I ask members to join my effort to create a fundamentally new LENR device

  • Note that James Griggs cites Schaeffer's 1973 Patent (as Sonaqua Inc.) in the patent for his own (much simpler) water heater.

    A lot of this stuff has been around for a long time. However, the relatively low effectiveness of the various implementations makes it easy for people to dismiss them as being "bogus", without looking any closer at the possible principles behind them.

    JedRothwell had the opportunity of witnessing and taking part on the evaluation of Griggs devices, he has posted about it elsewhere in the forum, if I recall correctly he has a strong view that it was subjected to supression by academic politics, as CF did.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • The lack of serious attention to cavitation heaters is a shame really, since they require no regulatory intervention and are relatively inexpensive. Even at a COP of (say) 1.2 if you have a big hotel spending $1000 a day on hot water you could save a lot of money.

  • Even at a COP of (say) 1.2 if you have a big hotel spending $1000 a day on hot water you could save a lot of money.

    Only if you don't mind corroding all your radiators with water radiolysis products ;)

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

  • JedRothwell had the opportunity of witnessing and taking part on the evaluation of Griggs devices, he has posted about it elsewhere in the forum, if I recall correctly he has a strong view that it was subjected to supression by academic politics, as CF did.

    The 1994 report, by Jed and Gene Mallove, is available as a free download from the IE magazine website.

    The notes section on the Schaeffer page at RexResearch are also partly lifted from a 1995 article at IE.

    A couple of things I'd like to highlight:


    In this report, a paragraph is devoted to the observation of "blue steam" [Exactly what James Griggs sees with his machine. - Ed., Inf. En]. The testers speculated that the coloration may have been due to the boiling of the grease in the shaft seal. Samples were collected and analyzed with a gas chromatograph, but only pure water was found. They concluded that the coloration remained a mystery.

    My guess is that the blue colour is evidence for the presence of Solvated Electrons in the vapour - which are typical radiolysis products.


    May time the water temperature at the unit would read 150° F, run through 100 ft of 3/5" baseboard radiator and return to the unit at 152° F, a gain of 2 ° F after running through 100 ft of radiator and giving off heat. This is impossible.

    This is evidence that the water leaving the Schaeffer device was "active" in some way, and still generating heat. This, of course, might be partly due to various radiolysis products recombining, back to water, whilst passing through the radiators. There could even have been a small contribution from heat being generated by the oxidation of the inner surface of the steel radiators. Although what else might have been going on in there is still a mystery.

    Note that any calorimetry that relied on measuring the temperature of the water on exiting the unit would have missed any heat subsequently generated downstream, within the fluid itself.

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

    Edited once, last by Frogfall ().

  • Dear friends, if you have heard about the famous Riemann hypothesis, then I hasten to please you - I have dynamic solutions (equation 3.16 in the paper "Chaotic dynamics of an electron") that confirm this hypothesis. I'm not sure if this is relevant to the topic being discussed here, but it could be. I will be glad if you show this article to your mathematician friends.

  • While I was distracted by the solution of the Riemann hypothesis, the publication of the article


    lgor Bayak arrived in time.

    Just wondering if this was your first choice of journal or if you submitted to others before.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • Tried to submit to other journals, but was rejected everywhere.

    Thanks for your answer. Is known that mainstream is not prone to publish novel ideas, and on the other hand the Hadronic Journal is not mainstream at all but always welcomes new ideas.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • So, as far as I understand, at the moment the main problem is to make a pipe in the form of a torus with a narrowed part, and place a turbine in the expanded part of the pipe. Such a TOKAMAK for LENR. It seems that to make this device it is necessary to disassemble a racing car, a tokamak and a plasmatron.

    turbocharger body?

  • Have you, by any chance, come across a sealed cone-shaped vessel made of quartz glass, inside which (in the wide part) an impeller rotor rotates, driven by a stator that is located on the outside of the vessel? Something similar to a device for reproducing a cyclone in a test tube. At least laboratory motors on a magnetic cushion exist -- Magnetic motor

    Edited 2 times, last by bayak ().

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