Pines demon has been observed

  • Bizarre 'demon' particle found inside superconductor could help unlock a 'holy grail' of physics
    The transparent, chargeless quasiparticle could shed more light on the underlying mechanics of superconductivity

    Physicists confirm existence of "demon" particle
    A “demon” particle that has been haunting physicists for nearly 70 years has been found in an experiment by American researchers.

    Pines’ demon observed as a 3D acoustic plasmon in Sr2RuO4 - Nature
    Evidence is presented for a Pines’ demon as a three-dimensional acoustic plasmon in the multiband metal Sr2RuO4 from momentum-resolved electron energy-loss…

    Pines' demon - Wikipedia

    In 1956, theoretical physicist David Pines predicted that electrons in a solid could do something strange. Electrons have both mass and charge. But Pines asserted that combinations of electrons in a solid could form a composite particle that is massless, has no charge and does not interact with light.

    He called this a “demon” particle.

    It is strange that the mass of the electron can be nullified. That might mean that the Higgs field can be screened from particles in the same way that the charge of the electron can be screened in EMF. The pines demon could be a gateway into producing new states of the vacuum where the Higgs field can be removed from producing any particle mass effects. The question is now, can this mass cancelation effect also be carried over and apply to quarks? If it does, then that mass nullification mechanism is a gateway into transmutation of elements.

    With this set of field cancelations occurring, the question arises what field is producing the cancelations of what other fields, in other words, what fields are fundamental and what fields are emergent?

    Can nullifying the Higgs field (mass) make the EMF inoperative (charge and photon reactivity) or vice versa? In either case, we have some profound implications for field manipulation.

    My theory of LENR is based on the possibility that there exists of a hierarchy based relationship of fields that can allow for the manipulation of emergent fields by adjusting more fundamental fields.

  • My theory of LENR is based on the possibility that there exists of a hierarchy based relationship of fields that can allow for the manipulation of emergent fields by adjusting more fundamental fields.

    Just imagine I am 5 years old. See if you can explain that sentence to me.

  • Just imagine I am 5 years old. See if you can explain that sentence to me.

    An introduction:

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    All the forces of nature were once a single force. That unified force is fundamental. As the universe cooled, new emergent forces came to be. First, the strong force came to be, then as the temperature of the universe continued to cool, the electroweak force came to be. As the cooling continued, the electroweak force split into the electromagnetic and the weak force but a new field came into existence called the Higgs field and mass of the fermions emerged.

    When the situation is correct and very special, these forces can be manipulated. For example, using transuranic isotopes, the strong force can release its energy in the neutron mediated fission process. And fusion is the mechanism that also releases strong force energy when the pressure and temperature applied to the proper types of matter is right.

    As the temperature of the universe continued to cool, Electroweak separation occurred, and the Higgs field emerged. The Higgs field is required to keep the Electroweak force from reforming. Under very special conditions, the Higgs field can be shielded from affecting matter and generating mass in fermions. This shielding of the Higgs field even by only a few percent causes quarks to change their mass enough for the structure of matter to be disrupted. This disruption is called vacuum decay and this disruption of the Higgs field is another way that matter can change its atomic structure that we call transmutation.

    When we see that electrons can loose their mass and charge (say in superconductivity) in very special cases, this indicates that both the forces of nature and the structure of matter can be disrupted from their usual state.

    In the case of the Pines demon, electrons no longer respond to light (photons). This might indicate that the nature of both the electron and the photon have reverted back to their electroweak behavior. In superconductivity, electrons and photons don't behave as are to be expected to naturally occur.

    Also in the LENR reaction, no unstable isotopes are ever produced. This might indicated that the combined electroweak force rather than the separate electromagnetic and the weak force are is in place.

  • Quote

    My theory of LENR is based on the possibility that there exists of a hierarchy based relationship of fields that can allow for the manipulation of emergent fields by adjusting more fundamental fields.

    That sentence evoques to me scenes of the movie "Inception". It can only happen in dreams.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • There is no requirement that all the forces of nature were once one. That's just an idea. My theory for the stretching of the primal gamma rays to produce dark matter starts at the Big Bang and is independent of other factors. You're restricting the operation of the universe unnecessarily.

  • All the forces of nature were once a single force. That unified force is fundamental.

    As Good has said?! Or just Axil?

    All forces have the same origin = EM flux self interaction under different topology.

    As the temperature of the universe continued to cool, Electroweak separation occurred, and the Higgs field emerged.

    Nobody ever could measure a Higgs field. It's just a fantasy of rotten standard model minds.

    To many cloths for the emperor...

  • This video explains how the electroweak force splits into the electromagnetic and the weak force.

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    At CERN, particle processes produce the combined electroweak force and it is now being studied.

    When the Higgs field is screened like it is by the pines demon where electrons lose their mass then the process shown in the referenced video is reversed to form a combined electroweak force.

    When the electroweak force as exists inside the EVO produces another type of vacuum and virtual vacuum particles. The W-, W+, Z. and P bosons transform into the W1,W2,W3,and P (electroweak bosons). This is due to the removal of the Mexican hat potential that is generated by the Higgs field when that field is screened. A new electroweak vacuum potential is formed that produces electroweak bosons. These new bosons produce the transmutations that are seen in the vacuum reaction (aka LENR reaction).

    In condensed matter physics, there are configurations of electrons that are like those seen in the Pines demon that are able to screen the Higgs field so that the EVO can form which carry the electroweak force. It is the Higgs field that creates the atoms that form the world that we now live in. Without the Higgs field the world that we now know will not exists. When the Higgs field is screened, the world that we now know is transformed into a world of pure energy that existed in the early universe when the electroweak force existed.

    This following paper is a description of some of the concepts that have been introduced here in this post. For those who need the math, you can find it here. This paper near the end also gets into vacuum bubble formation that keeps the Electroweak field and the EMF fields separated as seen in the EVO.







    Wang_uchicago_0330D_16026 (1).pdf

  • This quote, from the paper Axil found - also linked below - is indicative of the amount of Kool-Aid that modern particle physics is drinking. This short paragraph is a testament to that.

    "After the Higgs boson discovery, the next step has become understanding the Higgs boson properties and its possible departures from the Standard Model predictions. Numerous ongoing and proposed high-energy explorations are targeted to this. Although the Standard Model has been successfully predicting most of the experimental observations, there exist evidence and unsolved questions in particle physics indicating new physics beyond the Standard Model."

    Wang_uchicago_0330D_16026 (1).pdf

    I proffer an alternative draft version -

    After the Higgs boson discovery, based on zero evidence as it's hard to deny, the next step in prising billions from taxpayer's pockets is to make up some more crap facts about the Higgs, as we have had no real discoveries to present since 1935. Numerous ongoing and proposed high-energy cash-grabs are targeted to this, and we have had a word with the Nobel Prize guys (over a very splendid lunch) about reserving a couple more for the boys. Although the Standard Model successfully predicted the experimental artefacts found so far we need to find more new particles, that's where the glory is. Also there exist unsolved and highly lucrative questions in particle physics indicating new ways of keeping us employed to retirement age, thus far beyond the Standard Model.

  • The analysis of the LION reactor by MFMP has shown a very fortunate and opportune EVO situation that shows "transmutation at a distance" which implies that the transmutation generating force inside the EVO is the electroweak force.

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    From the video shown up-thread "How 2 Fundamental Forces Unite: Electromagnetism & The Weak force - Electroweak force", it states that the weak force only has a range of 1/1000 of a with of a proton that can only occur inside the nucleus of an atom. This is due to very heavy force carrying bosons (Z and W at ~90 GeV) that carry the weak force.

    But as seen in the MFMP video, the EVO that is imbedded in the wire is projecting a transmutation effect onto a surface that is a few centimeters away from the EVO. This means that the magnetic field projected by the EVO is being carried by particles that are massless which is what electroweak unification theory posits.

    Also the double hole marks always produced by these magnetic flux tubes are separated from each other by large distances which is always greater than the subnuclear distance that is carried by the heavy weak force bosons.

    This means that these magnetic flux tubes are being carried by a unified electroweak force zero mass bosons (W1, W2, W3, P) that exists inside the EVO.

    LENR is known to stabilize unstable radioactive isotopes at a distance. In fact, one product deliverable projected to be supplied by the SAFIRE system is to be this stabilization of unstable radioactive isotopes at a distance.

    Stabilization of unstable radioactive isotopes at a distance can only occur if LENR is producing electroweak force zero mass carrying bosons as its magnetic force carrier.

    Edited once, last by axil: typo corrections ().

  • It is incredible how people read something on Wikipedia, and it suddenly becomes the most important topic in the universe, and is automatically tied to the EVO, of course. Latest fascination: the magical "Electroweak Force" which only existed unified at over 10^15 degrees K, yet somehow exists in everyday EVO's. Is the electroweak force more important than the Higgs field? Does it generate "hexagonal fields"? Does electroweak force generate chiral polaritons which was a previous most important topic?

    I wish theorists here would start updating Wikipedia with all the profound theories proposed here. I looked up Pine's Demon entry on Wikipedia only to find it never once mentions massless electrons or the fundamental tie to the existence of the universe as we know it.

  • I wish theorists here would start updating Wikipedia with all the profound theories proposed here. I looked up Pine's Demon entry on Wikipedia only to find it never once mentions massless electrons or the fundamental tie to the existence of the universe as we know it.

    Sorry, Our theories are simply censored on Wikipedia, because "Fill in Reason".

  • It is incredible how people read something on Wikipedia, and it suddenly becomes the most important topic in the universe, and is automatically tied to the EVO, of course. Latest fascination: the magical "Electroweak Force" which only existed unified at over 10^15 degrees K, yet somehow exists in everyday EVO's. Is the electroweak force more important than the Higgs field? Does it generate "hexagonal fields"? Does electroweak force generate chiral polaritons which was a previous most important topic?

    I wish theorists here would start updating Wikipedia with all the profound theories proposed here. I looked up Pine's Demon entry on Wikipedia only to find it never once mentions massless electrons or the fundamental tie to the existence of the universe as we know it.

    I provided four references for the subject of this thread. It looks like you only read one of them. That's OK because I included the WIKI reference for you.

  • I would still like somebody to prove the existence of W and Z bosons - with a lifetime of (from memory) 10-25 seconds they have never been directly detected, but are assumed to exist from disintegration tracks - or possibly not. Which is a bit like assuming that the bird-crap on the roof of your car is from a Dodo.

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