Fm1 Member
  • Member since Mar 28th 2016
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Posts by Fm1

    THh, fact, the press conference in question had ended and as Trump turned to ask his now infamous question as he was leaving. A Canadian tv crew used a live mic walking along as the president was leaving and then the next day headlines across the world Trump trumping for bleach injection. How can you not see this?

    You claim to only post honest posts. Instead of saying videos are to long and boring I suggest you spend a little time confirmin your honest posts. As you have said many times, FACT CHECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By the way jed, the. United States is not a democracy it is a republic with only regional rep. I can't vote old nancy out. So no medical training, no economic training and not into history. I once thought you well rounded. Foolish of me

    my wife's, mother died 4 weeks ago, alone in a nursing home. Don't you ever lecture me or anyone else about the suffering during the pandemic. I went back to work 7 years after I retired to make ventilators, something I now have to live with thinking I was on a noble mission to save lives. Now we know roughly 80% on ventilators are going to wife also is receiving radiation treatments for paget disease. Just another disease that could be brought on by a vitamin D deficenccy, hence my mission to inform on what doctors sure aren't. I believe I have a much better understanding of the suffering. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    That was a different situation. We are now spending massive amounts, the way we did in WWII. For that, I think we need to collect extra taxes for a few years to avoid inflation.

    Just charge rich people more. We rich people can easily afford to more taxes.

    I worked hard all my life and saved I payed my taxes. Now you suggest I pay more to support a government that you claim has failed in every instance of the pandemic.. I worked and save to give MY family a better life not subsidize a corrupt congress

    Greed simple as that. Taking advantage of desperate people . Thank the media

    It seems I haven't been clear in my vitamin D posts. Although I have read in a few publications and only once on the national TV news that some positive results concerning Vitamin D treatment for covid, I'm posting information on vitamn D as a preventive treatment for viral infection. The holy grail for medicine is immortality. The human body is designed with everything you need to fight off any virus no matter how infectious. Through proper diet, a balanced body pH. The sun provides the vitamins not produced by the body. The sun has a cycle. A minimum and a maximum. During the last maximum nasa found in the last 3 years that the sun was producing less and less sunspots. Nasa also confirmed we entered a solar minimum in 2019. Flu season arrives Evey year from October to April in the northern hemisphere. Less sun more people D deficant. A study I posted earlier pointed out that the pandemics of the 20th century fell during or within 5 months of a solar minimum. I follow the dots, I admit I may be wrong but observational evidence points to the absolute value of vitamin D. People claiming little evidence for the effects of vitamn D are only looking at inconclusive study's that show a positive effect but claim it's limited. Down the road when some expert finally puts this all together, vitamin D will be hailed as the most essential vitamin in the body. At least I hope!!!! Other wise THH I'd be the shit starter.

    There is no outrage because these are not infectious diseases that might have been prevented or greatly reduced. Medical science and public health measures cannot greatly reduce cancer, whereas they can reduce COVID-19.

    Other countries have roughly similar per capita levels of liver disease, cancer and these other diseases. COVID-19 infected every country, but some countries such as Japan, Korea and Greece responded with effective public health measures. They kept the number patients and total deaths between 10 and 100 times lower than the U.S. That is why there is outrage about COVID-19 but not these other diseases.

    There should be some degree of outrage -- or at least, concern -- about diabetes in the U.S. because much of it is caused by obesity, and obesity can reduced with better food choices, diets and exercise. It is partly the fault of the food industry. But mostly the fault of individual patients, in my opinion. People bring it on themselves, just as they give themselves cancer by smoking. People also bring COVID-19 on themselves by not wearing masks or going to crowded bars. To a very limited extent, some patients are to blame for taking risks. Mainly, the high infection rate and the high death rate in the U.S. is the fault of the Federal government and state governments in places like Georgia. Nations and U.S. states that responded correctly have much lower rates of disease and mortality.

    Jed you miss the point Proper levels of vitamin D in all these disease could very well lead to much lower overall cases. Again obesity is connected to vitamn D deficenccy. I asked you in confidence to look into this and you begged out saying your not in schooled in medicine. That sir is nothing more than a copout. I've lost some respect for you. By the way vitamn D is essential to good metabolism. Google it and educate yourself

    Nothing but facts all available on google, at least for now

    Heart diisease- 655,000 deaths per year in the united states alone

    Diabetes- 79,000 deaths per year in the U.S alone

    Cancer- 606,520 deaths per year in the US alone

    Kidney disease 50,633 deaths per year in the US alone along with over 500,000 on daily dialysis

    Liver disease- over 2 million deaths per year worldwide

    Lung disease- over 3 million deaths per year worldwide

    All facts!!! Where is the outrage???

    Another fact that some here won't like, All have a direct affect from vitamin D deficenccy. GOD HELP US, cause science sure the hell isn't!!!

    Bravo Bob#2 thank you for putting into words my thoughts. You sir are now hero #3 behind Dr.Richard and his research on hydroxychloroquine and Shane asking is he cure worse than the disease. Covid 19 effects every major organ in the body. Just Google any organ and vitamin D . You will find that all are associated with vitamin D deficenccy. As for no rtc and the people that demand, ask why they are already taking vitamin D. A bit hypocritical challenging every post I've made on vitamin D

    Wyttenbach, here in Florida vitamn D therapy is being used for wet macular. Advent health will soon begin trial as results so far have been positive.

    THH you fail to review all the reports I post and pick and choose taking points n the study's rather than looking at all the overall conclusions. I know this is just a game you play, it always is. Never satisfied, refusing to ever commit to anything positive always wanting more. In my world you'd be known as a shit starter. A couple of personal questions did you have a failed professional life and do you have any friends? Wait forget it . I DONT CARE!!!!

    A study concluding vitamn D deficenccy and upper respiratory illness and it's relationship to covid 19

    The evidence keeps building that the easiest and cheapest way out of this is as simple as supplementing vitamin D. The more I look into this the more it looks like vitamn D deficenccy and the effects on immune system has been overlooked by the medical community for many years…1371/journal.pone.0239252

    The only one saying this is the worst pandemic in 100 years are you and the media. This pandemic looks more and more like 57 and the way dr fucci said Trump did just as his medical experts told him.