In 1956, theoretical physicist David Pines predicted that electrons in a solid could do something strange. Electrons have both mass and charge. But Pines asserted that combinations of electrons in a solid could form a composite particle that is massless, has no charge and does not interact with light.
He called this a “demon” particle.
It is strange that the mass of the electron can be nullified. That might mean that the Higgs field can be screened from particles in the same way that the charge of the electron can be screened in EMF. The pines demon could be a gateway into producing new states of the vacuum where the Higgs field can be removed from producing any particle mass effects. The question is now, can this mass cancelation effect also be carried over and apply to quarks? If it does, then that mass nullification mechanism is a gateway into transmutation of elements.
With this set of field cancelations occurring, the question arises what field is producing the cancelations of what other fields, in other words, what fields are fundamental and what fields are emergent?
Can nullifying the Higgs field (mass) make the EMF inoperative (charge and photon reactivity) or vice versa? In either case, we have some profound implications for field manipulation.
My theory of LENR is based on the possibility that there exists of a hierarchy based relationship of fields that can allow for the manipulation of emergent fields by adjusting more fundamental fields.