass market. He has a long track record of claiming that various version of the E-Cat were moving towards commercialization only to abandon them and move on. I don't think he will abandon the QX/SK because I think it is the best LENR technology available. However, he won't commercialize them in any significant way because doing so make big companies believe they are real and then they could replicate them in days or weeks. The next several years will be gut wrenching hell on Earth if we wait for Rossi to commercialize this technology to the level that it is accepted as real by the mainstream. He'll simply try to obtain more and more small, tiny clients that will never risk identifying themselves. Zero progress will be made in convincing the mainstream that the technology is real.

  • I refer to the QX and SK interchagably.

    Replication MUST happen. We cannot count on Rossi bringing this technology to the mass market. He has a long track record of claiming that various version of the E-Cat were moving towards commercialization only to abandon them and move on. I don't think he will abandon the QX/SK because I think it is the best LENR technology available. However, he won't commercialize them in any significant way because doing so make big companies believe they are real and then they could replicate them in days or weeks. The next several years will be gut wrenching hell on Earth if we wait for Rossi to commercialize this technology to the level that it is accepted as real by the mainstream. He'll simply try to obtain more and more small, tiny clients that will never risk identifying themselves. Zero progress will be made in convincing the mainstream that the technology is real.

    The key to LENR reactor development is the fuel. It is very hard to come up with real LENR fuel. Without LENR fuel, a LENR reactor is useless. This is why Rossi only told the IH president how to make his fuel. That guy is forever constrained from telling anybody how that fuel is made.

  • Director,

    You don't even know if the QX and SK are similar, Nothing is known about the SK except one model is rated at 20 kW.

    You have no basis for speculating that Rossi doesn't want his reactors widely spread. Everything he has said indicates he does. He is selling heat to reduce the risk to customers, get clients, make some money and keep the process secret until he has a large manufacturing facility up and running.

    He is still talking about home heating, just requiring industrial experience in order to get licensing and the LENR turbine is by far the most important development for widespread LENR.

  • Rossi does want his reactors widely spread. However, he only wants that to take place if...

    First, he keeps the total and absolute rights to his IP.

    Second, he can have automated factories that use robots so he will not need to share know how with many employees.

    Third, he can obtain near total domination of the marketplace.

    Fourth, that in doing so he in no way helps his competitors.

    If all of the above conditions are not met, he'd rather human civilization collapse than commercialize his technology. I don't think there is hardly any chance of the above happening. Instead, he'll deal with small customers that will keep their identity absolutely secret. Even if after ten years he has fifty small scale customers, the mainstream won't believe that his technology is real because no one will be speaking up. If they due, the enemies of Andrea Rossi would send government agencies in to shut them down.

  • Director,

    As I said, you have no basis for your claims apart from your amateurish claims of inventors syndrome..

    Today Rossi wrote:

    "Besides, while our technology is very advanced to make heat and electricity via-turbines, we are very green for air and space. In a scale from 1 to ten, we are 10 for heating, 8/9 for electricity, 0.1 for air and space.

    Gas turbine remains my pet project."

  • Today we make only heat, but soon we will have clients that will couple Ecats with turbines coupled with alternators.

    Warm Regards,


  • Hello Everyone,

    Here is the link to the latest rendering of a portion of the QX device.


    A big thank you to Gerold S. for his work on this.

    This is NOT the final version and we are still open to input.

    For starters, I think that the next version will have rounded electrode faces with small perhaps micron sized emitter tips.

    Also, there are many other issues to discuss. For example...

    1) How to produce a gas tight seal between the electrode material and the quartz.

    2) The most appropriate power supply.

    3) How or where in the reactor to place the LiAlH4.

    4) How to fuel and seal the reactor without allowing unwanted atmosphere to enter.

    There are many others.

    I hope that we can get a good discussion going on this thread about TECHNICAL matters directly relating to this project.

  • Director,

    I have already stated the problems and there is no point in repeating them.

  • Is there a source for the QX being gas tight? I recall Alan Smith mentioned that one of the testers told him that earlier E-Cat variations were loaded without much regard for either making a good seal or avoiding humidity/water to come in.

    1. MFMP: Automated experiment with Ni-LiAlH
    2. The possible Role of Axions in LENR

    For what's worth, BLP devices operate around or above atmospheric pressure and even under a standard atmosphere (the seam welder tests I previously mentioned). Air contains 1% Argon, by the way.

  • Good question Can.

    I don't know if there is an actual source for the QX being gas tight. However, if it were not gas tight, I expect that whatever fuel he is using would escape in a fairly short period.

  • Update.

    1. Gerard McEk December 5, 2018 at 8:24 AM

      Dear Andrea,

      Just a few questions:

      1. Can you tell us if you are already able to produce the ECats automatically?

      2. By when do you intend to start production, or has production started already?

      3. Will you also produce the ECat controllers in your production plants?

      4. I have always thought that the 40 MW unit is a single unit that will produce electricity. Now I understand that there will be multiple smaller units that will be located at different sites. Is the latter the right interpretation?

      5. Do they intend to produce electricity with the (collection of) 40 MW unit(s)?

      6. How much percent of the 40 MW units(s) is ready?

      Thank you for answering our questions.

      Kind regards, Gerard

    1. Andrea Rossi December 5, 2018 at 10:51 AM

      Gerard McEk:

      1- yes

      2- the production will follow the demand

      3- yes

      4- yes

      5- this is up to the Client

      6- this information is not public

      Warm Regards,


  • I would like to invite members of LENR Forum to comment on the drawing and share any other ideas and thoughts they have on the QX/SK.

    My thoughts are that I hope someone in the near future attempts to build and test a QX like device. Although I think it will be great to have a finished 3D model and additional information to help replicators, there are probably many variations that are possible. The main requirements are probably...

    1) Have a gaseous atmosphere of hydrogen and other elements that can interact to produce altered forms of hydrogen and nuclear reactions.

    2) Have a power supply capable of providing high current/voltage pulses to ionize the environment of the reactor and then provide much lower voltage/current pulses at a range of hz up to or beyond 100khz.

    3) Have at least one emitter tip on the cathode. I think there are many ways to produce these. One method could be to simply pulse the electrode with high current many times.

    4) Have resistors in the circuit to make sure that the abnormal glow discharge does not go into a full arc discharge.

    To maximize excess heat, light, and electrical output, it will probably be required to experiment with all the above parameters.

    For fuel, I'd recommend a mixture of H2 or D2, LiH, maybe LiAlH4, argon, and of course nano-particles from the erosion of the electrodes.

    To regenerate the pointy tips, I think every so often there may be a requirement to pulse the electrodes with high current.

  • TheFutureIsNow

    December 7, 2018 at 10:45 PM

    Dear Andrea,


    8) Have you attempted to utilize a laser inferometer setup to determine if any modification of the active vacuum of space near the QX/SK is taking place? If so, what were the results?


    Andrea Rossi

    December 7, 2018 at 11:34 PM



    8- yes, but the results are confidential so far

    Warm Regards,


    I had no idea that this experiment was possible, but Rossi ran it. This test might detect a disturbance in the vacuum is occurring, The posit that negative vacuum energy is being produced by the LENR reaction might show up in this test, also extracting energy from the vacuum might also be detected by this test.


  • Rossi has no problem to run experiments in his garage lab that other hightech labs around the globe with the best scientists and billions of dollars of support are incapable of doing...

  • @Director

    For what it's worth, I might have inadvertently made (and described in the latest comments in the "unconventional electrolysis" thread) a much cheaper/simpler QX knock-off using different techniques and materials. However it does not use Ni-LiH-LiAlH4 (it could probably use Ni and Li in some form, but not LiH or LiAlH4) and it's specifically intended to produce arc discharges in water or a wet aqueous environment at a quick rate, in some ways similarly to Parkhomov's "Woodpecker" device but also extending it in others.

    If you considered this (or similar experiments) a QX-like device, experimentation and perhaps engagement by "replicators" could be much simpler. If you only regard a vacuum tube with Ni, Li and LiAlH4 and "dry" environent as a QX-like device, that puts many constraints on what people might be willing to test and experiment.

    The requirements 1-3 you listed overlap with what I have been tried to do, incidentally. I'm doing the complete opposite of 4. High currents, erosion processes, explosions and discharges do indeed produce pointy tips (although they eventually blow off in my case). Since I have a relatively large electrode surface, many of those will be formed in a way or another.

    This is the main reason why last time I asked if you had a source for the QX being gas-tight. Depending on what you're trying to accomplish in practice, it might not be necessary to have a gas-tight reactor.

  • I find your approach and the QX approach different.

    With the QX, you adjust the various parameters such as electrode spacing, pulse width, pulse sharpness, current/voltage, and atmosphere until you find a combination that maximizes the excess energy release. Then you try to repeat it again and again. With your system, I think the parameters of the system would change fairly rapidly with the electrode surface structure being inconsistent and the chemical composition of the electrolyte changing due to exposure to atmosphere, interaction with the electrodes, etc.

    I really don't think the QX is too awful complicated. It's not something that a total novice could build, but it's also not extremely complicated. It's basically just electrodes, gaseous atmosphere, reactor wall, a system of lowering the pressure in the reactor to make the discharge happen at a lower voltage, and a power supply. I suspect someone with access to a fairly modest laboratory could build one if they had half-way decent fabrication skills and good electronic knowledge. For example, there are tons of Tesla coil builders out there. Someone who can build the various components of a Tesla coil (power supply, transformer, spark gap, etc) could build a QX.

    Now, for the study of strange radiation and other effects, wet "woodpecker" like systems are probably very good. However, I don't think electrolytic systems are ideal for producing even modestly consistent excess heat effects.

    I'm probably not explaining myself well. Basically, I just think the QX might be a little more work to put together and build but the results could be massively better.

    One reason I don't think it will be too awfully difficult to get results from a QX is that so many similar technologies have been built successfully in the past. I know Chernetsky built many different variations that all seemed to produce excess energy. Paulo Correa also built many different variations of the PAGD device. According to George Egely, the main difficulty seems to be keeping the emitter points intact instead of eroding away. Apparently, Andrea Rossi does not have this issue. My guess is that the erosion process is slowed down tremendously because after a single high voltage impulse in a catalytic environment of hydrogen, lithium, argon, and other elements that the atmosphere is ionized for several seconds allowing subsequent impulses to be less intense. But even if someone built a QX and the electrodes eroded away more rapidly and only lasted several minutes or hours, that would be a fantastic start. Then we could move towards enhancing the lifespan of the electrodes.

    Once a few parties have replicated QX's, I think there would be a landslide of replications and then the mainstream scientific community would be forced to admit to the reality of altered forms of hydrogen and LENR.

  • Here is a little information about transfer resonant plasma. Basically, if you combine atomic hydrogen with "catalyst" elements that can induce the hydrogen to change into an altered form, energy is released along with electrons that produces a plasma. I have read in BLPs patent literature that a hydrogen-lithium-argon plasma can form at a voltage of around 1 volt.

    My guess is that this plasma is how Rossi can pulse the QX/SK using very low voltage and current after an initial higher voltage impulse. Altered forms of hydrogen are formed that then slam themselves into other atoms in the mix (such as lithium). The result are nuclear reactions. I think that the reason the QX could potentially be superior to a BLP plasma Suncell is the lack of a need to supply a constant flow of hydrogen. Since nuclear reactions produce millions of eV instead of hydrino reactions that produce only hundreds of eV, the hydrogen and lithium in a QX could last a very long time.


    Bright hydrogen-light source due to a resonant energy transfer with strontium and argon ions

    Randell L Mills, Mark Nansteel and Paresh C Ray


    A plasma called a resonant transfer (rt) plasma formed with a low field (1 V cm-1), at low temperatures (e.g. ≈103 K), from atomic hydrogen generated at a tungsten filament and strontium which was vapourized by heating the metal. Strong vacuum ultraviolet emission was observed that increased with the addition of argon, but not when sodium, magnesium or barium replaced strontium or with hydrogen, argon or strontium alone. Characteristic strontium and argon emission was observed which supported a resonant-energy-transfer mechanism. Significant Balmer α line broadening corresponding to an average hydrogen atom temperature of 14, 24, and 23-45 eV was observed for strontium and argon-strontium rt plasmas and discharges of strontium-hydrogen, helium-hydrogen, argon-hydrogen, strontium-helium-hydrogen and strontium-argon-hydrogen, respectively, compared to ≈3 eV for pure hydrogen, krypton-hydrogen, xenon-hydrogen and magnesium-hydrogen. To achieve that same optically measured light output power, hydrogen-sodium, hydrogen-magnesium and hydrogen-barium mixtures required 4000, 7000 and 6500 times the power of the hydrogen-strontium mixture, respectively, and the addition of argon increased these ratios by a factor of about two. A glow discharge plasma formed for hydrogen-strontium mixtures at an extremely low voltage of about 2 V compared to 250 V for hydrogen alone and sodium-hydrogen mixtures, and 140-150 V for hydrogen-magnesium and hydrogen-barium mixtures.

  • @Director

    Electrolysis here is only a tool to start the arc-discharge process at low voltages. These are not like ordinary cold fusion experiments: the overall average temperature might be lower than 100°C, but locally, when a short-circuit event occurs, it can be in the order of thousands of °C.

    Furthermore, if high energy particles are emitted in the process (including what is recently referred to as "strange radiation"), a large portion of the excess energy produced would probably escape the reaction environment anyway and have to be captured (or using Rossi's lingo, "thermalized") outside of it.

    Edited once, last by can ().

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