• Mizuno first stated this back in 2019 at least if not earlier. I think the point here is that higher XSH was seen with reduced hydrogen pressure and the flux issue was an attempt at explaining this behavior. It's completely the opposite from the paradigm since the early days of Pons and Fleishmann when loading was the main goal for decades. I am not sure if anyone can explain this behavior fully at this time.

  • You can achieve excess heat with high loading and also with low loading. Mechanism of the reaction is very different in both cases. In very simplified words when there is high loading it is closer to fusion. Actually you can do a real fusion with real fusion products. In some transition metals it is even easier because you can utilize lattice phase change.

    Because Nickel can't never absorb bigger amount of Hydrogen into the bulk almost all reactions are happening just at the surface. So for this reason low loading and big flux is the best there.

    Each transition metal is very specific in this area.

    Great thing is you can replace Nickel with many other metals. But Nickel is really cheap and has good chemical properties.

  • Because Nickel can't never absorb bigger amount of Hydrogen into the bulk almost all reactions are happening just at the surface.

    I confirm you are right there.

    So for this reason low loading and big flux is the best there.

    Here this is only your process assumptions..

  • cascading down from the 20 Mev level through magnetic gamma states 1000

    These cascades only work perfectly for pure D-D fusion. We found an other process where Samarium adds 2x D* - in two steps and the energy produces up to 10 cascading gammas. At the end Samarium gives off 4-He what we called spallation.

  • That’s news to me! You’d think I would know that

    Mizuno told me that you do not work for Mizuno Technologies and that you two are no longer working together.

    It is none of my business. I do not know much more than that. I asked him for permission to use one of the figures you circulated showing a reactor with plates in it (below). He said he did not recommend I use it because you do not work for him, or with him. He doesn't know about that figure. Perhaps you are working with someone else and that is the basis for the figure? I have no idea.

  • A few weeks ago I posted experimental results showing samples of Pd coated Ni mesh were substantially loaded with H from environmental exposure at ambient temperature. If flux of H is a key parameter to activate LENR in this material, such uncontrolled pre-loading may be why replication is inconsistent.

    As a first step in controlling the flux process, I did some further tests. In two successive runs I compared the out-gassing of an untreated Ni mesh and a Pd-coated mesh. In each case, the reactor was pumped out to 5E-4 Torr for about 10 minutes, but no heat was applied during this vacuum phase. With the vacuum system off, 47 watts heater power was applied for 4 hours, while the pressure was recorded.

    About 750 Pa of out-gassing was seen from the untreated mesh, probably water vapor and atmospheric gases adhered to the Ni and the inner surface of the SS reactor shell. The Pd coated mesh produced 2100 Pa of out-gassing under identical conditions, of which about 1/3 would be the water vapor and atmospheric gases adhered to the surfaces, and the remainder H species unloaded from the Pd as the metal was heated. No excess heat or radiation was detected in either case.

    My conclusion from this is that extended de-gassing at just over 100°C should be done at the start of a test, to remove water vapor and other atmospheric traces in the cell - unless the presence of water vapor is a necessary part of the LENR reaction. I haven't seen that proposed in discussion of this gas-phase LENR system, but it's certainly possible. For example, Bob Greenyer proposed that the small amount of D2O in the "LION" cell produced a plasma reaction with the diamond bits that were soaked in it. My attempt to replicate that experiment yielded nothing of interest. Bob later said that the 1000°C+ I ran wasn't hot enough...

  • Doesn't have to - it doesn't happen with LENR..

    Then how you can explain neutrons generated in our lab from transition metals on will together with activation of other materials?

    I wouldn't say we are using high energies or anything close to hot fusion.

    You can find many similar observations from other researchers. If you can activate other material then I guess you would believe these are really neutrons.

  • You will need to deload and load the meshes as many times as possible. Do this at as high temperature as possible. Hydrogen flux will increase with each attempt.

    I think that in 3 weeks we will be able to ship you new batch of meshes.

  • transition metal

    which transition metals? Titanium? Cobalt? Manganese?

    the good thing about Ni61 is that it has a longlived low kev state at around 6o kev... I don't think most of the other early transition metals do except for Fe57..which is a minor isotope.

    If there is no easy path for the magnetic energy..bottlenecks may result in side reactions ... transmutations..neutrons etc...depending on the isotope mix..

  • You will need to deload and load the meshes as many times as possible. Do this at as high temperature as possible. Hydrogen flux will increase with each attempt.

    I think that in 3 weeks we will be able to ship you new batch of meshes.

    OK, I can do that but it would be helpful to have more details. I can probably run this reactor up to 400°C but 300 is safer for long-term. I can de-load at 300°C to very good vacuum, then add D2 at up to 1 bar. That is still wide range of parameters and would take a long time to explore the whole range. I have already tested at 250°C, adding 300 Pa of gas after de-loading. From your earlier advice, that should have produced some excess but it did not. Based on your experience, should I try hotter? Or more added gas?

  • Nickel nuclei has a deep hole, so i should expect metals transition ligher than it ? Lighter is it, more neutrons will escape...probably chromium/titanium in our case, here.

    which transition metals? Titanium? Cobalt? Manganese?

    the good thing about Ni61 is that it has a longlived low kev state at around 6o kev... I don't think most of the other early transition metals do except for Fe57..which is a minor isotope.

    If there is no easy path for the magnetic energy..bottlenecks may result in side reactions ... transmutations..neutrons etc...depending on the isotope mix..

    Edited 2 times, last by Cydonia ().

  • chromium

    the odd isotopes are usualy the ones with the lowest kev states

    but Cr63 lowest kev state is at 560 kev.. all the other Cr isotopes are much higher

    if there is a bottleneck at 560 kev,

    560 kev is high enough to cause side reactions?

    as compared with Ni61 at 67Kev?

    you may like to look at Livechart IAEA... C'est bonne

  • Thank you , this is what probably what me356 tested, now the better aren't transition metals but even lighter elements...

  • Show me.

    One of the first reports is in

    Battaglia, l. Daddi, s. Focardi, v. G, v. Montalbano, f. Piantelli, P.G. Sona and s.
    Veronesi - Neutron emission in Ni-H Systems. Il Nuovo Cimento 1999, pp 921-931
    112A, Vol.

    That article was summarized in a document about Italian research posted by ?? to L-F as an attachment:


    "One of the experimental cells, one that produced about 900 MJ, while producing energy,
    uttered a few days neutrons that were observed with two different techniques, using
    neutron counters to He3 and gold activation technique. The latter (R3) allowed him to
    assess the flow of neutrons emitted from experimental cell 10 neutrons/cm2s equal to
    1000 times the estimated flow of neutrons contained in cosmic radiation."

    The referenced article in English (R3) is available from Springer (paywalled):

    Neutron emission in Ni-H systems - Il Nuovo Cimento A (1971-1996)
    In this paper evidence is reported for neutron emission during energy production in Ni-H systems at about 700 kelvin. Neutrons were detected directly by He3…

    Another excerpt from the document is pertinent to the immediate subject in this thread (H flux)

    "Also... observed the existence of some temperatures at
    which the amount of (H) absorbed (by the nickel) per unit of time particularly high values
    (A3). The variability of such loading concluded that this first trial is essential if you
    experience any of the following phenomena observed. In other words, if the metal doesn't
    absorb hydrogen there is no effect."

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